[NFBF-Tampa] FW: Citizens Transportation Academy Webinar Series!
Merry Schoch
merrys at verizon.net
Tue Aug 29 22:40:40 UTC 2017
Sending this along to those who might be interested...
From: Florida Department of Transportation - District 7 [mailto:tampabaynext at dot.state.fl.us]
Sent: Tuesday, August 29, 2017 5:10 PM
To: merrys at verizon.net
Subject: Citizens Transportation Academy Webinar Series!
Transportation Academy
Interested in learning more about how transportation is planned, developed, funded, and implemented? Join the Florida Department of Transportation’s Citizens Transportation Academy! You talk. We listen. This webinar series is a direct response to the questions and comments we heard at our Community Working Groups and public outreach events.
September 15 - Regional Transportation Roles and Responsibilities
September 22 - Metropolitan Planning Process
September 29 - How Transportation Projects are Funded
October 6 - Introduction to Transportation Project Development
October 13 - Introduction to Transit: Transit Modes and How They Work
October 20 - Congestion Management Strategies
The online series is free and open to the public. For more information on how to participate, please visit: <http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001ekaq6sqlM7JOiapFkmuBeFikrPkoUtSdK0ARBlgROIV8_7sWJ3ONWp9YkGwYyHbXKcic1tOeaOofeVaFatUnsuNym5Rn70zivhVa2L4uX_DPmreiZSBy60RKmiH8QGMvQudCO6w0yiGM8WBqWSOTE_HPoq84PNHUCets4hadjw9u7NEuBIcywQ==&c=utqbr_gwe-YZluzn-jEP6xP7LheHF2S4vmotSHTFghWn3L_KDBKLGg==&ch=wPXDakaksEfBAN1XFxthA6lDkovRucomuaBmM-NHylMtni66yvIByg==> TampaBayNext.com/CitizensTransportationAcademy.
If you do not have computer access or prefer to participate in person, please join us at FDOT District Seven Headquarters,
11201 McKinley Dr, Tampa, FL 33612.
Questions? Contact <mailto:TampaBayNext at dot.state.fl.us> TampaBayNext at dot.state.fl.us or call
(813) 975-NEXT (6398)
<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001ekaq6sqlM7JOiapFkmuBeFikrPkoUtSdK0ARBlgROIV8_7sWJ3ONWq2f2uMk90AImy4x3q1zitni4t2x1QjV_0iGqrLQEq2qne5vC6uTuMU_mS-Ee9qN3Gyb5p8gIPh7YG3_TlQx_-7U3inhY6Ud7TjTJnE52cBF&c=utqbr_gwe-YZluzn-jEP6xP7LheHF2S4vmotSHTFghWn3L_KDBKLGg==&ch=wPXDakaksEfBAN1XFxthA6lDkovRucomuaBmM-NHylMtni66yvIByg==> Facebook <http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001ekaq6sqlM7JOiapFkmuBeFikrPkoUtSdK0ARBlgROIV8_7sWJ3ONWq2f2uMk90AIj5S5DWAnIq6_-2Ar7hwNkAMmuseNdFSemhbS2sGEzV9xUxSXNnUqtF4v2ccZa0SvVJhrVWNd_Gb5ZT6UyYIEBTFlg4VlDLUl&c=utqbr_gwe-YZluzn-jEP6xP7LheHF2S4vmotSHTFghWn3L_KDBKLGg==&ch=wPXDakaksEfBAN1XFxthA6lDkovRucomuaBmM-NHylMtni66yvIByg==> Twitter
Community Working
Groups: Top Focus
Downtown: Prioritizing transportation
solutions like rail, bus, biking, and walking to align with the many values of the community.
Westshore: Use data/impact driven decision making, cost/benefit analysis vs. “whoever screams the loudest.”
Pinellas: Account for new technologies, including automated vehicles, mass transit, maximize access to airports, and multimodal centers.
North and West Hillsborough: Connecting transportation hubs of Tampa Bay with affordable, flexible transit options
Pasco/Hernando: Adding light rail to the
transportation system, possibly in the
Hwy 301/SR 56, for travel to the airport and
other activity hubs, and more bus service
focused on long distance and high traffic
areas with Wi-Fi.
East and South Hillsborough County/Polk County
Create a master plan for regional hubs and in/ out movements. Include in the conversation the Regional Transit Feasibility Study.
The next round of meetings will start in September. For more information, please visit:
<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001ekaq6sqlM7JOiapFkmuBeFikrPkoUtSdK0ARBlgROIV8_7sWJ3ONWp9YkGwYyHbXA4F4ZmvX466rs-fcs6W8WsL-CYuu_0GoMiUmEDwQN2kES2L4O6kZZY5PBWuqJEpYhzp6A3X9JbsbTT0zfDevvRNNl1M9JDF2JlZxN8hGUaLUWZRM6TBasmC2nsg6J77FrStDEbSoTa0=&c=utqbr_gwe-YZluzn-jEP6xP7LheHF2S4vmotSHTFghWn3L_KDBKLGg==&ch=wPXDakaksEfBAN1XFxthA6lDkovRucomuaBmM-NHylMtni66yvIByg==> TampaBayNext.com/get-involved/community-working-groups. We hope you will get involved!
Upcoming Events
Thursday, September 7:
Historic Resources Information Meeting,
5:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m.
