[Nfbktad] Proposed Changes to TAD Constitution for CalendarYear 2014

Todd scorpio62 at windstream.net
Tue Aug 12 00:26:01 UTC 2014

You are, indeed, eligible to vote this year, Ian.

See you at convention!







From: Nfbktad [mailto:nfbktad-bounces at nfbnet.org] On Behalf Of Ian C. Bray via Nfbktad
Sent: Monday, August 11, 2014 4:36 PM
To: Cathy Jackson; NFB of Kentucky,Technology Assistance Division
Subject: Re: [Nfbktad] Proposed Changes to TAD Constitution for CalendarYear 2014


Todd, Cathy, Tonia, et. al;


I am presuming that since "new members" paid dues

for the first time last year, their ability to vote will not be in question, correct? 


I was not able to vote last year as a result of not having paid dues prior to convention.

I paid KTAD dues 'during' the meeting, and was told I would be able to vote

throughout the next year leadin up to and including this year's convention.

If I -need- to pay dues prior to convention, I would like to knowso I can get them paid

in order to have the ability to vote.







----- Original Message ----- 

From: Cathy Jackson via Nfbktad <mailto:nfbktad at nfbnet.org>  

To: Gatton, Tonia (OFB-LV) <mailto:Tonia.Gatton at ky.gov>  

Cc: testephens at independenceplaceky.org ; NFB of Kentucky, Technology Assistance Division <mailto:nfbktad at nfbnet.org>  

Sent: Thursday, July 31, 2014 8:14 PM

Subject: Re: [Nfbktad] Proposed Changes to TAD Constitution for CalendarYear 2014


You are absolutely right Tonia. Collecting dues before hand makes good sense. But You don't want to put something like that in your constitution which makes it sound like that's the only time one can pay. 

I get that you want everyone who attends to be able to vote. But I think you say one myst  pay his or her dues before one has  viting privileges. You certainly will collect dues throughout the year.

Sent from my iPhone

On Jul 31, 2014, at 3:58 PM, "Gatton, Tonia (OFB-LV)" <Tonia.Gatton at ky.gov> wrote:

I’m not Todd but it makes sense to me Cathy.  I think good practice though is to have a registration table outside the room and get people registered and collect dues before they enter the meeting room.


Tonia Gatton

Assistive Technology Specialist

Kentucky career Center

KY Office for the Blind

Charles W. McDowell Center

8412 Westport Road

Louisville, KY 40242

(502) 429-4460 ext. 268

(502) 429-7101

tonia.gatton at ky.gov

From: Nfbktad [mailto:nfbktad-bounces at nfbnet.org] On Behalf Of Cathy Jackson via Nfbktad
Sent: Thursday, July 31, 2014 2:21 PM
To: testephens at independenceplaceky.org; NFB of Kentucky, Technology Assistance Division
Subject: Re: [Nfbktad] Proposed Changes to TAD Constitution for Calendar Year 2014


Are you proposing to add what time dues will be collected during a meeting to your constitution? To me this is a matter of scheduling and what works best when and where. As long as members know there is a deadline for paying dues in order to be considered in good standing with voting privileges iis what matters. Don't tie your hands that tightly. Does my rambling make sense?


Sent from my iPhone

On Jul 31, 2014, at 1:15 PM, testephens--- via Nfbktad <nfbktad at nfbnet.org> wrote:

Greetings TAD members, 

Please review the proposed changes by the Tad board to the TAD constitution below. These are the changes to the TAD Constitution  

* Adding one additional board seat. That position is Program Manager. This person will be responsible for taking the lead on formulating and implementing future blindness related assistive technology training agendas and forums for TAD members. In addition, the Program Manager will spearhead future training events with regard to blindness related assistive technology for members in our community as well as other communities where there are individuals with visual impairments.

* There was an amendment to the TAD Constitution last year by which we thought to collect dues at the business meeting after the meeting. Upon second review, our board members feel it would be more efficient to collect at the beginning of the TAD board meeting.

Please review the TAD Constitution in its entirety, directly below with proposed changes.

Thank you,






Enacted September 10, 2006

Second Revision July 30, 2014


The name of this organization shall be Technology Assistance Division.


The purpose of this organization shall be to develop a network of knowledgeable and supportive individuals willing to provide and to share appropriate, blind related assistive technology resources and services with its members. TAD will provide a forum for its members to share information, and to support one another in a world of ever-evolving technology.

The Technology Assistance Division of NFBKY will: 1) collaborate and network with AT professionals who are experts in the field of current and future technology. 2. Present to its members both new and existing assistive technology through training seminars and workshops, whenever possible.

ARTICLE III: Membership

To comply with the constitution of the National Federation of the Blind of Kentucky and the National Federation of the Blind, a good faith effort shall be made by this organization to maintain a membership consisting of a majority of blind members.

Section I-Members

Members that are current by having paid dues during the designated time frame, as outlined in Article IX Dues, will have the right to vote, hold office, serve on committees, and speak on the floor (or by other electronic means). 

Section II-Affiliation

Membership in this organization automatically establishes membership in the National Federation of the Blind of Kentucky and the National Federation of the Blind. 

Section III-Expulsion

Any member may be expelled for violation of this Constitution or for conduct unbecoming to a member of the Federation by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the active members.  Any person who feels that he/she has been unjustly expelled from this organization may appeal to the Board of Directors of the National Federation of the Blind of Kentucky. 

ARTICLE IV: Officers

Section I-Officers and Their Duties

The elected Officers shall consist of a President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary, Program Manager, Communications Manager and Board Member.

