[nfbmi-talk] FW: News Release Affecting MCB and Library Services for the Blind

Fred Wurtzel f.wurtzel at comcast.net
Thu Jul 16 22:25:19 UTC 2009

Dear Colleagues,


We need to think about this.  It could be a very good thing.  We should
think about the STEM mission of the new organization for the education of
blind children.  They could develop plans now that will include blind kids
on the ground floor.


I wonder if there is a role for Margaret Wolf?  She did a great job in Ann
Arbor, especially with the technology show and arts programs.  Sue Shenault
is also doing a good job and this comment does not in any way reflect on her
or the present LMBPH program.


This will be an agenda item for our August state board meeting.


Warmest Regards,






From: Cannon, Patrick (DELEG) 
Sent: Tuesday, July 14, 2009 8:48 AM
To: /o=MIGOV/ou=CIS/cn=Recipients/cn=robertsond2; /o=MIGOV/ou=First
Administrative Group/cn=Recipients/cn=6a5f464a-a40738b7-7e79e214-3d78f0cf;
Anderson, Sue (DELEG); Andrews, Therese (DELEG); Angerman, Patricia (DELEG);
Barber, Diana (DELEG); Betz, Bonnie (DELEG); Beville-Sprinkle, Rose (DELEG);
Boone, Christine (DELEG); Bowden, David (DELEG); Braxton, Catherine (DELEG);
Brink-Chaney, Marcie (DELEG); Burdgick, Julia (MDIT); Byers-Lang, Rosalind
(DELEG); Caldwell, Cynthia (DELEG); Cannon, Patrick (DELEG); Carter, Mary
(DELEG); Clark, Julie (DELEG); Cornell, Karen (DELEG); Crawley, Taletha
(DELEG); Crooks, Pam (DELEG); Curtis, Lori (DELEG); Duthie, Patrick (DELEG);
Dykstra, Randy (DELEG); Edmonds, Lucy (DELEG); Fluri, Sue (DELEG); Ford,
Leanne (DELEG); Fortier, Sandra (DELEG); Freeland, Amy (DELEG); Furton, Dan
(DELEG); Gaston, Diamalyn (DELEG); Gordon, Sherry (DELEG); Greenacre, Lee
(DELEG); Greenwald, Dave (DELEG); Grover, Dan (DELEG); Haines, Ed (DELEG);
Hall, Tamieka (DELEG); Hamilton, Jim (MDIT); Harrington, Karen (DELEG);
Haynes, Carla (DELEG); Heibeck, Cheryl (DELEG); Henshaw, Connie (DELEG);
Hough, Tami (DELEG); Hoy, Tina (DELEG); Hull, James (DELEG); Ippel, Mary
(DELEG); Jones, Leamon (DELEG); Kirklin, Raymond (DELEG); Kisiel, Lisa
(DELEG); Klimp, Hertha (DELEG); Kramer, Bernie (DELEG); Lapekas, Nancy
(DELEG); Laury-Johnson, Shawnese (DELEG); Long, Alice (DELEG);
Lujan-Roberts, Betty (DELEG); Lukose, Aliyamma (DELEG); Luzenski, Sue
(DELEG); Lwanga, Stephanie (DELEG); Mahony-Bierlein, Holly (DELEG);
Marchione, Lisa (DELEG); Marshall, Phyllis (DELEG); Martin, Carrie (DELEG);
Masion, Shelley (DELEG); McCall, Roberta (DELEG); McEntee, John (DELEG);
McInnis, Janet (DELEG); McNeal, Gwen (DELEG); McVoy, Shannon (DELEG);
Meadows, Faith (DELEG); Moss, Corda (DELEG); Nelson, King (DELEG); Neubaum,
Marla (DELEG); Pada, Christine (DELEG); Peatross, Claudette (DELEG); Pelle,
Joe (DELEG); Postal, Sally (DELEG); Robertson, Bob (DELEG); Robinson, David
(DELEG); Rush, Betty (DELEG); Samkowiak, Shirely (DELEG); Savage, Robert
(DELEG); Schmelzer, Laura (DELEG); Schultz, Bruce (DELEG); Shadrick, Ian
(DELEG); Silky, Karyn (DELEG); Silvey, Amber M (DELEG); Simmons, Karen
(DELEG); Singleton, Euan (DELEG); Smith, Danielle (DELEG); Smith, Joan
(DELEG); Spencer, Margaret (DELEG); Terwilliger, Judy (DELEG); Toda, Shigeru
(DELEG); Turney, Susan (DELEG); VanElk, Wendy (DELEG); Visscher, Michelle
(DELEG); Wallace, Judy (DELEG); West, Tina (DELEG); White, Elizabeth
(DELEG); Wile, Barbara (DELEG); Wilson, Debbie (DELEG); Wine, Kathy (DELEG);
Woodward, Joann (DELEG); Wright, Nichole (DELEG); Zanger, Connie (DELEG);
Zemlick, Mary (DELEG); Geri Taeckens (geri.taeckens at isahealthfund.org); Jo
Ann Pilarski (pilarskij at charter.net); Margaret Wolfe (margwolfe at usa.net);
Mike Geno; Velma Allen (vknallen at comcast.net)
Subject: News Release Affecting MCB and Library Services for the Blind


Dear Colleagues,


You'll be pleased to read the news release below from Governor Jennifer M.
Granholm announcing an Executive Order she has issued regarding the
Department of History, Arts and Libraries, transferring that department's
functions to various other state departments, agencies and commissions.  As
you'll read below, the Governor's Executive Order transfers Library Services
for the Blind and Physically Handicapped (SBPH) to the Michigan Commission
for the Blind.


