[nfbmi-talk] requirements of college's are old news

joe harcz Comcast joeharcz at comcast.net
Tue Aug 24 18:44:13 UTC 2010





OCR Case re Brooklyn College 











MAR 29 1996


Ms. Patricia Bromberger

35 Seacoast Terrace, Apt. 3B

Brooklyn, New York 11235 


Re: Case no. 02-95-2145


Dear Ms. Bromberger:


On May 17, 1995, the New York Regional Office for Civil Rights

(OCR) received the above-referenced complaint filed against

Brooklyn College of the City University of New York (the College).

On July 17, 1995, August 22, 1995, and August 25, 1995,

respectively, OCR received additional information from you

concerning your complaint.


You allege that the College discriminates on the basis of

disability. Specifically, you allege that you were not provided

with academic adjustments and auxiliary aids, and were not provided

access to other services and programs at the College. You also

allege that various components of the College campus and/or

programs are not accessible to students with physical disabilities.

Finally, you allege that, in February 1995, you were terminated

from your position as a College Assistant because you engaged in

protected activity on behalf of students with disabilities. As

stated in OCR's letter to you dated October 3, 1995, your

allegations regarding accessibility are being addressed by OCR as

part of this office's ongoing monitoring of accessibility issues at

the College, under case number 02-90-2075. Because your employment

allegation is being pursued by you through the College's internal

grievance procedures, OCR has not investigated that allegation, and

it is not addressed herein.


OCR has jurisdiction over complaints alleging discrimination on the

basis of disability that are filed against recipients of Federal

financial assistance from the U.S. Department of Education and

programs or activities that receive or benefit from such

assistance. OCR has jurisdiction over these complaints pursuant to

Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (Section 504), as

amended, 29 U.S.C. Sec. 794 et seq., and its implementing regulation

at 34 C.F.R. Part 104, which prohibit such discrimination. OCR has

determined that the College receives financial assistance from the

Department and, therefore, is subject to the provisions of Section



Additionally, OCR has jurisdiction over complaints alleging

discrimination on the basis of disability that are filed against

public elementary and secondary education systems and institutions,

public institutions of higher education and vocational education

(other than schools of medicine, dentistry, nursing, and other


jurisdiction over these complaints as a designated agency under

Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA), 42

U.S.C. Sec. 12101 et seq., and its implementing regulation at 28

C.F.R. Part 35, which prohibit such discrimination. Accordingly,

the College is also subject to the provisions of Title II of the



The College has agreed to implement the enclosed resolution

agreement which addresses your remaining allegations.

Implementation of this resolution agreement will be monitored by

this office. Failure to implement the written resolution agreement

will result in OCR's immediate resumption of its complaint

resolution activities.


This letter is not intended, nor should it be construed, to cover

any issues regarding the Board's compliance with Section 504 or the

ADA that are not discussed herein.


The College has been advised that a U.S. Department of Education

regulation prohibits the College from harassing or intimidating an

individual who has filed a complaint or participated in actions to

secure protected rights. If this should occur, the individual may

file a separate complaint alleging such harassment or intimidation.


Under the Freedom of Information Act, 5 U.S.C.  552, it may be

necessary to release this document and related correspondence and

records upon request. In the event that OCR receives such a

request, we will seek to protect, to the extent provided by law,

personal information which, if released, could constitute an

unwarranted invasion of privacy.


If you have any questions, please contact Jonathan Rosenberg at

(212) 637-6326.


Ronaldo Alvarado

Compliance Division Director



As stated


cc: Alan Fuchsberg, Esq.

The Jacob D. Fuchsberg Law Firm

500 Fifth Avenue

New York, New York  10110-0393


                           Resolution Agreement

              Case Nos. 02-95-2142, 02-95-2143, 02-95-2144, 

                    02-95-2145, 02-95-2147, 02-96-2014


In order to resolve the issues pertaining to services for students

with disabilities in the above-referenced cases, Brooklyn College

of the City University of New York (the College) will take the

following actions pursuant to Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act

of 1973 (Section 504), as amended, 29 U.S.C.  794, and its

implementing regulation at 34 C.F.R. Part 104; and Title II of the

Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA), 42 U.S.C.  12101 et

seq., and its implementing regulation at 28 C.F.R. part 35:


1.   Readers.


     The College will ensure that, upon timely prior request,

     readers will be made available on-campus in a timely fashion

     to any disabled student who requires reader services.  The

     College will provide readers, either volunteer or reimbursed,

     who are qualified to read in the subject area in which reader

     services are required.  The College will develop, maintain,

     and update a list of available qualified readers.  As used in

     this paragraph, a "qualified" reader is an individual who can

     clearly convey the information in the reading material.


