[NFBK] Information from NFB Kentucky Community Partner Regarding Developmental Disabilities - PARTNERS IN POLICY MAKING

Todd Stephens todde.stephens at windstream.net
Fri Jun 2 14:56:53 UTC 2023

Good Morning:


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Todd E. Stephens, First Vice President and Legislative Chair

NFB Kentucky





2023 KPIP FAQ.pdf


Black and White image of the capitol Dome


For people with developmental disabilities and their family members 

The Partners in Policymaking program is about achieving greater: 

September 2023 to May 2024 



white image of two shaking hands on blue background

PARTNERS IN POLICYMAKING is a leadership training program designed for
people with developmental disabilities and their family members. 

The Partners program was created by the Minnesota Governor's Council on
Developmental Disabilities more than 30 years ago and has been offered

and internationally. Partners teaches leadership skills and the process of
developing positive partnerships with elected officials and other

who make decisions about the services that you and/or your family use.
Partners is accessible, informative and empowering. 

Since the first Partners class in Minnesota in 1987, a total of over 1,000
self- advocates and parents have graduated. 

Partners is about systems change- creating working towards and achieving a
vision of shared values about people with disabilities. It is based on the

that the most effective and enduring public policy decisions are made by the
people who need and use services in partnership with elected officials and

other policymakers. It is about becoming confident in oneself, competent in
the knowledge and information received, and comfortable in sharing the life

experiences and expertise one brings to the program. 

Participation in PARTNERS requires: 

A commitment to attend all eight weekend sessions. 

An interest in learning and practicing new skills in a comfortable and safe

A cross with four sections that read, A commitment to attend all eight
weekend sessions. An interest in learning and practicing new skills in a

and safe environment. A desire to build and strengthen a network of people
from diverse cultural backgrounds and life experiences. A willingness to

from national and state experts who share our vision and values. 

A desire to build and strengthen a network of people from diverse cultural
backgrounds and life experiences. 

A willingness to learn from national and state experts who share our vision
and values. 

For more information about applying for KPIP's 2023-2024 class visit: 

www.ccdd.ky.gov <http://www.ccdd.ky.gov> 

or call 502-226-0784. 

Topics to be addressed through a variety of informative and interactive


September 15-16, 2023, Friday & Saturday 

list of 3 items

.History of Disabilities and Services

.History of the Parent, Self-Advocacy, and Independent Living Movements

Calendar outline with a checkmark in the middle

.How to be Effective in Meetings

list end

October 13-14, 2023, Friday & Saturday 

list of 3 items

.Inclusive Education

.Civil Discourse

.Person Centered Thinking and Person-Centered Planning

list end

November 10-11, 2023, Friday & Saturday 

list of 2 items

.Social and Community Engagement

.Meetings with Community Leaders

list end

January 12-13, 2024, Friday & Saturday 

list of 1 items

.Supported Living and Customized Employment

list end

February 16- 17, 2024, Friday & Saturday 

list of 3 items

.Kentucky's Legislative Process

.Introduction to & the Role of the State Government

.Meeting with Legislators

list end

March 7-8, 2024, Thursday & Friday 

list of 3 items

.Introduction to & the Role of the Federal Government

.Meetings with Congressional Delegation Staff

.Visit to the Capitol

list end

April 12-13, 2024, Friday & Saturday 

list of 3 items

.Community Organizing

.Building Community

.Kentucky Projects of Note

list end

May 17-18, 2024, Friday & Saturday 

list of 3 items

.Beyond Partners - Moving Forward

.Personal Growth


list end



Who is eligible to participate in this program? 

This program is designed for people with developmental disabilities and 

their family members. 

What is the time commitment required for those who are chosen 

to participate in this program? 

Participants are required to attend all eight weekend sessions (September 

through May with no session in December). The in-person sessions run 

from 11:00 AM to 7:00 PM on Day One and from 8:00 AM to 3:00 PM on 

Day Two. (NOTE: Sessions are held on Friday and Saturday except in 

March. These dates coordinate with the legislative session and are held on 

Thursday and Friday.) 

Where are the weekend sessions held? The Kentucky class is 

currently held at the Hampton Inn in Frankfort. 

Is there a fee to attend this eight-month training? 

No, there is no fee to attend. Program costs are covered in part by a 

Congressional appropriation from the Administration on Intellectual and 

Developmental Disabilities to the Commonwealth Council on 

Developmental Disabilities (CCDD). These funds are used to carry out the 

Partners program for those chosen for the class. 

