[nfbmi-talk] FW: Accessible Devices Hello from the big R spring cleaning

Fred Wurtzel f.wurtzel at comcast.net
Thu Apr 1 16:11:59 UTC 2010


I found this cool deal.  



-----Original Message-----
From: a-d-bounces at accessible-devices.com
[mailto:a-d-bounces at accessible-devices.com] On Behalf Of Teri and Randy
Sent: Thursday, April 01, 2010 11:02 AM
To: accessible-devices list
Subject: Accessible Devices Hello from the big R spring cleaning

I have for sale various Braille dots. These dots are great to
have around because you can use them to pretend like you are reading.
Each dot costs a dollar, but if you buy a full cell, the cost is only 5
dollars. So it's like you get 1 dot free. If you buy more than 1 dot,
you will need to specify in what dot pattern you want the multiple dots
to come in. For example if you buy 4 dots, I will need to know which
ones you actually want. Examples are dots 1 2 3 5 for the letter r and
dots 1 2 4 5 for the letter G. If you want multiple sets of dots such as
enough to make certain dot patterns as in the following phrase, I can
make this happen as well.

The below dot patterns are the special of the day and are even free.

1 1234 1235 24 123
124 135 135 123 3 234

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