[nfbmi-talk] Subject: Volunteers Needed for NFB National Convention
Marcus Simmons
marcus.simmons at comcast.net
Thu Jun 11 13:28:29 UTC 2009
The Downtown Detroit Lions Club has indicated that they are willing to help.
Contact Sue Williams president,(586) 725-3244 orsdwilliams.x at gmail.com tell
her I sent you.
----- Original Message -----
From: "melinda latham" <youthslammi at yahoo.com>
To: "nfb mi" <nfbmi-talk at nfbnet.org>; <.petrous at gmail.com>;
<A1lb3ouncer at cs.com>; <alewis at nfbga.org>; "cherreelle allen"
<jallen7 at cdu.edu>; <allred at wisc.edu>; <angelnursetonya at yahoo.com>;
<ANNALIZEME at GMAIL.COM>; <audio at arenet.net>; <aznor99 at aol.com>;
<BALDWIN at CRIS.COM>; <bbatron at cocenter.org>; <bcf at blindchildrensfund.org>;
<ben.kanga111 at gmail.com>; "Diana Bitely" <dbitely at ci.lansing.mi.us>;
<bkmabma at yahoo.com>; <blindjedi at clearwire.net>; <bnipashley at att.net>;
<boonec at michigan.gov>; <bossclaw at aol.com>; <brileyp at gmail.com>;
<Brownk3 at state.mi.us>; <carmen47 at charter.net>; <carpenterant45 at att.net>;
<chrbrown at umich.edu>; <cindie5656 at yahoo.com>; <coacashu16 at msn.com>;
<CRAFTISUE at HOTMAIL.COM>; <d_mohnke18 at yahoo.com>; <DAVID.GUTH at WMICH.EDU>;
<dawnpobc at hotmail.com>; <debbiewunder at mchsi.com>; "Elizabeth DeBoer"
<eweissdeboer at gmail.com>; "densel" <ibelyph at yahoo.com>;
<DJAMESON at CAROLINA.RR.COM>; <dlposont at yahoo.com>; <dweubanks at comcast.net>;
<ever.hairston at sbcgloal.net>; <ewoods at cocenter.org>;
<eyes38383 at hotmail.com>; <fjw at attbi.com>; "gary" <djgfire3life at gmail.com>;
<george.wurtzel at spcglobal.net>; <geri.taeckens at isahealthfund.org>;
<ggwilcox at comcast.net>; <givernybridge at hotmail.com>; <GKITCHEN at GFN.ORG>;
<gnat1 at home.com>; <goharriet00 at hotmail.com>; <gscott at nfbga.org>;
<gwilcox at msu.edu>; "Chelesea Henrizi" <camptgirl at att.net>
Sent: Monday, June 08, 2009 5:08 PM
Subject: [nfbmi-talk] Subject: Volunteers Needed for NFB National Convention
The NFB 2009 National Convention is right around the corner. The convention
will be held at the Renaissance Center in Detroit Michigan from Thursday
July 2nd through Wednesday July 9th. We are seeking individuals to volunteer
their time to work one or more four hour shifts at the convention.
Volunteers are needed for a variety of tasks including:
· Assisting convention attendees with directions to meeting rooms and other
locations in the Renaissance Center.
· Delivering boxes and other materials in the hotel.
· Assisting with Other errands and miscellaneous tasks
There will be a short training session for volunteers at the beginning of
each 4 hour shift. You can work a partial shift if you are unable to commit
to the entire 4 hours. If you are interested in volunteering or know someone
who is interested PLEASE have them contact myself or Sarah Norwood using the
contact information listed below.
Melinda Latham
e-mail: youthslammi at yahoo.com
Phone: (517)803-3800
Sarah Norwood
Phone: (313)982-8842
Please circulate this to everyone you know!!!
Thank you,
Melinda Latham
Youth Outreach Coordinator, NFB of MI
Youth Outreach Coordinator, NFB of MI
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