[NFBJ] For the Jewish Blind and Visually Impaired

rabbi rabbisarko.org rabbi at rabbisarko.org
Mon Jul 31 13:04:14 UTC 2023

Rabbi Lenny Sarko has three programs that is of interest for the Jewish blind and visually impaired.  He has a home program that teaches Hebrew braille.  There is no cost for the course.  He has a refreshable braille file of the Reform prayerbook Mishkan Tefilah that will go with either the free National Library System units or any commercial refreshable braille device.  This file is also free.  He also has made a Hebrew Braille Sefer Torah that people can borrow to do a bar or bat mitzvah or Aliyah at their congregation.  If you do not have a congregation you are welcome to try my services at the Pittsburgh congregation I lead that we do both live and online.  You are welcome to join in remotely, including for our weekly Friday night Shabbat services.  Please contact Rabbi Lenny if you have interest in any of these programs at rabbi at rabbisarko.org<mailto:rabbi at rabbisarko.org> or you can call him at 724-9630789.

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