[NFBF-Tampa] Fwd: Time to begin planning for the national Federation of the blind of Florida State convention in Jacksonville.

Miranda Kilby mbkilby at gmail.com
Mon Feb 26 00:10:17 UTC 2024

Please see the below email from Peggy, our state convention planning coordinator. If you are planning on attending this meeting, let me know! 

> Peggy Fleischer
> NFb-Florida State Board member
> Chair person NfbFlorida, blind Christians
> Vice President
> NFB-FL Greater Daytona Beach Chapter
> Begin forwarded message:
>> From: Peggy Fleischer <peggy.lynn.fleischer at gmail.com>
>> Date: February 23, 2024 at 2:27:56 PM EST
>> To: nfbf-l at nfbnet.org
>> Subject: Time to begin planning for the national Federation of the blind of Florida State convention in Jacksonville.
>> Hello everyone,
>> It's that time again! Time to begin planning for our national Federation of the blind of Florida State convention, which will be held this year in Jacksonville.
>> We would like everyone to have a part in the planning for this convention so we will hold our first open convention planning meeting on February 28 at 8 PM. Please make plans to attend and bring your thoughts and ideas about how we can make this convention our best ever.
>> Look forward to seeing you there!
>> Join Zoom Meeting
>> https://nfb-org.zoom.us/j/99979383567
>> Meeting ID: 999 7938 3567
>> ---
>> One tap mobile
>> +13052241968,,99979383567# US
>> +16468769923,,99979383567# US (New York)
>> Peggy Fleischer
>> NFb-Florida State Board member
>> Chair person NfbFlorida, blind Christians
>> Vice President
>> NFB-FL Greater Daytona Beach Chapter
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