[NFBF-Tampa] Tampa Bay Chapter meeting minutes August 2024

Sherrill O'Brien sherrill.obrien at verizon.net
Fri Sep 20 20:56:59 UTC 2024

Tampa Bay Chapter 

National Federation of the Blind of Florida

Chapter Meeting Minutes

August 24, 2024

Beef O' Brady's

8810 North Himes Avenue

Tampa, Florida


The meeting was called to order by President Miranda Kilby at 12:08PM.

Everyone introduced themselves. There were  12 persons in attendance, and 2
participating via Zoom for a total of 14.

Miranda led the NFB pledge.


Secretary and Treasurer Reports

A motion was made by  Marion, seconded by Dan, to table the approval of the
July minutes. The motion passed.

Dan gave the treasurer's report. Our current balance is $5,382.45. A motion
was made by Merry, seconded by Marion, to approve the treasurer's report as
read. The motion passed.

Dan said there had been some confusion regarding payment for our bowling
event at Pin Chasers, since they asked the chapter to pay in advance. Dan
said all that is necessary is that those attending, who have not yet paid
the $20 cost ,reimburse the chapter. 


President's Report

Miranda said that during September and October, Beef O' Brady's cannot host
the chapter on our regular fourth Saturday. We agreed to move our meeting to
the third Saturday for those two months.  

We discussed how we might improve next year's publicity event at Publix
which we have held prior to our Pancake Breakfast fundraiser. Suggestions

Make sure to print plenty of flyers

Print flyers in English and Spanish

Give out $1 off Publix coupons

A motion was made by Marion, seconded by Merry, that, assuming Beef
O'Brady's is amenable, we continue to hold our Pancake Breakfast on the
fourth Saturday of July to coincide with the anniversary of the ADA and our
regular chapter meeting day. The motion passed. 


State Convention

Miranda said that at this year's convention, we will hold a dollar auction
rather than the basket fund raiser which we have done for many years. 

A motion was made by Merry, seconded by Dan, that we take one thousand
dollars from our chapter treasury to cover  our state convention expenses.
The motion passed.



Miranda offered several suggestions for chapter fundraisers

Holiday Calendar Raffle

This was a successful state fundraiser held several years ago, and Miranda
thought our chapter  might want to consider holding one.

Statewide 50/50 drawing

We could bring in lots of participants by holding this at state convention.

Spirit Night at Beef O' Brady's

Miranda said we could include an auction featuring two signed Buccaneer


Since we did not make a decision about these fundraisers, We decided to hold
another  chapter meeting, via Zoom, to determine how we want to proceed.

The meeting will be held on Friday, August 30, at 5:00PM.


New Business

Louise asked Miranda to talk to the group about the Braille Monitor, the
flagship publication of the NFB. We discussed how valuable the articles in
the Monitor can be, for both newly blind persons and those who have been NFB
members for many years. Miranda mentioned how inspirational and also
practical the articles can be for those losing their sight. We discussed
that the Monitor is available on the NFB website, and also on NFB Newsline,
which many agreed is a very helpful service.


We decided to once again ask the past president of the League of Women
Voters, Mickey Castor, to speak to our group about the proposed
Constitutional amendments which will be on the ballot in November. Sherrill
will reach out to invite her.


Our 50/50 fundraiser drawing was won by Shanti Aaron, who received $25.


Our next meeting will be held on September 21  at Beef O' Brady's.

A motion was made by Marion, seconded by Shanti, to adjourn the meeting. The
motion passed. We adjourned at 1:47PM.


Respectfully submitted

Sherrill O'Brien, Secretary

Tampa Bay Chapter

National Federation of the Blind of Florida


Phone 813-935-0474, cell 813-767-1890

email Sherrill.obrien at verizon.net <mailto:Sherrill.obrien at verizon.net> 


The National Federation of the Blind knows that blindness is not the
characteristic that defines you or your future. Every day we raise
expectations because low expectations create barriers between blind people
and our dreams. You can live the life you want. Blindness is not what holds
you back.

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