[NFBF-Tampa] Fwd: Reminder of Joint Alliance Meeting: Disability Rights Florida Guest Speaker on Legislation

adriane fountain adrianefountain at hotmail.com
Mon Feb 12 18:08:06 UTC 2024

Good afternoon All
For the meeting on Feb 15 is there a sign up or just show at the time with wearing yellow to show support?
Adriane Curmon

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From: NFBF-Tampa <nfbf-tampa-bounces at nfbnet.org> on behalf of Miranda Kilby via NFBF-Tampa <nfbf-tampa at nfbnet.org>
Sent: Monday, February 12, 2024 11:54:09 AM
To: nfbf-tampa at nfbnet.org <nfbf-tampa at nfbnet.org>
Cc: Miranda Kilby <mbkilby at gmail.com>
Subject: [NFBF-Tampa] Fwd: Reminder of Joint Alliance Meeting: Disability Rights Florida Guest Speaker on Legislation

Please see the email below from Raquel, ADA city of Tampa coordinator

Good morning,

Please join us tomorrow, Tuesday, Feb. 13, 2024 for the Joint Meeting of the Tampa Mayor’s Alliance for Persons with Disabilities and the Hillsborough County Alliance for Citizens with Disabilities. It will be held virtually, below is the link.

Meeting Date:  Feb. 13, 2024

Meeting Time:  1:30pm – 3:00pm

Join Zoom Meeting:  https://zoom.us/j/93863452656<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/linkprotect.cudasvc.com/url?a=https*3a*2f*2furldefense.proofpoint.com*2fv2*2furl*3fu*3dhttps-3A__zoom.us_j_93863452656*26d*3dDwMFAw*26c*3dXqATCztIzLCYon5OykG81w*26r*3d43HzlJSCTDJaVHmPQKfSY3C6tyGMv1bSOQXLHVejCis*26m*3dpI45jSXZKnVg69WkhSj9tTKFCRIBkz6cR9V-I_31OjQPxa8SwfxWPsfjN6eQXb60*26s*3doc7MMI1Ukob6mxUXiAYGgyZ8W3ysX-S6r7OcLX69br8*26e*3d&c=E,1,uO_UjpmN-Dz6hsqbL47u48nKmSmMi9RcC5G0K18oujZeNGnPvlgaR_WHzVbUcKWPwOpBWgJhIyOjEsdu7qYuJ4GHn5deUB9rTuSvT6s5MXKg3lbisQ,,&typo=1__;JSUlJSUlJSUlJSUlJSUlJSUlJQ!!PVqIkJN7Bw!eLilbuxzAzfQgfVQ8Ssgw2Cmrld_Ib4IkL_X2dlbz7LgPRk8j9kpVxgblYvvPF3PbCTZk5ecTla24duHUU8m9HvLniTPwbg-Sg$>
Meeting ID: 938 6345 2656

If you are attending via Zoom, please log into the meeting at least 5 minutes early to allow for any technical difficulties.

NOTE: Some people have experienced difficulties logging into our meetings via ZOOM. An easy way to join is by going to www.zoom.us<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/linkprotect.cudasvc.com/url?a=https*3a*2f*2furldefense.proofpoint.com*2fv2*2furl*3fu*3dhttp-3A__www.zoom.us_*26d*3dDwMCaQ*26c*3dXqATCztIzLCYon5OykG81w*26r*3d43HzlJSCTDJaVHmPQKfSY3C6tyGMv1bSOQXLHVejCis*26m*3dGRq1_ifQ3uwwN7ncUbRctfuIPaVkIVOSbUY7ni9MyF1U-Co4sY6wON27u5DtuDyX*26s*3d3QQldLkU7Rp8x9mX_DbEafxIwWfmoqJ1iZjkNUmzqRU*26e*3d&c=E,1,k4wLJEtEzkNXTyuyac2Cd1-eBBgruApNJDdUqJ1D4gSrDieU4DnQC2Tn-3gaACGPie84eVjopCoPg46_famJ4WzZgcw_yMJMgpUNUn_tQvay6hYclBFqJFxm&typo=1__;JSUlJSUlJSUlJSUlJSUlJSUlJQ!!PVqIkJN7Bw!eLilbuxzAzfQgfVQ8Ssgw2Cmrld_Ib4IkL_X2dlbz7LgPRk8j9kpVxgblYvvPF3PbCTZk5ecTla24duHUU8m9HvLniSd-RGKeg$> and clicking on the “Join a Meeting” button, and then manually entering the Meeting ID Number 938 6345 2656 to join the meeting.

You may also Join us by phone by dialing one of the following numbers: (301) 715-8592 or (312) 626-6799

Purpose of our meetings:  Monthly gatherings of our Tampa Bay community partners, organizations and citizens who collaborate, share information about upcoming events and activities to benefit our citizens with disabilities.  Opportunities for guest speakers to address and provide information about appropriate programs and organizational initiatives.  We also seek to identify and resolve issues of concern that affect our Tampa Bay citizens with disabilities, our community at-large and the many visitors to the Tampa Bay area.


  1.  Welcome & Meeting Information: Sandra Sroka, Co-Chair of the Tampa Mayor’s Alliance for Persons with Disabilities
  2.  Legislation Update:  Laura-Lee Minutello, Disability Rights Florida
  3.  2024 ADA Event Liz Mueller
  4.  Hillsborough County Updates: Carmen LoBue
  5.  City of Tampa Updates: Raquel Pancho
  6.  Agency Announcements
  7.  Close

Hope to see you there!

Raquel Pancho
ADA Coordinator, Office of Chief of Staff
City of Tampa / 306 E Jackson St. 4th Floor North / Tampa, Florida 33602
p: 813-274-3964 / e: Raquel.Pancho at tampagov.net

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