[Nfbktad] FW: Kats Facebook

Gatton, Tonia (OFB-LV) Tonia.Gatton at ky.gov
Tue Jan 14 13:44:34 UTC 2014

Kats Facebook


Kats now has a Facebook page.  We are asking anyone who has an interest in disability issues especially funding of assistive technology to visit our Facebook page.  

We plan on submitting a couple of entries per week, one on the funding of assistive technology and another on a variety of current disability issues. The goal is to provide usable information not volume.  If you like our Facebook page and choose to receive a notification when a new entry is submitted you will receive only one or 2 a week.

The Kats Facebook page can be accessed a few different ways:

>From your Facebook page by searching for "kats network"

Using the Facebook link from our website katsnet.org

Directly using the web address facebook.com/katsnet

Once you are on our Facebook page please like the page as well as high lighting the like button and click on "receive notifications" from the drop down menu.

You have to choose "receive notifications" in order to be notified when new information is placed on the Kats Facebook page.

Pleas spread the word to visit Kats Facebook page:



Jerry Wheatley

Kats Network

(800) 327-5287




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