[nfbmi-talk] Cannon Calls for Armed Gaurds, Bullet Proof Drapes at MCB Board Meeting!

joe harcz Comcast joeharcz at comcast.net
Fri Apr 23 13:21:42 UTC 2010

Hi Fred and All,

This also goes to the fact that Cannon and some MCB staff tried to 
intimidate MCB TC students from even attending this public meeting. It all 
goes to the fact that over years he has worked tirelessly not to support the 
human, civil and constitutional rights of people who are blind, but exactly 
the opposite. This was a public meeting of a federally funded state agency 
for crying out loud. People have the right under the First Amendment not 
only to free speech but to also peaceably assemble and to redress our 
grievances against our government. There is no exclusion for blind folks in 
this right.

I, like you was just curious about this issue of security. I, like you, was 
astounded to read the depth of this.

Now, Cannon is trying his darndest to hide the real facts in not releasing 
under FOIA the RSA monitoring Report. Facts are as best as I can find out 
the MCB has inappropriately used federal funds for years and is really in 
some deep dog dew over that.

Rather, than address this critical issue and others Cannon has been busy on 
spying on student movements at MCB TC (where they go and what they do). He 
has been busy sacking qualified blind folks from long held jobs. And here he 
fiddles about with bullet proof drapes while rome burns.

Since he started the fire, so to speak, why didn't he requisition a  fire 

Good insight on this Fred. And job well done on the FOIA Larry!

Say does Cannon have a state car? Wonder if it isn't armored plated? Maybe 
he should get his lap dogs at MCB to investigate him renting the "Pope 

Oh he can pay attention to these little details but can't after twenty years 
of the ADA get accessible signage in his own office building?

Speaking of Braille... Why don't we all put our I.D. cards in Braille for 
the next MCB meeting in case they wish to check out our credentials? That 
should confuse the heck out of this paranoid Mafia don wanna be.

If anyone should be paranoid it is the blind people of Michigan for here we 
clearly know there is a plot against us. A woefully pathetic sort of comic 
plot; but a plot nonetheless.

I've got to check out the meeting of the state agency directors that Cannon 
just attended. Wonder if he went into security at supposedly public meetings 
at that one?

Oh well with stuff like this know one will have to force Cannon out of his 
job. He isn't paranoid after all everyone is laughing at his silly highness. 
That includes inside MCB itself...

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Fred Wurtzel" <f.wurtzel at comcast.net>
To: "'NFB of Michigan List'" <nfbmi-talk at nfbnet.org>
Cc: "'Geri Taeckens'" <geri.taeckens at isahealthfund.org>; "'Geri Taeckens'" 
<taeckens at eup.k12.mi.us>; "'Jo Ann Pilarski'" <pilarskij at charter.net>
Sent: Friday, April 23, 2010 12:54 AM
Subject: [nfbmi-talk] Cannon Calls for Armed Gaurds,Bullet Proof Drapes at 
MCB Board Meeting!

> Hello,
> This is more amazing than anything I imagined.  At the end of the last MCB
> meeting I asked who needed guarding?  I asked who authorized the guards.
> President Posont filed a Freedom of Information Act request.  We were
> astonished to read the following paranoic exchange initiated by Pat 
> Cannon.
> He is apparently a little nuts or something.  Can you believe blind people
> are being told there is no money for needed services and Cannon is
> investigating bullet proof drapes and armed gaurds?  Who should be afraid?
> We have posted this on our web page www.nfbmi.org.  Please tell your 
> friends
> to read this and decide who deserves to have a job, Christine, Dave, Blind
> Vendors or Pat Cannon. UNBELIEVABLE!
> From: Robertson, Bob (DELEG)
> Sent: Tuesday, April 13, 2010 10:44 AM
> To: Haynes, Carla (DELEG); Cannon, Patrick (DELEG)
> Subject: FW: Security at Commission meetings
> Here is the information on the possibilities of getting security and
> bullet-proof draping at Commission meetings.
> Bob
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
> ----
> From: Cannon, Patrick D (DLEG)
> Sent: Tuesday, April 08, 2008 4:50 PM
> To: Robertson, Bob (DLEG)
> Subject: RE: Security at Commission meetings
> Thanks Bob!  You did great work on gathering this information and I am 
> most
> appreciative.
> I have forwarded this information on to Jo Ann Pilarski but asked that she
> not share it far and wide and I will ask you to do the same as I do not 
> want
> to create any sense of "alarm" on the subject of security.
> Thanks again,
> Pat
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Robertson, Bob (DLEG)
> Sent: Tuesday, April 08, 2008 3:02 PM
> To: Cannon, Patrick D (DLEG)
> Cc: Luzenski, Sue (DLEG)
> Subject: Security at Commission meetings
> Hi Pat -
> After talking with Steve Monet, I've got some info you can "take under
> advisement" and share with Commissioners if you so wish. Steve is still
> checking into the feasibility of bullet-proof draping for the conference
> rooms tables. He wants us to take a digital photo of the tables in the
> conference room upstairs and include their measurements so the company who
> makes the draping can give us an estimate on the costs. I thought we could
> do this when Susan gets back later this week.
> As for other buildings, he said there are several in the area. He 
> mentioned
> the State Library or Capitol Commons as two possibilities downtown. There 
> is
> also the General Office Building at the Secondary Complex and the building
> down on Pierpont where the Public Service Commission meets. All of these
> facilities have someone at the front desk checking IDs and issuing visitor
> passes. Steve pointed out that these so-called "security guards" do not 
> get
> involved in apprehending or stopping bad guys. In other words, if someone
> disrupts a meeting the folks at the front desk won't come running to the
> rescue. We would need to call the Capitol Security for that.
> Finally, Steve gave me the name of the guy in DMB, Jeff Pratt, we can
> contact (241-4391) if we want to see about having our own security guard 
> at
> a meeting in this building. We would need to tell him how often we'd need
> someone, how many hours each time, the place and time, and then whether we
> wanted an armed or unarmed guard. We would most likely have to pay for 
> those
> services. We cannot just "borrow" a guard from another building.
> I think this is a good 'first step' in gathering some info that you and 
> the
> Board can use to decide a 'next step' so if you need more, let me know.
> Bob
> If you wondered if it was really someone else who requested the security,
> here is proof from the Department of Management and Budget that Cannon,
> personally, did it.
> From: Luzenski, Sue (DELEG)
> Sent: Tuesday, March 23, 2010 2:24 PM
> To: Heibeck, Cheryl (DELEG)
> Subject: For FOIA request
> Attachments: DMB-123 Blind Comm Victor.doc
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Pratt, Jeff
> Sent: Tuesday, February 02, 2010 10:48 AM
> To: Luzenski, Sue (DELEG)
> Subject: Fwd: FW: Braille and Tactile Signs
> Sue,
> Thank you.  Pat asked that I arrange for a security guard on Mar. 19 & 20.
> Attached is a DMB-123 that I need to have you complete and have signed by
> your agency then returned to my attention.  I will also need a point of
> contact and phone number for these two days as well as an understanding of
> what the guard's duties will be.  I do know that on the 20th the guard 
> will
> need to be posted at the entrance as the building will be locked.  It 
> would
> be helpful if a list of those authorized to enter so that the guard knows
> who is authorized.
> Thanks,
> Jeff
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