[nfbmi-talk] Labor Day Bridge Walk

Georgia gkitchen at gfn.org
Wed Jul 22 04:01:27 UTC 2009

Hi Melinda,

You are doing a great job. It sounds great however, I will be working with 
Leader Dog through sept. 5 so this year I do not think I can go. We would 
like to leave on the 4th if we were able.

Thanks again.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "melinda latham" <youthslammi at yahoo.com>
To: "Milt Alston" <malston at ci.lansing.mi.us>; <pink92gurl at yahoo.com>; "Mary 
Ann" <brightsmile1953 at comcast.net>; "ronald brown" <rb15 at iquest.net>; "Moss 
Corda" <mossc at michigan.gov>; "Marianne Dunn" <dunkaz at ameritech.net>; "Kranz 
Family" <kranz26 at tds.net>; "Norah Howell" <norah3 at hotmail.com>; "Wilson 
Joanne" <JWilson at nfb.org>; <kingsbury at wowway.com>; 
<kshields at carolina.rr.com>; <laschuck at juno.com>; "melinda latham" 
<youthslammi at yahoo.com>; <laurae.white at hotmail.com>; <linda248 at comcast.net>; 
<lizef at hotmail.com>; <lizmohnke at hotmail.com>; <lmball at peoplepc.com>; 
<lovep at mich.gov>; "Quintina M." <qmsingleton at comcast.net>; 
<mananu at novagate.com>; <marcus.simmons at comcast.net>; <marshakatona at aol.com>; 
"Thorpe Mary" <MThorpe at nfb.org>; <marywurtzel at comcast.net>; 
<mawhoo at hotmail.com>; <mbaotr at aol.com>; <mcnealg at mich.gov>; 
<mggoalball at gmail.com>; "nfb mi" <nfbmi-talk at nfbnet.org>; "Seay Michael" 
<Michael.Seay at ssa.gov>; "Scott Miller" <Scott.Miller at lansingschools.net>; 
"Rio Miriam" <MRio at nfb.org>; "missy" <simplemissy5 at yahoo.com>; 
<mjtorrez at gmail.com>; <mllatham at svsu.edu>; <mspringstead at peoplepc.com>; 
<mwroane at mindspring.com>; <nancynohorse at yahoo.com>; 
<newenergytechnologies at yahoo.com>; <nfbnj at yahoo.com>; 
<nfbparents at hotmail.com>; <ngrice5456 at aol.com>; "Tim Paulding" 
<tpaulding at drccil.org>; <pilarskij at charter.net>; <president at nfbutah.org>; 
<primodog614 at yahoo.com>; <rayroberson at talkamerica.net>; 
<rdearborn19532000 at yahoo.com>; <regandlon at wideopenwest.com>; 
<rflores at nfb-texas.org>; <risasteve982 at yahoo.com>; <roxine at bellsouth.net>; 
"tyler samuel" <lilblue615 at yahoo.com>; <sarahcubb at comcast.net>; 
<selena.j.sundling at irs.gov>; <shecat1958 at att.com>; <skelel at ford.com>; 
"Lannie Slabaugh" <slabaughl at sbcglobal.net>; <smithfr at msu.edu>; 
<snowhite at voyager.net>; "Marcus Soulsby" <msoulsby at suddenlink.net>; 
<spyerardi at hotmail.com>; <srashcraft at aol.com>; "sarah stanford" 
<sarahstanforn2691 at gamil.com>; <suncat0 at gmail.com>; <techbrl at chpi.org>; 
<tjpaulding at gmail.com>; "Olivero Treva" <TEOlivero at nfb.org>; 
<underhogg at montana.com>; <UVCHAPTER at nfbutah.org>; <wharvey1 at keene.edu>; 
<willie.jones at gm.com>; <woodslj at msu.edu>; "nicole wright" 
<wrightn5 at michigan.gov>; <xippy2 at charter.net>; <zackerickson1 at gmail.com>; 
"Peter Zaremba" <peter_zaremba at yahoo.com>
Sent: Tuesday, July 21, 2009 10:12 PM
Subject: [nfbmi-talk] Labor Day Bridge Walk

