[Nfbk] Hello Nfb K family I have some news.

Leonard Stamper leonardr.stamper at gmail.com
Sun Jun 8 03:04:55 UTC 2014

Sent from my iPhone I have some news I would love to share with my federation family. Yesterday was a sad day for me, because I had to retire badger. Over the last month badger has been showing signs of wanting to slow down, and was just not interested in guiding me in the harness. The last two trips me and badger made, he wanted to get back home and get the harness off, and not gotten me anymore. I have been already using my cane most of the time anyway. I thought to myself is this the way a great dog like manager needs to be treated no it was not. Sorry I meant to say badger. So yesterday I shipped all of his equipment back to the school that I got him from. Thank the good Lord above my cane skills are coming back to me slowly. I just need to share that with everybody thank you and God bless.

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