[NFBF-Melbourne] FW: 2022 Call for Resolutions
Camille Tate
ctate2076 at att.net
Fri Jun 24 16:49:13 UTC 2022
For your information.
Camille Tate
2nd Vice President, National Federation of the Blind of Florida
President, Melbourne Space Coast Chapter, National Federation of the Blind
of Florida
Phone: 321 372 4899
From: Camille Tate <ctate2076 at att.net>
Sent: Friday, June 24, 2022 12:47 PM
To: 'NFB of Florida List for Leaders' <nfbf-leaders at nfbnet.org>; 'NFB of
Florida Internet Mailing List' <nfbf-l at nfbnet.org>
Cc: 'Camille Tate' <ctate2076 at att.net>
Subject: FW: 2022 Call for Resolutions
Greetings Federationists:
The National Federation of the Blind of Florida is sending out a call for
Resolutions to be heard at our 2022 State Convention. Do you have any
questions about what a resolution is?
What is a resolution? A resolution is a policy statement of the National
Federation of the Blind of Florida and/or the National Federation of the
What is the resolution process? Any member may write a resolution and submit
it to the Resolutions Committee. The committee may edit or format a
resolution into the proper resolution format. At State Convention, each
resolution will be presented to the membership and defended by the
presenter. The committee will then decide if the resolution will pass to the
floor of the convention so the members may vote on adoption. At that time,
members will be allowed to speak on the floor either in support or
objection. Please note: Time may be limited. It is at the discretion of the
affiliate president how much discussion time is available. If the resolution
passes by membership vote on the floor, it now becomes a policy statement of
the National Federation of the Blind of Florida. At times, we may receive a
resolution from our National Office, which if passes, becomes a policy
statement of the National Federation of the Blind of Florida.
How may I participate in the resolutions process? Any member may write a
resolution for consideration by the Resolutions Committee. The deadline to
submit a resolution is Friday, September 2, 2022. Submissions to the
committee after this date will not be accepted. If you have a resolution or
an idea for one, please submit to:
Resolutions at NFBFlorida.org <mailto:Resolutions at NFBFlorida.org>
If you are not sure how to write a resolution, have an idea for a resolution
or want additional information, submit to the above email address. The
committee will help you to write a resolution.
Do I have to be present at State Convention for Resolutions? Yes. If you
have authored a resolution, you must be present at the Resolutions Committee
meeting, which is open to convention attendees, at its scheduled time. You
defend your resolution to the committee. If you are not able to be present,
then you must have another member present your resolution to the membership
at the open committee meeting.
Where can I find more information? Visit nfbflorida.org/resolutions.html to
view resolutions that have passed the convention and to see information
about how a resolution is written. You may also email
Resolutions at NFBFlorida.org <mailto:Resolutions at NFBFlorida.org> for further
Camille Tate
Camille Tate
2nd Vice President, National Federation of the Blind of Florida
President, Melbourne Space Coast Chapter, National Federation of the Blind
of Florida
Phone: 321 372 4899
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