     The College will not require monetary expense by a disabled

     student to pay for reader services which are required as an

     auxiliary aid or academic adjustment by the student.  The

     College will explain to all eligible disabled students that

     there is no requirement that students first seek other sources

     of funding for reader services, such as funding provided by

     Vocational and Educational Services for Individuals with

     Disabilities (VESID), before obligating the College to provide

     such services.  However, students who are current VESID

     clients may be required to submit forms to VESID seeking

     payment or reimbursement to the College for reader services,

     provided that this requirement is not unduly burdensome for

     individual students.  The College will pay for the provision

     of reader services to the extent necessary to provide

     effective access to disabled students to the College's

     programs, services, and activities.  


     At the College's request, while operating under the terms of

     the foregoing paragraph of this agreement, OCR will inform the

     College of the extent to which the obligation to apply to

     VESID for eligibility and/or funding may be imposed on

     students with disabilities.


     The College will draft a policy on reader services, consistent

     with the above.  After review of the policy by OCR, the policy

     will be distributed to all known disabled students who are

     potentially eligible for the receipt of reader services, and

     will be fully implemented by the College.  The policy will be

     incorporated in the Services for Students with Disabilities

     Program (SFSWD) Handbook.


2.   Computer Services.


     The College will contact students registered with the Services

     for Students with Disabilities Program who are known to have

     visual impairments to offer training in the use of the

     adaptive computer equipment and programs available in College

     computer labs and centers.


     The College will modify with adaptive equipment a sufficient

     number of computers designated for student use to provide

     comparable access to computers to the College's students with

     visual impairments for the same hours and under the same

     conditions as such services are provided to non-disabled

     students.  If a student with a disability requires adaptive

     equipment in computers designated for student use in order to

     have access to programs and activities, upon timely prior

     notice the College will provide such adaptive equipment or

     other aids in a timely and effective manner.


     By April 30, 1996, a directive from a senior administrative

     officer will notify all College departments as to the policy

     regarding accessibility of computer laboratories and centers

     (e.g., the library and the Atrium) to students with

     disabilities.  The policy will ensure that College faculty and

     administrative staff are responsive to identified needs for

     access to computer laboratories and centers.  The College will

     identify and assign technical and support staff to implement

     the policy.


     By December 15, 1996, the College will develop a multi-year

     plan to ensure that each computer laboratory or center

     designated for student use provides equivalent access to

     students with disabilities.  The College will ensure that, by

     September 1, 1996, all locations which provide computer-

     related services to students have at least one computer

     workstation that is accessible to students with mobility

     impairments.  Where access to computer-related services is

     impeded due to structural accessibility concerns,

     accessibility will be provided in accordance with the

     timeframes in the College's campus-wide accessibility capital

     project, undertaken pursuant to the resolution agreement in

     case number 02-90-2075.


     If a student with a disability is engaged in a course of study

     which will require long-term access to computer services, the

     College will provide adaptive equipment or other auxiliary

     aids in a manner to ensure such long-term access.  The College

     will ensure that departmental personnel cooperate with College

     computer staff, disabilities services staff, and the student

     engaged in the course of study in order to develop a plan that

     anticipates the student's needs and provides effective and

     timely auxiliary aids.


3.   Services for Students with Disabilities Program.


     The College will ensure that students with disabilities are

     provided with equivalent access to all services available to

     non-disabled students during the same hours as for non-

     disabled students.  Because of the critical role of the

     Services for Students with Disabilities Program (SFSWD), the

     College will keep the SFSWD offices open and staffed with

     informed staff during regular College business hours.


4.   Availability of Written Materials in Alternative Formats.


     The College will make available in a reasonable and timely

     manner to students with disabilities the printed materials

     used in its programs in mediums which effectively allow

     students with disabilities equivalent access to the materials. 

