[Nfbk] NFB-NEWSLINE Kentucky Facebook and Twitter

Todd E. Stephens todde.stephens at windstream.net
Thu Nov 9 14:54:40 UTC 2017

Greetings and Good Morning, Everyone:


Please bookmark the following URLs for your reference: NFB-NEWSLINE Kentucky
website: http://www.nfbnewsline-ky.org; Facebook:
https://www.facebook.com/audionewskentucky/ and Twitter:


You can actually access both Facebook and Twitter from the website at,
again: http://www.nfbnewsline-ky.org. Be sure to give us a Like on Facebook
and be sure to Follow Us on Twitter. If you love NFB-NEWSLINE, then express
yourself and please, please, spread the word!


Have a great day, everyone! 


Best Regards,




Todd E. Stephens, State Coordinator and Project manager


Cell: (859) 433-5023

Toll Free: (877) 410-4008

Fax: (502) 389-4838

Email: ToddE.Stephens at windstream.net

Website: http://www.nfbnewsline-ky.org


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