[NFBJ] Torah Websites, Jerish Literature and Jewish Music Stations

sara rooz sararooz at gmail.com
Wed Dec 29 20:20:22 UTC 2021

Sent from my iPhone
Hi Ricky, I'm unaware of  the manufacturer of Blindshell. The person who runs Scoop Radio is Yossi Zweig The website is www.jenetwork.com I don't think it's easy to contact anyone at JROOT Radio. I would suggest you make a list of particular radio stations you'd want to listen to and suggest to your manufacturer of Blindshell to add them to their offerings. The Nauthe nachumsegalnetwork is available for free on both Android and Apple devices. I'd suggest you also contact your manufacturer about adding these apps as well. I'm happy the sites I listed were helpful. Bezrashashem I'll forward you the frum books available from bookshare.org off list. 5tjt.com is not a website for radio stations. It has articles. The websites of www.hamodia.com, www.jewishpress.com, www.chabad.org, aish.comand amimagazine.org are websites that have jewish content. The apps for jewish music that are avaialable are shira24, jewishmusic.fm, nachumsegal, shira24, Jroot Radio and ScoopRadio. Also, www.sefaria.org and the website web.stevens.edu has tolah related material as well as the website www.torah.orgGd shabbos to all. Sn Rooz 
> On Dec 29, 2021, at 7:03 AM, nfbj-request at nfbnet.org wrote:

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