[nfbmi-talk] we should be there
joe harcz Comcast
joeharcz at comcast.net
Wed Aug 18 21:07:51 UTC 2010
Check out the in-service training for Commissioners on budget and cash match. As there will be a quorum I think this is probably coverred under the Open Meetings Act. I think we should be there.
August 2010 Edition
August 26, 2010 MCB Commissioner In-Service Training from 11:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. in the Victor Office Center,
201 N. Washington Square (at Ottawa) in Lansing, third floor, conference rooms A/B. The subject will be the DELEG and MCB budget process and cash match
August 27, 2010 MCB Commission Meeting from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. in Lansing. To listen to the commission meeting over the telephone, please dial 1-916-233-0780
or toll-free 1-888-296-6828, passcode 847670#. For live audio streaming over the internet during the meeting, the URL is http://sc4.specialnet.com:24558/listen.pls.
For more information, contact Sue Luzenski (MCB) at (517) 335-4265.*
September 11, 2010 MCB Library Service for the Blind and Physically Handicapped Computer Club from 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. at the Library of Michigan,
LSBPH. Topic: MacIntosh accessibility presented by Mike Ellis of MEE, Inc. The MCB LSBPH Computer Club meets on the second Saturday of the month. Monthly
topics range from presentations by vendors on new adaptive devices to hands-on training on Microsoft Word to field trips to other adaptive computer labs.
Everyone is welcome no matter their level of computer experience. For more information, contact Scott Norris (LSBPH, MCB) at (517) 373-5516.*
September 11,2010 MCB LSBPH Book Club meeting to be held at 12:30 p.m. at the Library of Michigan, LSBPH. This is the first meeting of the book club.
The meeting can be attended in person, on site, or via the OPAL online
meeting room. For more information, contact
Scott Norris (LSBPH, MCB) at (517) 373-5516.*
Sept. 12-17, 2010 MCB Mini Adjustment Program in Muskegon. This weeklong event will provide MCB clients with training in a variety of skills of blindness,
e.g., cane travel, Braille, adaptive kitchen skills, dealing with time and money, and adaptive computer technology. For more information, contact Shig
Toda (MCB) at (269) 337-3601 or Bonnie Betz (MCB) at (269) 337-3858.*
September 15, 2010 MCB Consumer Involvement Council meeting from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. at 201 N. Washington in the second floor conference room. To
participate by teleconference, call (877) 873-8017 and enter passcode number 7085546. The CIC, made up of representatives from organized consumer groups
and current agency clients, provides formal consumer input to the Commission for the Blind board. For more information, contact MCB Liaison Susan Turney
at (517) 241-8631.*
September 16, 2010 MCB Image & Identity Team Meeting, 10 a.m. to noon by teleconference. To participate, call 877-873-8017 and enter passcode 7502991.
This group focuses on ways to increase awareness of the Michigan Commission for the Blind and its programs and services, such as through collaboration
with other organizations, publications, the MCB website, media, community events, and more. The committee is open to anyone who would like to participate,
including MCB staff, consumers, community partners, and others interested in these topics. For more information, contact Susan Turney (MCB) at (517) 241-8631.*
October 1–
December 10, 2010 MCB Business Enterprise Program Managers Training, location to be determined. All Business Math Class grades must be turned in to John
McEntee no later than September 6, 2010. For more information, contact John McEntee (MCB) at (313) 456-1641.*
October 9, 2010 MCB Library Service for the Blind and Physically Handicapped Computer Club from 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. at the Library of Michigan, LSBPH.
Topic: A T Guys on what’s new in adaptive technology. The MCB LSBPH Computer Club meets on the second Saturday of the month. Monthly topics range from
presentations by vendors on new adaptive devices to hands-on training on Microsoft Word to field trips to other adaptive computer labs. Everyone is welcome
no matter their level of computer experience. For more information, contact Scott Norris (LSBPH, MCB) at (517) 373-5516.*
October 12, 2010 MCB Service Delivery Design Team meeting is from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. at Statewide Independent Living Counsel located at 417 Seymour
in Lansing. The Service Delivery Design Team meets to discuss MCB services and improve delivery of quality services. The group comprises MCB staff, consumers,
and other partners. The meetings are open to all who wish to participate. To participate by teleconference, call 877-873-8017 and enter access code 3204437.
If you plan to participate in the meeting, please contact Leamon Jones (MCB), (517) 335-4956 one week before the meeting.*
October 13-14, 2010 Michigan Optometric Association (MOA) Annual Fall Seminar for MOA member eye care professionals at the Lansing Center in Lansing.
For more information about MCB’s participation in this event, contact Susan Turney at (517) 241-8631.
October 14-17, 2010 The Michigan Council of the Blind and Visually Impaired (MCBVI) will hold its 37th Annual state convention at the Howard Johnson
Plaza Hotel,
255 28th Street SW, in Wyoming, Michigan (Grand Rapids area). For more information, contact MCBVI President Joe Sibley at (616) 724-1650.
