[Nfbk] FW: EyeSmart News: Blood Pressure Drugs May be Linked to Eye Disease - Academy Communication

George Stokes george4581 at gmail.com
Tue Jun 10 15:03:15 UTC 2014



From: Wright, Jennifer (OFB-FK) [mailto:JenniferN.Wright at ky.gov] 
Sent: Tuesday, June 10, 2014 11:00 AM
To: Flanagan, Allison A (OFB-FK); 'Ann Smits'; 'Bill Deatherage'; Cabe, Becky (OFB-FK); Carla Ruschival; 'Cathy Jackson'; McNabb, Cora L (OFB-FK); 'David Lawson'; Dennis Franklin ; 'Don Gerard'; George Stokes ; Gordon-Brown, Gerry (CAP-FK); Gerry Rader Slusher; Gina Fugate ; Kennedy, Jack B (OFB-FK); Jennifer Hall; Kathy Eversole; 'Kelly Foust'; Kevin Shurn ; 'Kim Zeigler'; Laura Yates; Michael Freeholm; Shirley, Patrick B (Education Cabinet); Paula Wiese ; 'Rebecca Murrell'; 'Rhonda Logsdon'; Sharon Fields (Home) ; Shirley Stivers ; 'Shirley Stivers (Work)'; Deeley, Stephen P (OFB-LV); 'Susan Ament'; Theresa Thomas ; Hammons, Twyla S (OFB-SS)
Subject: FW: EyeSmart News: Blood Pressure Drugs May be Linked to Eye Disease - Academy Communication




From: American Academy of Ophthalmology [mailto:academymail at aao.org] 
Sent: Monday, June 09, 2014 8:00 PM
To: Turner, Janell K (OFB-FK)
Subject: EyeSmart News: Blood Pressure Drugs May be Linked to Eye Disease - Academy Communication


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June 2014 
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Fireworks Safety Video:  <http://aaoblasts.aao.org/t/618146/30621243/32231599/4/>  See the risks of using fireworks

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Learn how cataracts affect your vision <http://aaoblasts.aao.org/t/618146/30621243/32231583/6/> 

Know someone looking for an ophthalmologist in their area? They can search for American Academy of Ophthalmology members on EyeSmart.  <http://aaoblasts.aao.org/t/618146/30621243/186170/7/> 
Find an Eye M.D. 

 <http://aaoblasts.aao.org/t/618146/30621243/32224941/8/> Sign up to receive EyeSmart News

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*	Research News: Blood Pressure Drugs May Increase Risk of Age-Related Macular Degeneration <> 
*	Google Glass and Your Eyes <> 
*	Fourth of July Eye Safety Tips <> 
*	250+ Cataract Questions Answered <> 
*	Ask an Eye MD: Will my vision continue to improve after cataract surgery? <> 


Research News: Blood Pressure Drugs May Increase Risk of Age-Related Macular Degeneration <http://aaoblasts.aao.org/t/618146/30621243/32231588/14/> 
 Blood Pressure Drugs <http://commonspot.aao.org/outofcs/assets/EyeSmart/Blood_Pressure-Drugs.jpg> Researchers have found that taking some blood pressure lowering drugs, particularly vasodilators, may be a risk factor for developing age-related macular degeneration (AMD).

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Google Glass and Your Eyes <http://aaoblasts.aao.org/t/618146/30621243/32231596/37/> 
Not surprisingly, ophthalmologists are as excited as the rest of us about wearable computers such as Google Glass. Check out what they have to say about the role Glass could play in medicine, how to deal with potential eye strain, and more! 

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Fourth of July Eye Safety Tips  <http://aaoblasts.aao.org/t/618146/30621243/30792000/38/> 
Fourth of July is just around the corner! Remember to be EyeSmart this Independence Day: don’t allow children to handle fireworks, and if any adults decide to use legal consumer fireworks be sure to follow EyeSmart’s guidelines to prevent potentially blinding fireworks-related eye injuries. 

SAVE THE DATE for EyeSmart Twitter Chat on Summer Eye Safety
MARK YOUR CALENDARS: On June 26 from 1-4pm ET, EyeSmart will host a Twitter Chat on everything Summer from fireworks to UV safety, to help keep your eyes protected. Join us by following EyeSmart on Twitter <http://aaoblasts.aao.org/t/618146/30621243/31889197/39/>  and using #EyeSmart as our expert ophthalmologists answer your summer eye health questions live! 

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250+ Cataract Questions from the Public Answered by Eye M.D.s <http://aaoblasts.aao.org/t/618146/30621243/32231605/40/> 
Cataracts are one of the leading causes of blindness in the United States. If not treated through a change in eyeglass prescription or surgery, cataracts can increase risk of permanent blindness, leading to both physical and psychological dangers. When to seek treatment can be a complex decision. Fortunately, American Academy of Ophthalmology member eye physicians and surgeons have answered more than 250 questions from the public about the common lens-clouding eye condition.

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Ask an Eye M.D. <http://aaoblasts.aao.org/t/618146/30621243/6789938/41/>  
Have a question for our ophthalmologists? Submit your eye health questions on geteyesmart.org.

Question of the month: One week after <http://aaoblasts.aao.org/t/618146/30621243/32231598/42/>  cataract surgery I have 20-30 vision. What is the possibility that it will improve further in time? <http://aaoblasts.aao.org/t/618146/30621243/32231598/43/> 

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Are you one of EyeSmart’s 22,500 friends on Facebook <http://aaoblasts.aao.org/t/618146/30621243/32230270/44/>  or 5,000 followers on Twitter <http://aaoblasts.aao.org/t/618146/30621243/31889197/45/>  yet? Well, what are you waiting for? Join the discussion today.



July is Celebrate Senior Independence Month

EyeSmart Health Observances:

January– Glaucoma Awareness Month
February – Age-Related Macular Degeneration Awareness Month
March - Workplace Eye Wellness Month
April – Sports Eye Safety & National Minority Health Month 
May – Healthy Vision & U.V. Safety Month
June – Cataract Awareness & Fireworks Eye Safety Month
July – Celebrate Senior Independence Month 
August – Children’s Eye Health & Safety Month
September – Healthy Aging Month
October – Eye Injury Prevention & Halloween Safety Month
November – Diabetic Eye Disease Awareness Month
December – Safe Toys & Celebrations Month 


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Brought to you by the American Academy of Ophthalmology and EyeCare America
655 Beach Street | San Francisco, CA 94109
www.geteyesmart.org <http://aaoblasts.aao.org/t/618146/30621243/442795/47/> 

 <http://aaoblasts.aao.org/t/618146/30621243/32224940/49/> Sign up for EyeSmart News

Unsubscribe: To stop receiving this newsletter, send an e-mail to eyesmart at aao.org
with the word "Unsubscribe" in the subject line. 
You are subscribed as JanellK.Turner at ky.gov

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