[Nfbk] NFBGL Christmas Party

Nickie njp at insightbb.com
Sun Nov 22 01:56:02 UTC 2009

Good evening,

    The Greater Louisville chapter of the NFB will be hosting their
Christmas party on Sunday December 13, 2009 at Logan's Steakhouse, 5005
Shelbyville Rd.  The party will be from 4pm till 7pm. We will be doing the
adult gift exchange, if you are interested in participating please bring a
gender specific gift.  Value of the gifts should be between $5 and $10.
Please bring the gift wrapped and marked with male or female.
Santa has agreed to drop by so if you are bringing your little ones and
would like for them to receive a gift from Santa all you need to do is bring
a wrapped gift with your Childs name on it and give it to one of the GL
board members.

    We always have a great time at our Christmas parties so please join us
and bring family, friends and neighbors.  If you have any questions about
our gift exchange or Santa please let me know.

Thank you and Happy Holidays,
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