[NFBF-Melbourne] FW: Women’s Equality Day , Diversity Committee August 26, 2024 NFBF

Dr. Joyce Taylor dr.joycetaylor56 at gmail.com
Sun Aug 25 12:41:45 UTC 2024



From: MARILYN BALDWIN <commmdb at aol.com> 
Sent: Sunday, August 25, 2024 12:18 AM
To: yankiecat at gmail.com; Kathy Davis <kdavisnfbf at cfl.rr.com>; Dr. Joyce Taylor <Dr.joycetaylor56 at gmail.com>; Tish Kooper <tkoop35 at gmail.com>; Peggy Fleischer <peggy.lynn.fleischer at gmail.com>; Charlotte Campbell <charmondv11 at gmail.com>; ALISON BATTIS <alieorange at yahoo.com>; Judith Hamilton <hamilton.j.r.2309 at gmail.com>; Denise Valkema <President at nfbflorida.org>; Sylvia Young <treasurer at nfbflorida.org>; Karolyn Campbell <karolyncampbell20 at gmail.com>; John L Williams <jwjwlliiams775 at gmail.com>; Shawneequa Brown <shawneequabrown at gmail.com>; Kenia Flores <kflores at keniaflores.com>; Carolyn Peters <dr.carolyn.peters at gmail.com>; Jada Christie <emeraldpink15 at gmail.com>; Terry Suarez <terrysuarez0208 at gmail.com>; Melissa Loucks <MelissaLoucks59 at gmail.com>; lorna <lcg7266 at gmail.com>; Miranda Kilby <mbkilby at gmail.com>; Shanti Aaron <shantiaaron at comcast.net>; Thelma C. Murray <TMurray713 at yahoo.com>; ladygiggy at comcast.net
Cc: Virginia Meany <vmeany1025 at gmail.com>; MARILYN BALDWIN <commmdb at aol.com>
Subject: Women’s Equality Day , Diversity Committee August 26, 2024 NFBF 


Please see the information below regarding Women's Equality Day by a colleague of mine from the League of Women Voters of Orange County. Virginia Meany the author of this article, and I Co Chair the DEIA Committee in Orange County, Fl. Virginia and I also serve, on the State League DEI Task Force 


Marilyn Baldwin 


DEI Committee 







The LWVFL DEI Committee would like to recognize Women's Equality Day which is celebrated every year on August 26. On this day, we honor the women, including Betty Friedan and the National Organization of Women, who organized the 1970 Strike for Equality. Fifty years after many (but by no means all) women were granted the right to vote by the Women's Suffrage Amendment, women recognized that they were far from achieving equality in the US. Women, as they have since the earliest days of our history, decided to take action. And take action they did.


Women across the political spectrum joined together to demand equal opportunity in employment and education as well as 24 hour child care centers. This was the largest protest for gender equality in U.S. history. There were demonstrations and marches throughout the country including 50,000 who marched in New York City.


We applaud these courageous and committed women and their willingness to garner attention through  bold action. Women took over the Statue of Liberty and draped banners from the crown reading "Women of the World Unite". Women interrupted  \the ticker tape of the New York Stock Exchange while holding signs that read, "We won't take any more bull!" . 


In 1971, Representative Bella Abzug introduced a successful bill designating August 26 of each year as Women's Equality Day. Part of the bill reads, "Women's Equality Day is a symbol of women's continued fight for equal rights and that the US commends and supports them".


To learn more about the President's commitment to Women's Equality, you may read the  2024 Presidential Proclamation by following this link:https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/presidential-actions/2024/08/23/a-proclamation-on-womens-equality-day-2024/















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