[NFBJ] FW: NFB in Judaism Group Meeting with Shoshet org in Israel-January 7 2 PM

Ricky Lomey rickyl at iafrica.com
Fri Jan 5 08:35:17 UTC 2024


Hope to join, no microphone and also depends on the blackout/electricity situation here in South Africa, otherwise will listen to recording afterwards.

Ricky Lomey

-----Original Message-----
From: rybodek at gmail.com <rybodek at gmail.com> 
Sent: Friday, 05 January 2024 01:43
To: rybodek at gmail.com
Subject: FW: NFB in Judaism Group Meeting with Shoshet org in Israel-January 7 2 PM

Hi all,

See details below.


From: Stewart Prost <sprost82 at gmail.com <mailto:sprost82 at gmail.com> >
Sent: Thursday, December 28, 2023 7:30 PM

Greetings, Everyone, 

I hope everyone had a nice Chanukah.  This is a friendly reminder about our next meeting.  


Ms. Rachael (Rachol) Balali, Chair, Shoshet is our featured speaker.  Shoshet is a group made up of blind people living in Israel.  After talking with Rachel, I believe that the NFB and Shoshet have a lot in common. Here are the details:


ATE: January 7, 2024

TIME: 2 PM Eastern Time, 1 PM Central Time, 12 Noon Mountain Time, 11 AM Pacific Time, 9 PM Israel Time

LOCATION: Via Zoom.  Zoom details appear at the bottom of this email.  


PLEASE NOTE:  I have included phone numbers to call in from Israel.  I will plan to open the Zoom room about 15 minutes early so that those calling from a phone number can be renamed. I want to express my appreciation to Rachel Bodek for connecting us together.   I hope that this will be a truly international meeting!  Please mark your calendars and plan to attend and participate!.

Topic: NFB In Judaism Group Meeting: Presentation on Shoshet in Israel
Time: Jan 7, 2024 02:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting

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Meeting ID: 858 7535 2244
Passcode: 228771

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Stewart Prost

Phone: 757-572-6891

Fax: 757-210-7504

Email: sprost82 at gmail.com <mailto:sprost82 at gmail.com> 

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