[Nfbk] Rope- Follow up response

Nickie Pearl njp at twc.com
Tue Jul 9 20:25:04 UTC 2013

Hello!  I wanted you all to see the response I got from a follow up e-mail regarding the rope situation at KSB. Below is Mr. Roberts response.



I am copying an email I had sent to another concerned person explaining the situation:

Thank you for your response. Here is a synopsis of the event in question. Two of our teachers were preparing to conduct a team building activity with the students as they exited a school bus at Mary T. Meagher Aquatic Center. Because of the nature of the activity, students were intentionally not told what the activity would be, because doing so would reveal the intent of the game. This particular team building activity involved participants trying to "figure out" the purpose behind the activity, after they've experienced it. 
During the activity, participants hold on to a long rope while given a certain task to complete. Once that task is completed, the participants move forward, let go of the rope and then complete the next activity. This goes on repeatedly until the students finish the various tasks. The result of the game is for students to realize and understand that they must work cohesively as a team to be successful at the tasks. The rope is simply the tool. 
The students never got to complete the tasks because one of the students misunderstood the intent of the activity and refused to participate. At no time, was the use of a rope intended to guide or assist students with traveling or mobility. 
What is most unfortunate, is that those who did not have full understanding of the situation have assumed an inaccurate scenario that would never, ever be performed, accepted or tolerated by KSB staff. I would think that the public would have more confidence in the KSB staff. It is my sincere hope that we can put this event behind us. 

John C. Roberts
Director of Instruction
Kentucky School for the Blind
1867 Frankfort Avenue
Louisville, KY   40206

502-897-1583 , ext. 0201
FAX:  502-897-2850 
Kentucky School for the Blind is the statewide educational resource center on blindness


From: Nickie Pearl [njp at insightbb.com]
Sent: Monday, July 08, 2013 2:41 PM
To: Roberts, John - KSB
Subject: Re: The Rope Situation

    As a concerned blind person, I wanted to know if this issue was addressed? Were apologies extended to those students & families involved? What steps have been taken to prevent this from happening again?

Thank you for your time!
Nickie Pearl

From: Roberts, John - KSB 
Sent: Friday, June 28, 2013 6:14 AM
To: Nickie Pearl ; Connie.Yocum at ksb.kyschools.us ; Pawlowski, Mary ; Sochia, Kyle 
Cc: Godbey, Claudia 
Subject: RE: The Rope Situation

Ms. Pearl,

Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us about this issue.  I can assure you that the issue will be handled with immediacy and resolution. 

John C. Roberts
Director of Instruction
Kentucky School for the Blind
1867 Frankfort Avenue
Louisville, KY   40206

502-897-1583 , ext. 0201
FAX:  502-897-2850 
Kentucky School for the Blind is the statewide educational resource center on blindness


From: Nickie Pearl [njp at insightbb.com]
Sent: Thursday, June 27, 2013 6:22 PM
To: Connie.Yocum at ksb.kyschools.us; Pawlowski, Mary; Sochia, Kyle; Roberts, John - KSB
Subject: The Rope Situation

    I am writing to express my disgust & disappointment over the rope situation.  As a blind woman, a parent of VI girls & member of the National Federation of the Blind I am sickened by these actions.  Under no circumstances, on any level, at any age should any blind person be led around by a rope.  I truly hope this is not the standard practice, if so it must cease immediately! If this action is how staff believes blind kids should be handled  , then those staff members need to be terminated immediately!
    KSB is a place where kids come to learn confidence, independence, life skills & O&M, not to be degraded & disrespected.  The blatant disregard for these kids civil rights is unacceptable. The damage is done, own up to the wrong & hold staff accountable!   Apologies are owed to all students, parents, all staff, alumni, & all blind persons of this community.  I & the rest of the blind community would like to be reassured that this is not standard practice & will never happen again.
    I applaud the young man who refused the rope. He needs to know his actions were correct & commendable.  

Nickie Pearl
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