<html><head></head><body><div class="ydpb646d353yahoo-style-wrap" style="font-family:Helvetica Neue, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;font-size:16px;"><div><div dir="ltr" data-setdir="false"><div><div dir="ltr" data-setdir="false">Hello everyone,</div><div dir="ltr" data-setdir="false"><br></div><div dir="ltr" data-setdir="false">The minutes from the September 10 chapter meeting are attached below in two file formats, word processor and pdf. To try to make minutes more accessible I've included just the new business that we discussed and or voted on right here in the body of the email. The full minutes are in the attached files. </div><ul>
<li><p style="margin-bottom: 0in; font-weight: normal"><font size="4"><b><span style="background: transparent">Late
Registration for the Convention (CT)</span></b><span style="background: transparent">
Registration now costs $30 and the banquet $55. Members who
register late will only be reimbursed $25 and $50, total $75. There
is no registration for the banquet after September 30.</span></font></p>
</li><li><p style="margin-bottom: 0in; font-weight: normal"><font size="4"><b><span style="background: transparent">2024
Convention (CT)</span></b><span style="background: transparent">
Camille will ask members to review a checklist to determine if we
may want to host the convention in Melbourne in 2024.</span></font></p>
</li><li><p style="margin-bottom: 0in; font-weight: normal"><font size="4"><b><span style="background: transparent">2022
Convention (CT) </span></b><span style="background: transparent">
The agenda will be published online on September 15. Workshops and
the auction were discussed. Camille is hosting the Dress for
Success seminar at 4:00 pm Saturday.</span></font></p>
</li><li><p style="margin-bottom: 0in"><font size="4"><b><span style="background: transparent">Vision
Fair (CT) </span></b><span style="font-weight: normal"><span style="background: transparent">In
Cocoa on October 26 from 10 until 2. Our door prize will be a
backpack with candy and one of our travel mugs. There will be candy
on the table, too.</span></span></font></p>
</li><li><p style="margin-bottom: 0in"><font size="4"><b><span style="background: transparent">Christmas
Luncheon (CT)</span></b><span style="font-weight: normal"><span style="background: transparent">
Will be held at Hemingway's on December 10. Maria will arrange
transportation. </span></span></font>
</li><li><p style="margin-bottom: 0in"><font size="4"><b><span style="background: transparent">No
Chapter Meeting in October</span></b><span style="font-weight: normal"><span style="background: transparent">
Due to the convention falling on the second weekend of October,
members voted to not have a chapter meeting in October. </span></span><b><span style="background: transparent">NH/MR
2</span><sup><span style="background: transparent">nd</span></sup></b></font></p>
</li><li><p style="margin-bottom: 0in; font-weight: normal; widows: 2; orphans: 2">
<font color="#000000"><font size="4"><span style="background: transparent"><b>Events
in 2023 </b> Will be discussed at our next meeting in November. A
candy fundraiser was suggested and was met with positive reactions.
Washington Seminar will be in January, the National Convention will
be in Houston July 1-6, and the Florida Convention will be in Tampa
in October. Camille will be presenter at the Family Cafe in June.</span></font></font></p>
</li><li><p style="margin-bottom: 0in; font-weight: normal; widows: 2; orphans: 2">
<font color="#000000"><font size="4"><span style="background: transparent"><b>Viva
Brevard Festival (JM)</b> Members are invited to Javier's
fundraisers for the Brevard Hispanic Center, a Gala on October 8 and festival on October 15 on Malabar
Rd. in Palm Bay. </span></font></font></p>
</li><li><p style="margin-bottom: 0in; widows: 2; orphans: 2"><font color="#000000"><font size="4"><b><span style="background: transparent">Children's
Hunger Project (MR) </span></b><span style="font-weight: normal"><span style="background: transparent">We
are scheduled for Wednesday, September 28 from Noon until 2 pm at
their new location on 24 Forest Ave., Cocoa, FL 32922. Contact
Maria for transportation. </span></span></font></font>
</li><li><p style="margin-bottom: 0in; widows: 2; orphans: 2"><font color="#000000"><font size="4"><b><span style="background: transparent">Signature
Cards (CT)</span></b><span style="font-weight: normal"><span style="background: transparent">
Will be handed out at the Vision Fair and BAAB.</span></span></font></font></p>
</li><li><p style="margin-bottom: 0in; widows: 2; orphans: 2"><font color="#000000"><font size="4"><b><span style="background: transparent">Florida
Board of Pharmacies (CT)</span></b><span style="font-weight: normal"><span style="background: transparent">
Please watch the chapter email list for information about how to
contribute your testimony for the need for accessible drug labels.</span></span></font></font></p>
</li></ul></div>Please let me know if you have any questions or want more information about any of the events mentioned.</div><div dir="ltr" data-setdir="false"><br></div><div dir="ltr" data-setdir="false">Yours truly,</div><div><br></div><div class="ydpb646d353signature"><div style="font-family:Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;font-size:16px;"><div dir="ltr">Nancy Hollo, Treasurer/Secretary</div><div dir="ltr">Melbourne Space Coast Chapter</div><div dir="ltr">216-712-9499</div><div dir="ltr">39712 Calamanda Ave.</div><div dir="ltr">Zephyrhills, FL 33542</div></div></div></div></div></body></html>