[Nfbk] Help wanted - Thursday is White Cane Day in Louisville

Corbb O'Connor corbb at rushpost.com
Mon Oct 12 22:07:25 UTC 2015

Hi everyone,

On Thursday, October 15, the city of Louisville will again celebrate White Cane Safety Day. The event will, as usual, be held at Fourth Street Live, and NFBK will have a table. We’ll be passing out literature, explaining how blind people use white canes, and we’ll have our second annual “count the dots contest.” Cathy, Scott and I will be there, and we would love for you to join us!

For the contest, we will have the print and braille versions of a familiar nursery rhyme and ask people to guess at the number of braille dots it takes to write out the rhyme in UEB.

Cathy, Scott and I will be there, and we would love for you to join us! Setup starts at 10:30 a.m. and we expect the event to conclude around 1:00 p.m.

If you’d like to join us, please give me a call or text at 703-309-4884.

Looking forward to building the Federation and sharing our philosophy with the public.

Corbb O'Connor

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