[Nfbk] Greater Louisville Holiday Party Invitation.

Nickie Pearl njp at twc.com
Fri Nov 10 13:19:40 UTC 2017

Here ye, Here ye, you are all invited to celebrate & share in the joyous holiday season with us.
On Friday, December 1, the Greater Louisville chapter will host our holiday party from 6pm till 9pm at 224 East Broadway.

On the menu is; holiday desserts & treats, as well as drinks of the season. We’ll have cider, hot chocolate, egg nog & more.  If you have a sweet tooth, this is the party for you!
Please, if you have a favorite holiday dessert or drink, bring it & share with us!

We were able to pull some strings again & the big man himself, Santa Clause  will be making an appearance. If you are bringing your little ones & would like for them to receive a gift from Santa all you need to do is, bring a wrapped gift with your childs name on it & give it to a GL board member when you arrive.

Giving has become a tradition with our chapter & this year we will be collecting gift cards that will be distributed to our fellow Federationists who’s lives have been devastated by hurricanes this year.  There are still hundreds of Federation families in Texas, Florida & Puerto Rico who are rebuilding their homes & lives.  Gift cards in any amount from national stores such as, Home Depot, Lowes, Walmart, Target would be greatly appreciated.
After we collect the gift cards, we’ll be sending them to our national office where they will be distributed to families in need.

Lastly, we will also be doing an adult gift exchange. If you would like to participate, purchase a new item, no more than $5, wrap it & bring it to the party.  We will play a fun game to determine what you’ll go home with.

We look forward to seeing you all & sharing in the joy of the season with your families!

Nickie Pearl
njp at twc.com 

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