[NFBF-Tampa] Result of Animal Court Hearing

Marion Gwizdala marion.gwizdala at verizon.net
Thu Oct 24 17:15:37 UTC 2019

Dear All,


                First of all, I would like ot thank all those who came out
to support me and join in the protection of our right to travel freely
without interference. The following people showed up to Court on Wednesday,
October 23:


David Baker

Janice Butler

Ineko Gary

Sherrill O'Brien

Yvonne Rosanelli

Merry Schoch

Jeanette Torrez


The defendant, Michael Reagan,  appeared in Court dressed in his orange jail
jump suit, since he is serving a 364-day sentence for grand Theft and
resisting arrest. After listening to the testimony of the Animal Services
Officer, the defendant, and me, Judge Manning found Mr. Reagan guilty of two
counts of interfering with the work of a service animal and two counts of
possessing an unregistered animal, both civil violations of Hillsborough
County ordinances. Mr. Reagan was ordered to pay the fines and court costs.
I am not sure what the court costs or fines for possessing an unregistered
animal are but the fine for interfering with the work of a service animal is
$500 ea. 


                In addition to the above individuals who came out to support
me, I also received calls and emails from others in my 
Federation family supporting the steps I was taking. In addition, Renee
Murati, Assistant State Attorney for the 13 Judicial Circuit and Chief of
the Misdemeanor Division, called me this morning inquiring about the result
of the hearing. Renee also continued our conversation about how we can make
a greater impact on this issue locally and throughout the state. It is great
to havan ally in this capacity! Thanks to all who supported me and this


Fraternally yours,



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