[NFBF-Miami-Dade] Fwd: Learn From Our Teachers

Jorge Hernandez jeh6 at bellsouth.net
Wed Apr 18 10:50:16 UTC 2018

Thank you

Jorge Hernandez 

Begin forwarded message:

> From: "National Federation of the Blind" <webmaster at nfb.org>
> Date: April 18, 2018 at 6:14:06 AM EDT
> To: "Mr. Jorge Hernandez" <jeh6 at bellsouth.net>
> Subject: Learn From Our Teachers
> Reply-To: "National Federation of the Blind" <webmaster at nfb.org>
> April 2018     
> We all know that a good educator makes a difference, but a great teacher pushes students to go beyond what they believe is possible. This is equally true for teachers of blind students... more from President Riccobono
> The NFB is proud to award educators because we want to encourage high-quality teaching. We present awards to both outstanding blind educators and to distinguished educators of blind children... more about outstanding teacher awards
> A PARENT WHO VALUES A TOP-NOTCH TEACHER We receive many letters recommending beloved teachers. Here is one we wanted to share... more about teacher Amy Lund from a parent
> Nominate a blind teacher or distinguished educator of blind children... more information
> Seattle Ends Subminimum Wages for Workers with Disabilities.
> The National Federation of the Blind Applauds the Introduction of Legislation Implementing the Marrakesh Treaty.
> Ohio Requires Accessible Absentee Ballots for the Blind.
> Blind Students Win Braille Reading Contest.
> MAY 1:                   Deadline for Distinguished Educator of the Year nominations
> MAY 1:                   Deadline for NFB EQ program applications
> MAY 31:                 Deadline for preregistration for the 2018 National Convention
> JUN 3:                   NFB 6 Dot Dash, Baltimore, MD
> JUL 3-8:                National Convention, Orlando, FL
> JUL 29-AUG 4:     NFB EQ, Baltimore, MD
> NOV 13-16:           BLAST Conference, San Antonio, TX
> The National Federation of the Blind knows that blindness is not the characteristic that defines blind people or their future. Every day we raise the expectations of and for blind people, because low expectations create obstacles between blind people and our dreams. We can live the lives we want; blindness is not what holds us back. Please join us in our work by becoming a member, attending an event, sharing this newsletter, or supporting our programs.
> National Federation of the Blind | 200 E Wells Street | Baltimore, MD 21230 | (410) 659-9314
> Unsubscribe | Opt Out |  Sign up for email newsletter
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