October 21, 2010 MCB Cultural Diversity Committee Meeting 10 a.m. – 3:00 p.m., 201 N. Washington in Lansing. This committee works to ensure that MCB
services are available to all eligible individuals in Michigan's diverse population. All MCB staff, partners, and stakeholders are welcome to participate
on the committee, and the committee is seeking new members. To participate by teleconference, call 1-877-336-1828 and enter access code 8434886. For
more information, contact Debbie Wilson (MCB) at 810-760-2035.*
October 29-31, 2010 The National Federation of the Blind of Michigan (NFBMI) state convention will be held in Dearborn at the Doubletree Hotel in Detroit/Dearborn,
5801 Southfield Expressway, Detroit, Michigan, 313-336-3340. As the time for the state convention draws near, it will be possible to register online at
November 2010 MCB Mini Adjustment Program in Monroe. This weeklong event, to take place in November at a specific date to be determined, will provide
MCB clients with training in a variety of skills of blindness, e.g., cane travel, Braille, adaptive kitchen skills, dealing with time and money, and adaptive
computer technology. For more information, contact Shig Toda (MCB) at (269) 337-3601 or Bonnie Betz (MCB) at (269) 337-3858.*
November 3–5, 2010 Michigan Rehabilitation Conference
the 26th Annual Michigan Rehabilitation Conference will be held in Acme (near Traverse City) at the Grand Traverse Resort. For more information, visit
November 5, 2010 MCB LSBPH Consumer Involvement Committee meeting is scheduled for 10 a.m.to 3 p.m. in the Lake Huron room, 2nd floor of Library of
Michigan. For more information, contact Sue Chinault (LSBPH, MCB) at (517)-373-5353.*
November 13, 2010 MCB Library Service for the Blind and Physically Handicapped Computer Club from 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. at the Library of Michigan, LSBPH.
Topic: On-line shopping for the holidays. The MCB LSBPH Computer Club meets on the second Saturday of the month. Monthly topics range from presentations
by vendors on new adaptive devices to hands-on training on Microsoft Word to field trips to other adaptive computer labs. Everyone is welcome no matter
their level of computer experience. For more information, contact Scott Norris (LSBPH, MCB) at (517) 373-5516.*
December 9, 2010 MCB Image & Identity Team Meeting, 10 a.m. to noon by teleconference. To participate, call 877-873-8017 and enter passcode 7502991. This
group focuses on ways to increase awareness of the Michigan Commission for the Blind and its programs and services, such as through collaboration with
other organizations, publications, the MCB website, media, community events, and more. The committee is open to anyone who would like to participate, including
MCB staff, consumers, community partners, and others interested in these topics. For more information, contact Susan Turney (MCB) at (517) 241-8631.*
December 10, 2010 MCB Commission Meeting and Achievement Honor Roll Awards Presentation from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. in Lansing. To listen to the commission
meeting over the telephone, please dial 1-916-233-0780 or toll-free 1-888-296-6828, passcode 847670#. For live audio streaming over the internet during
the meeting, the URL is http://sc4.specialnet.com:24558/listen.pls. For more information, contact Sue Luzenski (MCB) at (517) 335-4265.*
December 11, 2010 MCB Library Service for the Blind and Physically Handicapped Computer Club from 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. at the Library of Michigan, LSBPH.
Topic: Windows 7 operating system. The MCB LSBPH Computer Club meets on the second Saturday of the month. Monthly topics range from presentations by
vendors on new adaptive devices to hands-on training on Microsoft Word to field trips to other adaptive computer labs. Everyone is welcome no matter their
level of computer experience. For more information, contact Scott Norris (LSBPH, MCB) at (517) 373-5516.*
December 14, 2010 MCB Service Delivery Design Team meeting is from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. at Statewide Independent Living Counsel located at 417 Seymour
in Lansing. The Service Delivery Design Team meets to discuss MCB Services and improve delivery of quality services. The group comprises MCB staff, consumers,
and other partners. The meetings are open to all who wish to participate. To participate by teleconference, call 877-873-8017 and enter access code 3204437.
If you plan to participate in the meeting, please contact Leamon Jones (MCB), (517) 335-4956 one week before the meeting.*
March 18, 2011 MCB Commission Meeting from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. in Lansing. To listen to the commission meeting over the telephone, please dial 1-916-233-0780
or toll-free 1-888-296-6828, passcode 847670#. For live audio streaming over the internet during the meeting, the URL is http://sc4.specialnet.com:24558/listen.pls.
For more information, contact Sue Luzenski (MCB) at (517) 335-4265.*
June 17, 2011 MCB Commission Meeting from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. in Lansing. To listen to the commission meeting over the telephone, please dial 1-916-233-0780
or toll-free 1-888-296-6828, passcode 847670#. For live audio streaming over the internet during the meeting, the URL is http://sc4.specialnet.com:24558/listen.pls.
For more information, contact Sue Luzenski (MCB) at (517) 335-4265.*
September 16, 2011 MCB Commission Meeting from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. in Lansing. To listen to the commission meeting over the telephone, please dial
1-916-233-0780 or toll-free 1-888-296-6828, passcode 847670#. For live audio streaming over the internet during the meeting, the URL is http://sc4.specialnet.com:24558/listen.pls.
For more information, contact Sue Luzenski (MCB) at (517) 335-4265.*
December 9, 2011 MCB Commission Meeting and Achievement Honor Roll Awards Presentation from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. in Lansing. To listen to the commission
meeting over the telephone, please dial 1-916-233-0780 or toll-free 1-888-296-6828, passcode 847670#. For live audio streaming over the internet during
the meeting, the URL is http://sc4.specialnet.com:24558/listen.pls. For more information, contact Sue Luzenski (MCB) at (517) 335-4265.*
* The meeting site is accessible. Individuals attending the meeting are requested to refrain from using heavily scented personal care products in order
to enhance accessibility for everyone. People with disabilities requiring additional accommodations (such as materials in alternative format) in order
to participate in the meeting should call the number listed for that event at least five business days prior to the meeting.
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