[NFBF-Melbourne] FW: On This Day: July 28, 1916

Dr. Joyce Taylor dr.joycetaylor56 at gmail.com
Sun Jul 28 22:30:53 UTC 2024



From: Dr. Joyce Taylor <dr.joycetaylor56 at gmail.com> 
Sent: Sunday, July 28, 2024 6:27 PM
To: dr.joycetaylor56 at gmail.com
Subject: FW: On This Day: July 28, 1916




From: MARILYN BALDWIN <commmdb at aol.com <mailto:commmdb at aol.com> > 
Sent: Sunday, July 28, 2024 12:05 PM
To: Allym62 at gmail.com <mailto:Allym62 at gmail.com> ; mwrightlcsw <mwrightlcsw at gmail.com <mailto:mwrightlcsw at gmail.com> >; Stacey <enhancedvibes at gmail.com <mailto:enhancedvibes at gmail.com> >; W <barbara.lwvoc at gmail.com <mailto:barbara.lwvoc at gmail.com> >; Virginia Whittington <vlwhittington at metroplanorlando.org <mailto:vlwhittington at metroplanorlando.org> >; Virginia Meany <vmeany1025 at gmail.com <mailto:vmeany1025 at gmail.com> >; Gina Hall <ginahall24 at gmail.com <mailto:ginahall24 at gmail.com> >; Gloria Pickar <gloria.pickar at gmail.com <mailto:gloria.pickar at gmail.com> >; Jane Hursh <janehhursh at gmail.com <mailto:janehhursh at gmail.com> >; Jill Heroux <jheroux at gmail.com <mailto:jheroux at gmail.com> >; Jill Lewis-Spector <jill at lwvfl.org <mailto:jill at lwvfl.org> >; Joan Erwin <joanerwin13 at gmail.com <mailto:joanerwin13 at gmail.com> >; Karen Estrin <estrin.kew at gmail.com <mailto:estrin.kew at gmail.com> >; Kathy Acevedo <kathy.acevedo at dbs.fldoe.org <mailto:kathy.acevedo at dbs.fldoe.org> >; Kathy Schmitz <kathyonthejourney at gmail.com <mailto:kathyonthejourney at gmail.com> >; Kathy Sheerin <kathysheerin.lwvoc at yahoo.com <mailto:kathysheerin.lwvoc at yahoo.com> >; Kay Hudson <lwvkay at gmail.com <mailto:lwvkay at gmail.com> >; Mitchell Sullen <mitchellsullen at yahoo.com <mailto:mitchellsullen at yahoo.com> >; Patricia Grierson <lwvpat.grierson at gmail.com <mailto:lwvpat.grierson at gmail.com> >; Paul Heroux <xuorehp at gmail.com <mailto:xuorehp at gmail.com> >; SAUDI ELLIS <saudikme at gmail.com <mailto:saudikme at gmail.com> >; Sandy Cawthern <sandycawthern at gmail.com <mailto:sandycawthern at gmail.com> >; Zain Remy <Zain.remy at gmail.com <mailto:Zain.remy at gmail.com> >; Susan Spragg <ggarpss at yahoo.com <mailto:ggarpss at yahoo.com> >; Brenda Alston <balston2009 at gmail.com <mailto:balston2009 at gmail.com> >; Cassandra McAdams <sekouzain at gmail.com <mailto:sekouzain at gmail.com> >; CAROL WONSAVAGE <wonsavagec at bellsouth.net <mailto:wonsavagec at bellsouth.net> >; Alicia Homrich <ahomrich at rollins.edu <mailto:ahomrich at rollins.edu> >; Audrey Grayson <agrayson2 at outlook.com <mailto:agrayson2 at outlook.com> >; Dr. Idelia Phillips <drphilconsulting at gmail.com <mailto:drphilconsulting at gmail.com> >; Kathy Davis <kdavisnfbf at cfl.rr.com <mailto:kdavisnfbf at cfl.rr.com> >; MARILYN BALDWIN <commmdb at aol.com <mailto:commmdb at aol.com> >; CFLNFB 2021 <cflnfb2021 at gmail.com <mailto:cflnfb2021 at gmail.com> >; Dr. Joyce Taylor <Dr.joycetaylor56 at gmail.com <mailto:Dr.joycetaylor56 at gmail.com> >
Subject: Fwd: On This Day: July 28, 1916



Virginia and Marilyn 

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From: A History of Racial Injustice <maya at eji.org <mailto:maya at eji.org> >
Date: July 28, 2024 at 9:29:35 AM EDT
To: Marilyn Baldwin <commmdb at aol.com <mailto:commmdb at aol.com> >
Subject: On This Day: July 28, 1916
Reply-To: A History of Racial Injustice <maya at eji.org <mailto:maya at eji.org> >





On this day
July 28, 1916


Louisville Police Arrest Three Black People for Being in Interracial Relationships









On July 28, 1916, the chief of police in Louisville, Kentucky, announced the arrest of at least three people for interracial relations, or miscegenation. He also announced plans to open an investigation into the practice, which would “spare no effort” to prevent people from forming or maintaining interracial romantic relationships in Louisville. 

Earlier that day, Louisville police made at least three arrests involving allegations of interracial romance. Authorities first arrested Harry Jenkins, a 34-year-old Black man, and Alice Shumaker, a 30-year-old woman who self-identified as Black but whom police believed to be white. Louisville law enforcement jailed both Mr. Jenkins and Ms. Shumaker on disorderly conduct charges, though they stood accused of little more than being found under the same roof together at the same time. Unwilling to accept Ms. Shumaker’s own racial self-identification, the local jailor forced her to submit to a blood test “to determine whether or not” she was Black.

The same white Louisville officers who arrested Mr. Jenkins and Ms. Shumaker also detained George Eaton, a 16-year-old Black boy. After subjecting George to a search, the officers found photographs of three teenaged white girls in his pocket. George claimed that the white girls had given him these photographs and refused to identify them. The officers arrested George, while the chief of police directed other high-ranking officials in his department to “make a round of photo galleries” in the city of Louisville to uncover the white girls’ identities. 

Kentucky criminalized interracial marriages from the year it was admitted into the Union in 1792. At the time that Mr. Jenkins, Ms. Shumaker, and George were arrested, state law made it illegal for a Black person—defined by the Kentucky Supreme Court as a person with “one–fourth part or more of Negro blood”—to marry or live with a white person. Those found in violation of the law faced a fine of up to $5,000 and up to a year in jail. Black people charged with miscegenation faced dehumanizing treatment by law enforcement, and investigations and court proceedings were often humiliating and intrusive. Despite the fact that the Supreme Court invalidated all laws criminalizing interracial marriage in 1967, Kentucky did not repeal its anti-miscegenation statute until 1974.

During the Jim Crow era, one of the racial boundaries white people protected most fiercely was the prohibition on romantic contact between Black men and white women. Fear of intimate contact between Black men and white women was fueled by the pervasive myth that Black men were violent, sexually aggressive, and always in pursuit of white womanhood. In Kentucky and other states, these fears led to the aggressive enforcement of anti-miscegenation laws, the degradation of interracial couples, and the destruction of multiracial families. To learn more about anti-miscegenation laws and other policies enacted to maintain white supremacy, read EJI’s report,  <https://eji.us20.list-manage.com/track/click?u=5302a55650ba8ed477e3a2953&id=6838db6600&e=db138ebdaa> Segregation in America.


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