[Nfbk] The Works of Thomas Jefferson is Online and in Ebook Format

Joey Couch ki4vjd at gmail.com
Sat Nov 5 13:53:25 UTC 2011

I came across this in the Fredshead blog yesterday and the best part
is that will work with Jaws and I think with most other screen readers
as well.
I have red the first book and it is a good read from my way of
thinking as well as a good look back at our country's history happy

If you're a fan of history, this twelve volume set of The Works of
Thomas Jefferson from the Online Library of Liberty will surely
interest you. This Set Contains The Following Titles:

The Works of Thomas Jefferson, vol. 1 (Autobiography, Anas, 1760-1770)

The Works of Thomas Jefferson, vol. 2 (Correspondence 1771-1779,
Summary View, Declaration of Independence)

The Works of Thomas Jefferson, vol. 3 (Notes on Virginia I,
Correspondence 1780-1782)

The Works of Thomas Jefferson, vol. 4 (Notes on Virginia II,
Correspondence 1782-1786)

The Works of Thomas Jefferson, vol. 5 (Correspondence 1786-1789)

The Works of Thomas Jefferson, vol. 6 (Correspondence 1789-1792)

The Works of Thomas Jefferson, vol. 7 (Correspondence 1792-1793)

The Works of Thomas Jefferson, vol. 8 (Correspondence 1793-1798)

The Works of Thomas Jefferson vol. 9 (1799-1803)

The Works of Thomas Jefferson, vol. 10 (Correspondence and Papers 1803-1807)

The Works of Thomas Jefferson, vol. 11 (Correspondence and Papers 1808-1816)

The Works of Thomas Jefferson, vol. 12 (Correspondence and Papers 1816-1826)
The text is in the public domain. This material is put online to
further the educational goals of Liberty Fund, Inc. Unless otherwise
stated in the Copyright Information section above, this material may
be used freely for educational and academic purposes. It may not be
used in any way for profit.

Click this link to download The Works of Thomas Jefferson, Federal
Edition (New York and London, G.P. Putnam’s Sons, 1904-5). 12 vols.

Joey Couch
phone 606-216-8033.
email ki4vjd at gmail.com

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