[NFBK] (no subject)

slerythema at gmail.com slerythema at gmail.com
Tue Feb 25 06:21:41 UTC 2020

I am so sorry to hear this. She will be missed. Please send her family my condolences. They will be in my prayers.




From: NFBK <nfbk-bounces at nfbnet.org> On Behalf Of Cathy Jackson via NFBK
Sent: Sunday, February 23, 2020 5:01 PM
To: NFB of Kentucky Internet Mailing List <nfbk at nfbnet.org>
Cc: Cathy Jackson <cathyj1949 at gmail.com>
Subject: [NFBK] (no subject)


Good Afternoon,

Once again I have the job of reporting sad news. Joan Balot passed away earlier today. Joan has been a long time friend to so many of us. She had been diagnosed less than a year ago with Alzheimer’s. She had been declining but ever since her husband,  Norman’s death her decline seemed to progress more rapidly. She had been living with her daughter, Melissa for the past three months which was a blessing. Joan was surrounded by her two daughters, two grandchildren, and son-in-law when she went peacefully. As soon as memorial arrangements are made I will post them. 

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