Do I have to pay for my overnight accommodations and travel 

expenses? No, overnight accommodations are provided. All participants 

are required to stay in the hotel with the class. Mileage reimbursement is 

also available for class members. Lunch and dinner will be provided on 

day one and breakfast and lunch on day two. 

Continue to next page. 

What other expenses does the Partners program cover? 

list of 4 items

. Speaker handouts, resource materials, and publications 

. Interpreter or language translation services 

. Personal Care Attendants 

. Other accommodations as requested and deemed necessary for participation
(CCDD is always payer of last resort) 

list end

PLEASE NOTE: The Partners program does not provide onsite childcare
services. Family members are not permitted to stay at the hotel during the

training sessions unless a family member is serving as a personal assistant
to a class member. 

Is there work to be done between monthly sessions? 

After some sessions, a homework assignment that builds on and supports the
topics addressed, must be completed by each class member, and turned in at

following session. 

Who does the training? 

Speakers are national and state subject matter experts or practitioners. 

How are class participants selected? 

A Review Committee comprised of CCDD members and staff will select
participants based on several criteria. Class size is limited to 30

When will I know if I have been selected to participate in 

Kentucky's Partners in Policymaking Leadership Institute? 

Participants will be notified by July 3, 2023. 

Partners in PolicymakingR is a program of the Minnesota Governor's Council
on Developmental Disabilities, financed in part by a grant from the

on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities, under provisions of P.L.

We invite you to invest your time and energy over an 

eight-month period to become a community leader and 

an agent of long-term change. 

Definition of "Developmental Disability" 

According to the Developmental Disabilities Assistance and Bill of Rights
Act, the term "developmental disability" means a severe, chronic disability

an individual that: 

list of 1 items nesting level 1

. is attributable to a mental or physical impairment or combination of
mental and physical impairments; 

list end nesting level 1

list end

list of 1 items nesting level 1

. is manifested before the individual attains age 22; 

list end nesting level 1

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list of 1 items nesting level 1

. is likely to continue indefinitely; 

list end nesting level 1

list end

list of 1 items nesting level 1

. results in substantial functional limitations in 3 or more of the

areas of major life activity: 

list of 7 items nesting level 2

o Self-care. 

o Receptive and expressive language. 

o Learning. 

o Mobility. 

o Self-direction. 

o Capacity for independent living. 

o Economic self-sufficiency; and 

list end nesting level 2

list end nesting level 1

list end

list of 1 items nesting level 1

. reflects the individual's need for a combination and sequence of special,
interdisciplinary, or generic services, individualized supports, or other

of assistance that are of lifelong or extended duration and are individually
planned and coordinated; 

list end nesting level 1

list end

list of 1 items nesting level 1

. Infants and Young Children - An individual from birth to age 9, inclusive,
who has a substantial developmental delay or specific congenital or acquired

condition, may be considered to have a developmental disability without
meeting 3 or more of the criteria described in clauses (i) through (v) of

(A) if the individual, without services and supports, has a high probability
of meeting those criteria later in life. 

list end nesting level 1

list end


"I was already an advocate, but Partners increased my knowledge about the
legislative process, the ADA, and other issues. My credibility has improved

government and business leaders. I'm consulted on disability issues." 

A group of people are standing and sitting in the rotunda at the capitol in
front of flags. 

Kentucky Partners in Policymaking Graduates 


"I had no idea of the opportunities available to people with disabilities.
Now I sit on several boards and am an active advocate for the issues that

important to me." 

A large group of people stand and sit around the governor of Kentucky as he
signs a proclamation in the rotunda of the capitol in Frankfort.

Governor signing proclamation for DD Month 


"I cannot say enough good things about Partners. I have learned more in
eight weekends than I have in eight years of in-service workshops." 

Members of KPIP Class of 2022-2023 

For more information about applying for KPIP's next class visit: 

www.ccdd.ky.gov <http://www.ccdd.ky.gov> 

or call 502-226-0784

Nine ladies and one man in a wheelchair pose with Governor Andy Beshear in
the capitol at Frankfort. 

Commonwealth Council on Developmental Disabilities logo

a blue outline of the state of Kentucky with a figure using a cane, a figure
in a wheelchair and a figure standing. The caption reads Partners in

For more information about applying for 

KPIP's next class visit: 

www.ccdd.ky.gov <http://www.ccdd.ky.gov>  or call 502-226-0784 


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