maria rigogliosi
mer1016 at yahoo.com
Wed Apr 12 16:31:11 UTC 2023
Got it.
Sent from Yahoo Mail for iPhone
On Wednesday, April 12, 2023, 8:21 AM, Dr. Joyce Taylor via NFBF-Melbourne <nfbf-melbourne at nfbnet.org> wrote:
<!--#yiv9364016848 filtered {}#yiv9364016848 filtered {}#yiv9364016848 p.yiv9364016848MsoNormal, #yiv9364016848 li.yiv9364016848MsoNormal, #yiv9364016848 div.yiv9364016848MsoNormal {margin:0in;font-size:11.0pt;font-family:"Calibri", sans-serif;}#yiv9364016848 p.yiv9364016848msonormal, #yiv9364016848 li.yiv9364016848msonormal, #yiv9364016848 div.yiv9364016848msonormal {margin-right:0in;margin-left:0in;font-size:11.0pt;font-family:"Calibri", sans-serif;}#yiv9364016848 span.yiv9364016848EmailStyle20 {font-family:"Calibri", sans-serif;color:windowtext;}#yiv9364016848 .yiv9364016848MsoChpDefault {font-size:10.0pt;}#yiv9364016848 filtered {}#yiv9364016848 div.yiv9364016848WordSection1 {}-->
From: Dr. Joyce Taylor <dr.joycetaylor56 at gmail.com>
Sent: Sunday, April 9, 2023 10:05 AM
Cc: 'Camille Tate' <ctate2076 at att.net>; dr.joycetaylor56 at gmail.com
Call to Order:
The NFBF, MSCC MEETING WAS CALLED TO ORDER AT 10:07 A.M. It was held via Zoom.
Roll Call: Camille Tate, Pres., Joyce Taylor, VP, Board Members: Maria Rigogliosi, and Morgan Hazlet. There was enough to conduct quorum.
Pledge of Allegiance was recited by Fran Munno.
NFBF PLEDGE was done by Joyce Taylor.
NFBF ONE MINUTE PLEDGE was done by Camille Tate. This is what we call our elevator speech. za
At this time Camille acknowledged our visitor, Lisa Reynolds.
She introduced herself to the Chapter.
Camille then explained the NFBF policies and
how we raise the expectations of the blind,
and asked if there were any questions?
INVOCATIONAL prayer done by Joyce Taylor.
Remember, all faiths are welcome to do Invocational prayer.
Just let Camille know ahead of time.
We are religiously, politically AND TECHNOLOGY KNEUTRAL.
Lisa will get to speak after we proceed with our Agenda.
Agenda for Board Meeting
Secretary’s Report:
Maria Rigoglliosi made a Motion that we accept the February Chapter Minutes as e-mailed.
The Motion was seconded by Fran Munno.
There was a unanimous vote of I’S
, and the February Minutes were archived on March 11th.
Camille is still seeking a Secretary and Treasurer.
Treasurer’s Report: Camille tabled the Treasurer’s report until our next meeting in April.
She is still seeking a Secretary and Treasurer.
At this time, Javier Molinares joined the meeting.
Nancy suggested that we vote on tabling the Treasurer’s report.
Joyce made a Motion that we table the report until April and Nancy Hollo seconded the Motion.
The vote was unanimously Yes.
Camille will do February and March’s report in April.
President’s REPORT:
New Business
Camille has been working a great deal on the upcoming Conventions.
Spoke with Joyce and will be doing an
Outreach event at the Space Coast Harley Davidson Center
in Palm Bay on Sat., April 29 as a Chapter.
Joyce will discuss later on in the Agenda.
I am also working on a Disability Awareness event in
October. I am working with another Chapter President who
has done this type of event before.
I Would like to make it Hybrid,
bringing together our disabled community
within our County.
I have heard many stories about
how unfriendly Brevard County is to disabled people;
however, I found friendly and nice people
who are willing to lend a helping hand.
What they meant by disability unfriendly is
things like job searching;
and I looked at the Human Resource website,
and every single job listed required
two working eyes and a driver’s license.
There are also some things regarding transportation
that I wish would change because
we are on the lower end of the spectrum.
Therefore, our County may seem disability unfriendly because
even though they do the best they can
with the resources available,
I would still like to change that perception,
and we will need all members to attend with
white canes to show there is a large presence
of blind people in our County that
desire positive change.
Any questions?
Maria asked for a date for White Cane Awareness Day ?
Camille answered that it is always October 15th.
That happens to fall on a Sun., so
we’ll target the week of October 8th
(as close to the 15th as possible).
Next, Marilyn Womble says Good Bye to the Chapter
and sends her love. She moved to Iowa with family.