Centro Asturiano, Ballroom, 1913 N. Nebraska Avenue, Tampa, FL 33602
Every Friday
September 15 to October 20:
Citizens Transportation Academy
webinar series; 12:00-1:00 p.m.
Webinar online: <http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001ekaq6sqlM7JOiapFkmuBeFikrPkoUtSdK0ARBlgROIV8_7sWJ3ONWp9YkGwYyHbXKcic1tOeaOofeVaFatUnsuNym5Rn70zivhVa2L4uX_DPmreiZSBy60RKmiH8QGMvQudCO6w0yiGM8WBqWSOTE_HPoq84PNHUCets4hadjw9u7NEuBIcywQ==&c=utqbr_gwe-YZluzn-jEP6xP7LheHF2S4vmotSHTFghWn3L_KDBKLGg==&ch=wPXDakaksEfBAN1XFxthA6lDkovRucomuaBmM-NHylMtni66yvIByg==> TampaBayNext.com/CitizensTransportationAcademy or
Florida Dept. of Transportation, 11201 McKinley Dr., Tampa, FL 33612
Tuesday, September 19:
Community Working Group for Westshore/West Tampa/South Tampa
5:30 p.m. – 7:30 p.m., Centre Club at the Urban Center, 123 S. Westshore Boulevard (8th Floor), Tampa, FL 33609
Monday, September 25:
Community Working Group for Downtown Tampa/East Tampa, 6:30 p.m. – 8:30 p.m.
The Barrymore Hotel
111 Fortune Street
Tampa, FL 33602
Please visit the website for up to date event information: <http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001ekaq6sqlM7JOiapFkmuBeFikrPkoUtSdK0ARBlgROIV8_7sWJ3ONWq2f2uMk90AIcgaaiWLfFhQNOUo5zBM9aM0cMP31vtFPr4LrLA9D_WY50SdVx4Ne5hNIigZLARmBlZw5-uX_kFL5Ve68Zo1VFoXvPM3UDmCYoUgkPvCwKWE=&c=utqbr_gwe-YZluzn-jEP6xP7LheHF2S4vmotSHTFghWn3L_KDBKLGg==&ch=wPXDakaksEfBAN1XFxthA6lDkovRucomuaBmM-NHylMtni66yvIByg==> TampaBayNext.com/get-involved/.
Would you like FDOT to present information at your community or neighborhood event? Please email us at <mailto:TampaBayNext at dot.state.fl.us> TampaBayNext at dot.state.fl.us.
Back to School Traffic
Safety Tips
August is back to school month! School buses have returned to their rounds, hurried parents are dropping off their kids, and some children are navigating their route to school by bicycle or foot. As we continue adjusting to the new normal of school traffic, please consider these safety tips:
Give yourself time. Plan for a few extra minutes in your commute. You don’t want your kids to be late to school and you don’t want to be late to work. Give yourself the time to not feel rushed.
Avoid school zones, if possible. There is a higher volume of young pedestrians in these zones. Avoid adding to the traffic in that area by going around it altogether if you can find a good, alternative route.
Eliminate driving distractions. Research shows that taking your eyes off the road for just two seconds doubles your chances of crashing. Children can be quick, darting into the street unexpectedly or emerging from an area of parked cars. In neighborhoods and near schools especially, consider pausing your conversations, putting your phone down, and turning your radio down in volume.
Be careful to watch for students who walk and bike to school. Children on bikes are often inexperienced and unpredictable. Slow down and allow for at least three feet between your vehicle and a bicyclist. Do not startle pedestrians or cyclists by honking
even if you think you have the right of way.
Be cautious around bus stops. Slow down when approaching school bus stops with students present. Never pass a bus from behind, or from either direction if you are on an undivided road, if it is stopped to load or unload children.
Respect the school zones. Decrease your speed at the Begin School Zone sign and maintain reduced speed until the End School Zone sign. Anticipate that children will be riding bicycles and walking in these areas.
By planning a little better and exercising caution, we can all have a safe and punctual school year.
Public participation is solicited without regard to race, color, national origin, age, sex, religion, disability or family status. Persons wishing to express their concerns relative to FDOT compliance with Title VI may do so by contacting Christopher Speese Title VI Coordinator by phone at 813-975-6247, or via email at <mailto:christopher.speese at dot.state.fl.us> christopher.speese at dot.state.fl.us
Persons with disabilities who require accommodations under the Americans with Disabilities Act or persons who require translation services (free of charge) should contact Christopher Speese, by phone at 813-975-6247, or via email at <mailto:christopher.speese at dot.state.fl.us> christopher.speese at dot.state.fl.us at least seven (7) days prior to the meeting. If you are hearing or speech impaired, please contact us by using the Florida Relay Service, 1-800-955-8771 (TDD) or 1-800-955-8770 (Voice).
The environmental review, consultation, and other actions required by applicable federal environmental laws for this project are being, or have been, carried out by the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) pursuant to 23 U.S.C. §327 and a Memorandum of Understanding dated December 14, 2016 and executed by the Federal Highway Administration and FDOT.
Comuniquese Con Nosotros: Nos importa mucho la opinión del público sobre el proyecto. Si usted tiene preguntas o comentarios, o si simplemente desea más información, por favor comuniquese con nuestra representante, Megan Olivera, (407) 709-9840, <mailto:Megan.Olivera at QCAusa.com> Megan.Olivera at QCAusa.com.
Florida Department of Transportation - District 7 | 11201 McKinley Dr., Tampa, FL 33612
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