[NFBJ] Urgent! Birkas Hamazon for Shevah Brachos in Artscroll’s Sidur Kol Yaakov

Leye-Shprintse Oeberg leyeshprintse at gmail.com
Sun Sep 11 04:57:13 UTC 2022



I’m getting married on Wednesday, im yirtzah Hashem, and I wonder if someone who has Artscroll’s Sidur Kol Yaakov in Braille can check in which volume the Birkas Hamazon for Shevah Brachos is located? Volum #1 only has for weedays, Shars, Yomim Tovim and Bris Milah what I can see. I don’t have all volumes where I’m staying until my chasunah. I’d be so grateful for your help! Thank in advance!

Leye-Shprintse Oeberg
Brooklyn (N.Y.), United States
+1 (929) 977-8890
leyeshprintse at gmail.com

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