Now, we will hear from our Visitor,
Lisa Reynolds who I met when I spoke at BAAB.
Hopefully she will come in April in person and possibly join.
WELCOME and feel free to ask questions AT THE END OF THE Agenda.
PLEASE NOTE: We are not just a social organization.
we actually have a Constitution,
and there is a business aspect or structure,
so we do a combination of both,
and we are now moving back to in-person meetings
where Denise Woodard usually brings food for everyone to break bread together
where we also talk about movies, parties, etc.
Chapter Banking Changes: .
We now have an option
if we want to be under the Affiliate’s Master sub-
with our funds or not.
Bank of America is charging $16 a month
if you do not have $5,000 balance or
more or spend $250 monthly.
The Board spoke about this on Monday and
unanimously decided that we want to leave our account as is
at TD Bank. Does the Chapter want to leave as is or move to Bank of America ‘s account under the Affiliate sub account?
Maria, Nancy and Joyce voiced to remained with TD Bank,
Camille stated that we will stay where we are unless
Bank of America decides not to charge $16 –
if and when that happens, we will have to move.
However, we must still submit any large checks to the Affiliate for clearance
and use their 501C3 tax exempt status
So, business is as usual.
Updates on November Gala:
Camille discussed our previous ideas regarding
our initial Gala and fashion show which
the Contract was $15,000,
entirely too much at the Crown Plaza,
so we cancelled.
We are now planning a smaller Gala
in November 2023 at the
Red Ginger. We are asking the Chapter
how many people do you think we should tell the Red Ginger that we anticipate coming
and what date?
The Board selected Nov. 18th.
Javier stated that he also has a meeting next week with the Hilton
which is less expensive than the Crown.
The Red Ginger will possibly be some where around $5,000 to $7,000.
I THINK WE should start with less than 150 GUEST
AT THE Gala.
This will be the first Gala used as a test to establish the following years.
We need a approx. number of guest to determine
how large of a room we need.
Maria asked if this Gala will be combined with another organization?
Javier stated that that is his question?
Are we going to have the Gala with the Brevard Hispanic Center or just the NFB?
Maria stated her opinion is that we should
have it in conjunction with the BHC.
Camille also thought that together would bring a larger crowd.
Also, keep in mind that when you go to the Hilton,
it is going to be similar with a Contract and DEPOSIT
, and I would like to be present when talking about any Contracts.
Javier will talk with them first to see if Nov. 18th is available,
and then we can have a formal meeting when Camille returns.
My BHC Gala is Oct. 7th,
and we will have the combined Gala on Nov. 18, 2023.
Camille suggested that approx.. 80 to 100 guests might be a good number.
Javier reminded us that the BHC Festival is Oct. 14th ,
and the Gala on Oct 7th
– The NFB Convention is Oct. 6, 7 and 8.
Maybe we can change our dates next year
so we can attend the BHC Gala
Camille mentioned that she will reach out again to the RIALTO for 2024 State Convention.
Maria asked about the Melbourne Beach Hotel?
Camille stated the issue with beachside will be transportation.
Maria said that it would be lucrative to meet with SCAT to
arrange For a contract bus for that weekend.
Camille stated that two buses would have to be taken.
A discussion was helde regarding SKAT designating a para transit bus for the weekend of the Convention from the airport or greyhound to the hotel like Palm Tran in West Palm. Ccamille will check Melbourne Beach’s rates aand whether they can accommodate 150 blind people and their families. Holiday Inn could not accomodate our size andMelby
’s rates were too high. Camille will return on March 22nd thru June 8th.
Javier mentioned that the Hilton in Cocoa has a nice room also. He will check it out.
NEXT, Purchase of a paper Bus Pass for Chapter Meetings:
Camille asked the Chapter to authorize a 10-trip bus pass.
Maria has requested a bus pass being purchased
by the Chapter since some members have
had to use her pass numerous times due to
no change or no fare.
No one’s personal pass or monies should be used at any time.
Does the Chapter approve of a paper bus pass for Maria
to have with her to be used if anyone is
in need of assistance for meetings or Chapter business .
Maria will keep a list of names.
Morgan made a Motion that we purchase the $15 paper buss pass
to be held by Maria, and Joyce seconded.
The vote was unanimous. Maria was requested to forward her new address to Camille to forward pass.
State Convention and Chapter Convention Planning:
The State Convention will be held Oct. 6, 7 and 8 at
the Embassy Suites in Tampa, Fl.
The Hotel has been renovated and
breakfast is free from 6:30 aam to 9 am
– General session starts at 9 am.
Room rate is $115 plus tax and
can sleep up to five,
same sex please unless married or family.
