[Nfbk] Greater Louisville Christmas Giving.

Nickie Pearl njp at twc.com
Thu Nov 15 20:59:49 UTC 2018

Good afternoon Federation Family!

As you all know, for many many years now our GL chapter has provided children & families with Christmas.  These children may not otherwise have gifts to open and undo stress placed on parents.
Below please find the list of items wanted and needed by these children.  Any contribution is greatly appreciated. We will also except a monetary donation, which in turn will purchase an item to give.
All gifts purchased will need to be wrapped, marked with the indicators below and brought to the Greater Louisville Holiday party on Friday December 7.
If you would like to give, but not able to attend the party, please let me know and possible arrangements can be made to pick up your gifts.
we also ask that you let us know what gifts you will or have purchased, so multiples of the same item are not purchased.
If you have any questions and to let us know of gifts purchased, please email Nickie at, njp at twc.com.

Thank you all for your heart, generosity and giving spirit!
Elementary boy.
weighed blanket.
size 8/10 shirts.
size 7 blue jeans. 
size 7 sweat pants.
size 8/10 coat.
toys that light up and play classical music.

High school boy.
recording microphone.
talking watch.
talking calculator. 
2x underwear.
3x shirts. 
socks for shoe size 13.
21 Savage music (rapper).

High school girl. keyboard/piano.
fit bit.
Aphmou Posters (YouTube channel).Art kit.
Large shirts.
medium pants (yoga style).

Nickie Pearl
njp at twc.com 

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