melinda latham youthslammi at yahoo.com
Sun Mar 8 18:29:10 UTC 2009

To all of my federation friends,
i write to you with a terribly saddened heart and a whole flood of emotions inside. With deepest sadness i must report to you that the NFB of MI has lost a close friend. Our fellow federationis, president of the Tennessee affilateand great friend, Michael Seay has gone home to be with the Lord,. on Friday, March 5.2009 after a sudden heart attach.  .  Please join me in clebrating the life of a man that so many of us held so dear.  He was our federation brother and to many in the Michigan affliate he was such a good friend.  
In a gesture of love to the family, i am commpiling a book of memeories and pictures to present to his family when i travel to Memphis this weekend for his service. SO, i ask if you have any memories of Mike as a friend , of federation brother that you'd like to share with his family, please email me the stories and pictures.  I am sure that the family will find comfort in our memories.  i must admit that this is partially a selfish indeavor.  Mike meant the world to me and by hearing memories of all his friends it makes me remember him and feel his awesome presence.  If i were to write something it would be about the way he laughted that just consumed me and made me laugh even if i didn't think the comment of joke was funny.  I would write about how e made me feel special and how at one time and maybe even still i was his princess.  Or, the time i blow up a pan of brownies while he was in Michigan visiting and he tried to pretend that he wasn't
 disappointed but heally he was looking foward to my excellent peanut butter brownies.  I have so many great memories and i am sure you do as well. 
Knowing Mike as i did, i am sure that he's in heaven happy, drinking weet tea( or....) and eating  ribs, chicken or tacos.  I am sure that he is singing in the choir with angles and sharing his amazing laugh with them.  
Again, please send your stories to me so that i may share our memories of our federation brother with his family.
Thank you,

Youth Outreach Coordinator, NFB of MI 


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