DELEG Director Skip Pruss will be in charge of overseeing this transfer and
it is expected that it will take affect October 1, 2009.  This news poses
exciting possibilities for the Commission, our clients as well as SBPH
clients.  Be assured that I'll keep us all posted as more details become
available.  In the meantime, though, I wanted to let you know about the news
release just issued by the Governor.


Best always,










From: Whipple, Deb (GOV) 



Subject: Granholm announces conceptual plan for Michigan Center for
Innovation and Reinvention 




July 13, 2009

Contact:  Liz Boyd

(517) 335-6397


Granholm Announces Conceptual Plan for Michigan Center for Innovation and

Potential partnership with MSU, Lansing outlined in HAL executive order


LANSING - Governor Jennifer M. Granholm today announced conceptual plans for
a Michigan Center for Innovation and Reinvention (MCIR) in downtown Lansing
that would help equip Michigan citizens for the knowledge-based economy
through entrepreneurial and innovative programs.


The governor is establishing a Michigan Center for Innovation and Renovation
Board to examine the establishment of the new center that would be a
transformed Michigan Library and Historical Center through a partnership
with Michigan State University, the city of Lansing and other appropriate
public and private partners.  The board is outlined in Executive Order
2009-36 that abolishes the Department of History, Arts and Libraries and
transfers that department's functions to various other state departments,
agencies and commissions. 


"The MCIR would be another step forward in our ongoing efforts to make
Michigan competitive in a global economy," Granholm said.  "The center would
draw upon Michigan's rich history of entrepreneurship for lessons to help
stimulate the innovations needed for today's knowledge-based economy."


The MCIR would have several objectives, which would include promoting
understanding of state history and the cultural diversity of Michigan
citizens; educating children and adults in science, technology, engineering
and mathematics; and enhancing the competitiveness of Michigan citizens in
the world economy through research and education.


"The concept of MCIR is a modern vision for a modern Michigan," said
Michigan State University President Lou Anna K. Simon.  "As we weather
extreme economic distress across our state, it's important we work together
in new ways to promote the transformation of Michigan to a knowledge-based
economy.  The MCIR is a blend of technology and culture, and I'm excited
about the opportunity the board affords to discuss refinement of the
center's vision and its promise of drawing future generations to the heart
of Michigan to learn about our state's history of reinvention through


"The challenges of today's economy are driving all of us to explore new ways
to streamline and reinvent government," said Lansing Mayor Virg Bernero.
"By facing these challenges with vision, creativity and determination, we
can put Michigan in position for a strong economic recovery and secure a
more prosperous future for our citizens.  I certainly appreciate the
governor's invitation to be part of that process."


Nine members will form the Michigan Center for Innovation and Reinvention
Board: the director of the Department of Natural Resources, superintendent
of public instruction and seven gubernatorial appointees.  Three of the
members selected by the governor will be from a list of candidates nominated
by President Simon, and a fourth will be from a list of candidates nominated
by Mayor Bernero.  The board will issue its final report to the governor by
June 1, 2010.


"Just like private sector employers who are reducing divisions and
administrative overhead to achieve greater efficiencies, state government
continues to do so as well," Granholm said.  "Functions of the Department of
History, Arts and Libraries will move to other areas of state government
performing similar duties."


Elimination of the Department of History, Arts and Libraries implements the
governor's 2010 executive budget recommendation that included reforms,
spending cuts and revenue enhancements to balance the state budget that
begins October 1.


The department's abolition is also part of an ongoing effort to streamline
state government.  This will be the third state department eliminated during
the Granholm administration, plus more than 150 state boards and
commissions.  Lt. Governor John D. Cherry Jr., at the governor's request, is
leading an even broader review of state government that could eventually
result in the number of state departments being reduced to eight.   


The executive order will transfer:


.  The Michigan Council for Arts and Cultural Affairs to the Michigan
Strategic Fund;


.  Library of Michigan functions (except those related to the blind and
physically handicapped) to the Department of Education and require the
department to evaluate and implement additional cost saving measures;


.  Library services for the blind and physically handicapped to the Michigan
Commission for the Blind;


.  Census reporting and related statistical functions to the Department of
Information Technology;


.  State records management functions to the Department of Management and


.  The State Historic Preservation Review Board and Idlewild Centennial
Commission to the Michigan State Housing Development Authority;


.  The Michigan Historical Commission, including museum facilities,
archives, historical records and related functions, to the Department of
Natural Resources (DNR) and require the DNR to evaluate and implement
additional cost saving measures. 


.  Also transferring to the DNR will be:


-  Mackinac Island State Park Commission

-  Michigan Commission on the Commemoration of the Bicentennial of the War
of 1812

-  Michigan Freedom Trail Commission

-  Michigan Heritage Water Trail Program

-  Michigan Iron Industry Museum Advisory Board


The executive order takes effect October 1, 2009.


# # #




Patrick D. Cannon

State Director

Michigan Commission for the Blind

Department of Energy, Labor and Economic Growth

201. N. Washington Square

P.O. Box 30652

Lansing, MI  48909

517-335-4265  phone

517-335-5140  fax

cannonp at michigan.gov



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