> --- On Tue, 7/21/09, melinda latham <youthslammi at yahoo.com> wrote:
> From: melinda latham <youthslammi at yahoo.com>
> Subject: Labor Day Bridge Walk
> To: .petrous at gmail.com, A1lb3ouncer at cs.com, alewis at nfbga.org, 
> allred at wisc.edu, angelnursetonya at yahoo.com, ANNALIZEME at GMAIL.COM, 
> audio at arenet.net, aznor99 at aol.com, BALDWIN at CRIS.COM, bbatron at cocenter.org, 
> bcf at blindchildrensfund.org, ben.kanga111 at gmail.com, bkmabma at yahoo.com, 
> blindjedi at clearwire.net, bnipashley at att.net, boonec at michigan.gov, 
> bossclaw at aol.com, "Ann Kostin-McGill" <akostin at ci.lansing.mi.us>, "Ann 
> Petrous" <annpetrous at gmail.com>, "cherreelle allen" <jallen7 at cdu.edu>, 
> "Julia Ann" <lyskawaj at msu.edu>, "Karen Awad" 
> <Karen.Awad at orlandofunspots.com>, "Jillian Bante" <jbante at comcast.net>, 
> "Diana Bitely" <dbitely at ci.lansing.mi.us>, brileyp at gmail.com, 
> Brownk3 at state.mi.us, carmen47 at charter.net, carpenterant45 at att.net, "jordyn 
> caster" <jordyn2493 at gmail.com>, chrbrown at umich.edu, cindie5656 at yahoo.com, 
> coacashu16 at msn.com, CRAFTISUE at HOTMAIL.COM, "Jill Cruth" 
> <jillcruth at yahoo.com>, d_mohnke18 at yahoo.com, DAVID.GUTH at WMICH.EDU, "Kathy 
> Davis"
> <kdavisnfbf at cfl.rr.com>, dawnpobc at hotmail.com, debbiewunder at mchsi.com, 
> "Elizabeth DeBoer" <eweissdeboer at gmail.com>, "densel" <ibelyph at yahoo.com>, 
> DJAMESON at CAROLINA.RR.COM, dlposont at yahoo.com, dweubanks at comcast.net, 
> ever.hairston at sbcgloal.net, ewoods at cocenter.org, eyes38383 at hotmail.com, 
> fjw at attbi.com, "gary" <djgfire3life at gmail.com>, "Jane Gee" 
> <sttprincipal at sbcglobal.net>, george.wurtzel at spcglobal.net, 
> geri.taeckens at isahealthfund.org, ggwilcox at comcast.net, 
> givernybridge at hotmail.com, GKITCHEN at GFN.ORG, gnat1 at home.com, 
> goharriet00 at hotmail.com, gscott at nfbga.org, gwilcox at msu.edu, "josh harper" 
> <josh.harper108 at yahoo.com>, "Chelesea Henrizi" <camptgirl at att.net>, 
> hillikerdka at comcast.net, honeyboy at charter.net, ipatf at yahoo.com, 
> jacalynpaulding at gmail.com, jennifer.dunnam at earthlink.net, jj at bestmidi.com, 
> jmeddaugh at cris.com, jthompson6835 at comcast.net, kelly at dls.net, "Keila 
> Kilgore" <kiknbkk at aol.com>, "Georgia Kitchen" <ghkitchen at comcast.net>, 
> "kecia lanham"
> <knl1089 at yahoo.com>, "Kim Mohnke" <kitties_kimmy at yahoo.com>, "chelesea 
> parker" <chelseap08 at gmail.com>, "david Robinson" 
> <robinsond5 at michigan.gov>, "joe ruffelo" <nfrbnj at yahoo.com>, "Church Ruth" 
> <rchurch at midmichiganredcross.org>, "Cynthia Woiderski" <CLBW at svsu.edu>, 
> "Fred Wurtzel" <f.wurtzel at comcast.net>, "george wurtzel" 
> <george.wurtzel at comcast.net>, "Jennifer Yeagley" 
> <jyeagley at lighthouse-sf.org>
> Cc: "melinda latham" <youthslammi at yahoo.com>
> Date: Tuesday, July 21, 2009, 10:10 PM
> Hey My Friends,
> It's that time again. IT's time to gear up for the Bridge Walk Weekend.
> Sept 4-7 leaving from Lansing, MI
> THis Year we will be staying in Beautiful Muinsing , Michigan about 1 and 
> a half hours north of the bridge. You have the option of staying in a room 
> or bringing a tent. The cost is $65 per person. This year there is a $35 
> NON REFUNDABLE depoist. I must recieve the depoist before your spot is 
> reserved. This cost includes transportation , lodging a a few meals. We 
> suggust that everyone brings snacks to share for the car ride and in 
> between meals. This years list of activites include a visit to Froggies 
> which is a locwaterfalls, walks, jumping off cliffsal land mark, , picnic 
> and so much more.
> So, if you are interested please let me know ASAP. let me know the 
> following things
> !. if you will be attending and the number of people in your party
> 2. preferred slepping arrangments (tent or house).
> 3. Can you drive , do you have a vehicle and how many people can fit in 
> your vehicle.
> 4. Any questions you might have
> This is a youth outreach event However, EVERYONE IS 
> WELCOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
> send all checks to
> MElinda Latham
> 413 W Maple St
> Lansing, MI 48906
> Make checks payable to NFB of Michigan
> Thanks,
> MElinda
> Youth Outreach Coordinator, NFB of MI
> 517.803.3800
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