[Nfbk] {Disarmed} Fw: [k s b alum] Auditions to be held for Braille Readers Theater at the APH Museum

Nickie Pearl njp at insightbb.com
Wed Nov 2 11:22:04 UTC 2011

This sounds so cool...

From: Michael McCarty 
Sent: Tuesday, November 01, 2011 4:17 PM
To: kentucky-acb at acb.org ; glcb at acb.org ; ksbalum at yahoogroups.com ; fredshead.3czx at twitemail.com 
Subject: [k s b alum] Auditions to be held for Braille Readers Theater at the APH Museum



The Museum of the American Printing House for the Blind will hold auditions for a Braille Readers Theater production of William Gibson’s classic play, The Miracle Worker, on Friday December 9, at 11 a.m. and Saturday, December 10, at 1 pm.  Those who audition should plan to attend only one of the two audition times.

The Miracle Worker tells the story of the young Helen Keller, blind and deaf since infancy. As an adult, Helen won the world’s admiration for her activities as an author, lecturer, and passionate advocate for the rights of the disabled.  As a young child, she was wild and uncontrollable, frustrated by her inability to communicate.  The play chronicles one year in Helen’s life, when her parents sought help from the Perkins Institute for the Blind, which sends them a tutor named Annie Sullivan. Through persistence, love, and sheer stubbornness, Annie breaks through Helen's walls of silence and darkness and teaches her to communicate.

Reader's theater is often defined by what it doesn’t involve -- no memorizing, no props, no costumes, no sets. Instead, it is rather like a radio play, performed in front of a live audience. The actors use intonation and gestures appropriate for their characters and their characters’ words; the stage directions are also read by an actor. 

The production will take place on Saturday, March 24, at 1 p.m., in the Museum.  The cast will meet for a read-through shortly after parts are assigned. Two more rehearsals will take place in March. 

Auditions will consist of cold readings, in braille, from the script. Those who audition should plan to attend only one of the two audition times.

Reading parts available are as follows. 

§  Annie Sullivan, Helen’s teacher, and the “miracle worker” to whom the title of the play refers.

§  Kate Keller, Helen’s mother

§  Captain Arthur Keller, Helen’s father

§  James Keller, an older teen or young man

§  Evelyn, Helen’s aunt

§  A doctor 

§  James, Helen’s brother

§  Anagnos, Annie’s counselor at the Perkins Institution for the Blind.

§  Viney, a servant to the Keller family

§  Martha, a young girl

§  Percy, a young boy

§  Several young girls, Annie’s classmates at Perkins

§  Stage manager

Questions should be directed to Katie Carpenter at kcarpenter at aph.org or 502-899-2213.

The Museum of the American Printing House for the Blind is located at 1839 Frankfort Avenue, Louisville, KY 40206

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