[NFBJ] Fwd: touching base

Stewart Prost sprost82 at gmail.com
Tue Jun 27 20:19:17 UTC 2023

Greetings everyone,
I am forwarding this email for everyone's information.

Stewart Prost, Chair, NFB in Judaism

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: rabbi rabbisarko.org <rabbi at rabbisarko.org>
Date: Mon, Jun 26, 2023 at 1:50 PM
Subject: touching base
To: Stewart Prost <sprost82 at gmail.com>


I thought I would give an update.  We have completed the Mishkan Tfilah
prayerbook for refreshable braille.  We are doing one last proofread which
should be complete by July 10, as most of our group will be out at the end
of this week for a week.

I will be happy to forward a copy to you if there is any interest.  I have
had a few people test the file on commercial refreshable braille devices
and it works good. The file is in brf format and is designed for use during
synagogue services – so people can jump to any page they need easily and
quickly.   It contains the Hebrew, transliterations, English and Commentary
found in the text book.

I have not been able to locate someone to test it on the NLS devices.  It
is still not available in Pennsylvania and can get no one to respond as to
when it might be available in my state, nor have I been able to communicate
with anyone on the national NLS level to see if I can get it tested.  If
you happen to know someone with either of their two devices, or what is
happening at the NLS level or have a contact there, please let me know.

I should be meeting with Livia Thompson over the weekend.  I will touch
base again to see where they are in relation to the Conservative prayerbook
for refreshable braille.  I would also like to touch base to see if someone
is doing the Recon prayerbook or if there is an interest in me doing that.  If
you have any contact with that movement I would appreciate either a contact
for me to talk with or if you know people that would be able to address
this question.

Overall I believe we offer a nice package now for the Jewish blind and
visually impaired.  We have the Reform prayerbook, and then hopefully the
other denominations in the near future, in refreshable braille – which is
offered for free; we have a home course that teaches Hebrew braille, again
for free; and we have the Hebrew Braille Sefer Torah where people can
borrow it for use at the congregation for the cost of shipping and
insurance.  Any Jewish blind or visually impaired person should be able to
be motivated with this package and to fully participate in their

As you know I cannot be at the national convention in person.  Can you, or
direct someone who can, please send the online link to attend the July 5th
meeting.  If you feel there is any function for announcing the availability
of the items we have, please let me know and I will do as you see fit.

Thanks and Shalom,

Rabbi Lenny Sarko

*Stewart Prost*
Phone: 757-572-6891
Fax: 757-210-7504
Email: sprost82 at gmail.com

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