[NFBF-Miami-Dade] Happy Thanksgiving

Jorge Hernandez jeh1065 at comcast.net
Thu Nov 28 13:37:49 UTC 2019

Good morning my Federation family


I would like to take a few moments to share with all of you what the
national Federation of the Blind has given me throughout the years.


A family that is fifty thousand strong; a support mechanism to succeed in
life; the opportunity to learn from all of you what it takes to be a
federationist; friendships that will last a life time.


Most of all, to be a humble servant on our journey of changing the
characteristic of what it means to be blind.  We are living the life's we
want; we are raising the expectations of all blind individuals; reasons to
be so thankful in this Thanksgiving Day.


With hope, love and determination, let's go build the National Federation of
the Blind.


>From my family to yours, Happy Thanks giving.



Jorge Hernandez, President

Miami-Dade Chapter

National Federation of the blind of Florida

Board of Directors



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