Dr. Joyce Taylor dr.joycetaylor56 at gmail.com
Sun Mar 5 11:40:59 UTC 2023



The February 11, 2023 Chapter meeting was Call to Order at 10:20 AM.


Roll Call:  Camille Tate, President/Treasurer, Joyce Taylor, Vice
President/Secretary , Board Members:  Maria Rigogliosi, Javier Molinares,
Morgan Hazlett.




NFBF PLEDGE:  Camille Tate




Secretary's Report:  The January Board Minutes were accepted as e-mailed.  A
Motion was made by Maria Rigogliosi and Javier Molinares seconded. 


Treasurer's Report:  Camille read the Treasurers Report and the amount in
the account is $2,810.95.  Joyce Taylor made a Motion to accept the report
and Fran Munno seconded.  


President's Report:


New Business: New person, Hattie Fredricks,from Viera attended meeting
introduced herself to the group.  She was glad to be here and shared that
she loves people.


Camille expounded on who or what the NFBF is.


washinton seminars:  It was held on Jan. 28th thru Feb. 3, 2023  IT WAS
IN-PERSON AND OUR PRESIDENT, Camille, was in attendance.  IT TOOK PLACE ON
Capital Hill.  It was well attended and the mission was accomplished.  It
was a very successful seminar with a fantastic team.  100 percent of
appointments were scheduled.

  A virtual seminar will be held possibly in August 2023.  Camille discussed
some of the tentative results.  


STATE CONVENTION:  MSCC        will Co-host 2023's  State Convention in
October 2023.  It will be at the Embassy Suites.  Camille is the Chair and
Peggy will be her right arm.  An Affiliate Committee and Chapter Committees
will be formed and there will be open and closed meetings that must be
attended by committee members.  They will be held via Zoom.  Tampa will be
the Host and MSCC and Statewide Chapters will Co-Host.  To be further
discussed at the Chapter meeting on Sat., February 11th.


Finding a New Treasurer:  Nancy Hollo officially resigned as Treasurer and
Secretary of the MSCC December 2022.  Camille Tate is acting as Interim
Treasurer and further discussion regarding the MSCC Banking Account being
monitored by the Affiliate - not allowing more than approx. $1,500  to be in
the account without supervision  was discussed.    This will be further
discussed at the Chapter meeting on March 11, 2023.  WE are seeking a
Treasurer and Secretary for our Chapter.


Possible Events for the Calendar Year or Beyond: Camille discussed holding a
Disability Fair which will include a Panel of multiple Organizations to talk
about all disabilities.

Also, selling World's Finest Chocolates as a fund raiser again.  Amazon has
the same candy much cheaper.  We will check out as an option.  We must fund


.  Also, possible Blind Equality Month in October 2023 or a Possible Vision
Fair is being looked into.   The Gala which has been rescheduled for the Red
Ginger in the Melbourne Square in November 2023.  Javier Molinares will
contact them and report back to Chapter.  The Brevard Hispanic Festival and
Puerto Rican Parade will be combined.  Javier will be involved in both.  



$1,500 contract with Crown Plaza was too much.  Errin Tabor, Sales Manager
of Crown Plaza was notified of cancellation.


At this time, the Satellite Beach Lyons Club is the only one donating

  Discussed more fund raising is needed.  Also, grant writing.  Discussed
re-visiting attempted fund raisers.


Also, a discussion about selling 50/50 raffle tickets at Chapter meeting
Will bring to iMarch meeting.


National Convention:  To be held on July 2023 in Houston, TX.  Camille,
Javier and Joyce are planning to attend.


A motion was made and second to adjourn imeeting at 12 Noon.  (Unfortunately
recording stopped so I COULD NOT Hear names  or exact time of adjournment).


Next meeting scheduled for Sat., March 11, 2023 at 10:00 am


Submitted by:  Dr. Joyce Taylor, VP,MSCC





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