Camille spoke about the one assigned room for Each Chapter.
Our room is taken because I need a alternate delegate and
Joyce is that person.
Camille explained how it all works.
If we fund raise well,
we can have a second room assigned.
It has not been decided yet what the Affiliate will cover;
usually $25 Registration and
(?) Banquet are covered ;
we have not discussed with caterers yet so no price for Banquet.
There is approx. $3,000 so we must fund raise.
We do give stipends on a case- by-case need,
and you must contact me personally.
Last year, we paid for Morgan’s room as a first timer.
It should not cost us anything to Co-Host,
so if wee fund raise well, we should be good to go.
Our goal is to get as many members to the Convention as possible.
aWe will probably cover Regisstration and Banquet as we have been doing
and if possible, stipends as well.
Camille will be appointing a Convention Planning Committee in our Chapter.
Camille will Chair and need to know
who and when will we meet to prepare
– possible writing letters, making phone calls, donations, etc.
AVAILABLE DAYS: first Tuesdays, first Sundays before 8 pm,
second wed., second Thurs., second Sun. before 8 pm
and third Mondays.
Decision was made to meet Wed. at 8 pm via zoom.
World’s Finest Chocolate :
Camille looked at Amazon and there are options;
but not as many as WFC; however,
if we buy more than 8 cases,
then it would be better to use WFC.
With Amazon you get 60 bar box for $45 per case.
It is assorted ; they also have a 10 bar box
for approx. $25 with caramel which would not b cost effective.
The most beneficial would be the 60 bars for $45 at $1 EACH,
Camille did reach out to the account executive of wfc
and has not heard back from them as of yet.
We will need to make a decision.
We usually make a 40% profit on WFC
. NOTE: WFC comes with a one-year guarantee.
Morgan feels we should do the 8 boxes –
Maria reminded us that there is no soliciting at her job and her neighborhood;
so she is letting us know in advance that she will not be taking any.
Joyce stated that she can surely sell at BAAB and Church.
These boxes will be delivered by next Chapter meeting.
Remember, WFC has a 8 box minimum.
If ee order more than 8 boxes,
then WFC will be the most cost effective.
Amazon’s profit is less than 40 percent,
and I can live with that if we do not buy 8 boxes.
So, how many want to participate and how many boxes?
Some members stated they will take two boxes of the 60 bar box:
Morgan, Nancy, Joyce, Javier and Camille;
Lisa Reynolds and Fran Munno will take one box.
Morgan made a Motion that we use WFC to get the better profit
and Joyce seconded the Motion.
There was a unanimous vote of Yes.
The next meeting in April will be in person.
Transportation will be provided.
Outreach EVENT:
Joyce discussed the Space Coast Harley Davidson Outreach event
on April 29th given by Helping Hands.
Camille informed Chapter that this is an Outreach event, not Chapter event.
How many are interested in going because Maria has to get a bus.
The Board will be going and using Goldii’s (Che’s ) tent
to distribute our literature;
Javier will assist with tables and chairs,
Maria. Morgan and Joyce will bring goodies to pass out.
There will be food trucks, bouncing houses, face painting and ice cream for kids,
plenty of resources, etc.
There will be tables and benches for guests.
A Motion was made by Maria that we donate
$50 to Helping Hands, and Morgan seconded that Motion
. All in favor said “I”. No opposed.
Maria asked who was interested in attending the free Movies
with Deb Martin at the Library now in Eau Gallie,
not Cocoa.
She not only provides popcorn and drink, but
is wonderful to us and provides bag lunches to go;
please suggest titles of audio descriptive movies.
Five people for Thursday for the Movies was counted beginning with once a month.
Shore Lanes in Palm Bay Bowling with Jackie Yearby.
Tues. OR THURS. seemed to be the best days for the majority.
The price for bowling is $5 for bowling and shoes.
Morgan. Fran, Joyce, Lisa and Brenda Williams, if possible will attend.
Also, Camille and Maria will attend if possible.
Confirm count at next meeting.
Maria will schedule transportation for both events at
$1.50 each way.
Please call her at 321.795.7376 if transportation is needed.
Camille gave dates she will be out of town
pleasure trip: May 15 thru 22.
NFBF Business: Orlando in June, and again in July for National in Texas.
FYI, Rockledge and Tithesville are the only Greyhound stops for Melbourne.
Also, Fraan alerted us to be careful with counterfeit $50 bills.
A Motion was made by Joyce and seconded by Maria to adjourn meeting at 12:08 p.m.
The next Chapter meeting will be held on Sat. April 8, 2023.
Submitted by Dr. Joyce Taylor, VP, NFBF, MSCC
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