[Nfbkabs] Pennies for Pages: Going Strong and Still looking for your help.

Darian Smith dsmithnfb at gmail.com
Wed Dec 8 05:26:41 UTC 2010

Dear NABS members,

I am writing once again regarding NABS’ 2nd annual Pennies for Pages
fundraiser. We have received a great response so far, but we are still
seeking readers
and sponsors to take part in this exciting fundraising effort!

This fundraiser is being run in conjunction with the Braille Readers
are Learers contest, which starts on November 1 and runs through
January 4, so there
is still plenty of time to sign up. In fact, readers can sign up for
the contest and start soliciting pledges up through the end of the
contest on January

The idea is this. Students, or anybody else who is interested in
helping to raise money for Braille literacy and our national and state
student divisions,
can sign up to participate in the Braille Readers are Leaders program
and then solicit donations from friends, family, or anybody really,
for Braille pages
read throughout the duration of the contest. Of course, donations of
fixed sums are also gratefully accepted.

If you are already participating in either the K-12 or Adult Braille
Readers are Leaders contests, you can simply register with NABS as a
reader and find
people to sponsor you for each page you read. To register as a reader
with NABS, please fill the online form at:

Or contact Sean Whalen at
smwhalenpsp at gmail.com
 or 608 332-4147.

If you are not yet signed up for the contest, no worries! The reading
contest runs from November 1, 2010 through January 4, 2011, and
registration for Braille
Readers are Leaders is open now, and will remain open throughout the
duration of the contest. To register for either the K-12 or Adult
Braille Readers
are Leaders Contests, please go to
. And, remember, once you have registered for the contest, sign up
with NABS to participate in our Pennies for Pages fundraising effort!

If, rather than registering as a reader, you would like to support
NABS’ efforts by sponsoring a reader, or making a fixed donation,
please either register
as a sponsor at:


or contact Sean Whalen at
smwhalenpsp at gmail.com
 or 608 332-4147.

Donations can be accepted in cash or as checks made out to the
National Association of Blind Students and can be given to our
Treasurer, Nijat Worley, either
in person at Washington Seminar or sent, via postal mail, to:

Nijat Worley

2905 East College Ave, Unit 106

Boulder, CO 80303

If you wish to participate or have any questions at all about the
plan, please contact Sean Whalen at either 608-332-4147 or
smwhalenpsp at gmail.com
. I will be compiling the list of participants and would be happy to
answer any questions which anybody might have.

Any money we raise through Pennies for Pages will be shared, in equal
portions, between NABS, the National Association to Promote the Use of
Braille, and
the state student divisions (or affiliates) in which the readers reside.

NABS looks forward to working together to raise money for, and promote
awareness of, Braille literacy!

 Sean Whalen

Darian Smith
Skype: The_Blind_Truth
Windows Live: Lightningrod2010 at live.com
Follow me on twitter: http://twitter.com/goldengateace

“We are not human beings having a spiritual experience. We are
spiritual beings having a human experience.” - Teilhard de Chardin

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