[NFBF-Tampa] FW: Braille Calendars Soon Available From NLS

Noe Villeda noevilleda1 at gmail.com
Thu Mar 2 23:54:05 UTC 2023

Hello chapter members.


I just received this, and thought I'd pass it along.


This notice is being shared with you so that you can contact your library to
be subscribed for a braille calendar(s). Note that the calendars will not be
available until mid-year. However, next year they should be available at the
beginning of the year. You may provide the code listed in the notice to your
library if they need it:

NLS will be producing two new braille calendars for 2023. The following are
the circulation codes for the calendars:


*	NLS Braille calendar, wall-sized, magazine code CAW1
*	NLS Braille calendar, pocket-sized, magazine code CAP1


Calendars for 2023 are expected to be available by mid-July. Those calendars
will extend through January 2024.


Going forward, subscribers will automatically receive new annual calendars
when they are published.



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