Section II-Election of Officers

There shall be elected annually, a President, a Vice President, A treasurer, A Secretary, A Program manager, a Communications Manager, and a Board Member.  The terms of these officers shall begin at the close of the State Convention at which they are elected.  Officers shall be elected by a majority vote of Active members who are present and voting.  Voting may take place by voice, counting of hands, or secret ballot as deemed necessary by those present and voting.  There shall be no proxy voting.  If no nominee receives a majority vote on the first ballot, the name of the person receiving the fewest votes shall be dropped from the list of nominees; and a second ballot shall be taken.  This procedure shall continue until one of the nominees has received a majority vote from Active Members present and voting.  The duties of each officer shall be those ordinarily associated with that office

Section III-Replacement of Officers

Should the President, for any reason, be unable to complete his/her term of office, his/her duties shall be assumed by the Vice President.  Replacement of the Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary, Communications Manager, or Board member shall be by a 2/3 vote of the Board.

ARTICLE V: Board of Directors

The Board of Directors of this organization shall consist of the four (4) constitutional officers, a Program Manager, a Communications Manager and a Board member.  The Board shall meet at least two (2) times a year.  Special meetings may be held at the call of the President or on written call signed by any six (6) members of the board.  The Board shall advise the President and shall have charge of the affairs of the organization between meetings.  At least four (4) members of the Board must be present at any meeting to constitute a quorum to transact business.  The Board may be polled by telephone, email, any electronic polling/internet or mail ballot on any question. 

ARTICLE VI: Meetings

Section I-Annual Convention

This organization shall meet annually at the state convention of the National Federation of the Blind of Kentucky.

Section II-Special Meetings

The President may call other meetings of the membership at any time he/she or a majority of the Board of Directors deems necessary.  At such special meetings at least thirty-three and one-third (33-1/3) percent of the voting members must be present to constitute a quorum to transact business. 

Section III-State of the Division Address

At the annual meeting, the sitting President shall give a "State of the Division" address, reporting on the membership and activities of the Division over the past year. 

ARTICLE VII: Committees

Section I-The President may appoint such committees, as he/she or the organization deems necessary.

Section II-Non-Members may sit on a committee and vote in committee matters but may not chair the committee.

ARTICLE VIII: Affiliation

The Technology Assistance Division shall be a division of the National Federation of the Blind of Kentucky.  This organization shall furnish to the President of the National Federation of the Blind of Kentucky, by August 1, a list of the names and addresses of its elected officers, and the names and addresses of its members.  Furthermore, a complete financial report showing all financial transactions for the previous calendar year shall be furnished to the State President on August 1 for appropriate accounting purposes and to comply with 501 (c) (3) requirements and for Internal Revenue Service purposes.  A copy of the Constitution of the Technology Assistance Division and of all amendments to the Constitution shall be sent to the President of the National Federation of the Blind of Kentucky immediately upon adoption. 

The Technology Assistance Division shall not merely be a social organization, but shall formulate programs and actively work to promote the sharing of technology related information for the blind.  This organization shall comply with the provisions of the Constitution of the National Federation of the Blind of Kentucky.  Policy decisions of the National Federation of the Blind and the National Federation of the Blind of Kentucky (whether made by the State or National Convention or the State or National Board of Directors) are binding on this organization and this organization shall participate affirmatively in carrying out such policy decisions.  As a condition of affiliation, it is agreed by this organization that the National Federation of the Blind (whether by action of the State or National Convention or the State or National Board) has the power to expel or discipline an individual member and to expel or reorganize the division.  In the event of reorganization, the assets of this organization belong to the reorganized division; and the former division shall dissolve and cease to exist.   The name National Federation of the Blind or any variant thereof is the property of the National Federation of the Blind.  This organization, if it ceases to be a part of the National Federation of the Blind (for whatever reason), shall forfeit the right to use the name National Federation of the Blind or any variant thereof. 


The dues of this organization shall be $5.00 per year payable in full at the state convention. Dues may also be accepted during the fiscal year; however, will never be pro-rated. To comply with: 501(c)(3) regulations, the Internal Revenue Service, and to comply with standard accounting policies and procedures , no dues will be accepted during the window after June 1st and prior to the TAD Board Meeting held at the State Convention.

Only those members who have paid dues in the time frame)previous KY State Convention to the close of business(June 1 of the next calendar year) will be entitled to vote, hold office, serve on committees, and speak on the floor (or by other electronic means in the present TAD Board Elections and Board Meeting.

Dues collected at the State Convention will always be collected at the beginning of the TAD Board Business Meeting.

The division shall forward $1.00 per year to the National Federation of the Blind of Kentucky for each member no later than August 1.  No person may vote who is delinquent in the payment of his/her dues.

ARTICLE X: Disbursement of Funds

The funds of this organization shall be deposited in a bank to be selected by the Treasurer with the approval of the Board.  All financial obligations of this organization shall be discharged on written order by the President and Board and signed by the Treasurer and President until such time that an amendment is added to return check signing to the Treasurer, or in his/her absence or incapacity, the President.  The Treasurer shall give a financial report at the Annual Business Meeting of this organization. 

ARTICLE XI: Dissolution

In the event of the dissolution of this organization, or if (for whatever reason) it ceases to be a division of the National Federation of the Blind of Kentucky, its assets shall be given to the National Federation of the Blind of Kentucky to be held in trust for a reorganized division.  In the event no division is organized in the area for a period of two (2) years from the date this organization ceases to be a division of the National Federation of the Blind of Kentucky, the assets become the property of the National Federation of the Blind of Kentucky. 

ARTICLE XII: Amendments

This Constitution may be amended by a two-thirds (2/3) vote taken at the annual business meeting or special meeting through voting via an electronic, provided the amendment has been posted to the official listserv of this organization one month prior to the vote, and provided it is in compliance with the provisions of the Charter of Affiliation received from the National Federation of the Blind and with the policies of the National Federation of the Blind of Kentucky.

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