[Nfbk] Visual Quality of Life???

slery slerythema at gmail.com
Thu Aug 8 19:46:57 UTC 2013

What exactly was the service? Was it just counseling? Without training to
live as a blind person, how do they expect the quality of life to improve?

-----Original Message-----
From: Nfbk [mailto:nfbk-bounces at nfbnet.org] On Behalf Of Kevin Pearl
Sent: Thursday, August 08, 2013 11:22 AM
Subject: [Nfbk] Visual Quality of Life???

Study: Emotional support groups boost visual quality of life.

A facilitated peer group emotional support service significantly improved
visual quality of life for those with vision impairment, a study found.

The study, recently published in Optometry & Vision Science, included 29
individuals with vision impairments that affected quality of life, split
into groups of up to six that were facilitated by trained counselors. The
VCM1 (Vision Quality of Life Core Measure) instrument was administered to
participants at start of service, end of service and 6 months after

For the group as a whole, visual quality of life significantly improved
between the beginning of the service and the end, but was no better than at
the start 6 months later. 

However, those with poorer initial visual quality of life showed
significantly greater improvements after 6 months than those with higher
initial visual quality of life (P = .008). The items cited as becoming and
remaining easier were "feeling lonely or isolated due to eyesight," "feeling
sad or low due to eyesight" and "feeling worried about general safety
outside the home."

Different interventions may be needed for those with initially good visual
quality of life and to improve other aspects of quality of life not
influenced by the service, the author, Kezia Latham, said in the study.

al-quality-of-life> TO THE ARTICLE

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