     The College will consider providing printed materials in the

     student's preferred medium.  Where the preferred medium is not

     provided, the College will keep documents detailing the

     reasons for the decision and noting the alternative provided

     which was equally effective.


     Written materials for the purposes discussed above include

     student handbooks, class schedules, and other materials

     produced by the College, as well as written materials and

     publications from other sources used by the College in its

     programs and activities.


     With respect to course materials, upon timely prior notice to

     the College by a disabled student, the College will take the

     steps necessary within its control to ensure that applicable

     textbooks will be made accessible to the student no later than

     the start of the semester.  If texts are unavailable to

     students and relevant portions are provided to the class, such

     material will be provided in an accessible format at the time

     the reading assignment is made to the class or, if the

     assignment is due more than one month after the date the

     semester commences, then at least one month before the due

     date of the assignment.  Upon timely prior notice, course

     handouts will be made available in an accessible format when

     distributed to the class.  Upon timely prior notice, students

     whose disability requires that they be provided with material

     on an earlier basis than their classmates will continue to be

     provided with material on such an earlier basis as an

     auxiliary aid or academic adjustment.  Timely prior notice for

     the above purposes does not require that notice be given more

     than once for each type of course material in a given course.


     The College recognizes that, to be effectively communicated,

     some subjects (e.g., calculus, physics, foreign languages)

     involve particular difficulties in providing course materials

     in an accessible format.  With respect to such subjects which

     pose particular difficulties in providing course material in

     an accessible format, the College will take reasonable steps

     necessary to provide course materials and examinations in an

     appropriate medium. 


     The College will prepare a policy on the provision of written

     materials in alternate formats for disabled students who

     require such services as auxiliary aids.  This policy will,

     after review by OCR, be disseminated to all faculty,

     administrative staff, and organizations receiving significant

     assistance from the College.  The College may require that

     students undertake non-burdensome personal administrative

     tasks, provided that such tasks do not involve any monetary

     cost, other than that required of all students, to the

     students.  For example, the College may require a student to:

     call a publisher to obtain a complimentary copy of a textbook;

     prepare, with the College's assistance if necessary,

     applications to agencies that provide books in an accessible

     format, such as books on tape.


5.   Library Services.


     By March 30, 1996, the College will establish a team of

     individuals to evaluate accessibility in the library.  Special

     attention will be taken to assess the appropriateness of

     services available to accommodate visually impaired students. 

     By June 30, 1996, the College will provide OCR with a copy of

     the team's accessibility report, and a summary of steps

     taken/to be taken to make its library research resources

     accessible to individuals with visual impairments.


6.   Provision of Accommodations by Faculty and Instructional



     The College will develop for OCR review a policy regarding the

     implementation by instructors of auxiliary aids and academic

     adjustments.  The policy will include the designation of

     persons responsible for enforcing the policy.  Upon review by

     OCR, the policy will be disseminated to all students with

     disabilities, instructional staff, and department heads. 

     During the first week of the Fall semester of 1996, the

     College will notify the faculty and administrative staff of

     their obligation to implement appropriately documented

     requests for auxiliary aids or academic adjustments.  The

     College will take ongoing steps beginning with the 1996-1997

     academic year to reinforce this obligation. 


7.   Policy Regarding Moving Classes due to Elevator Breakdowns.


     The College will submit a draft policy to OCR concerning the

     moving of classes and other programs due to elevator

     breakdowns.  The policy will include specific timeframes for

     how long an elevator will be out of service before classes

     must be moved, alternate means of providing access for

     disabled students based on short-term breakdowns, and the

     specific responsibilities of College personnel (instructional

     staff, department heads, facilities staff, SSDP staff) for

     implementation of the policy.  Once OCR has reviewed the

     policy, the College will disseminate it to all departments,

     instructional staff, and disabled students.


8.   Self-Evaluation Plan under the ADA.


     By September 1, 1996, the College will complete a self-

     evaluation plan, as required by the Americans with

     Disabilities Act, and will submit a copy of the plan to OCR.


9.   The College maintains a TDD telephone number for use by

     individuals with hearing impairments.  The College will ensure

     that personnel responsible for responding to TDD calls are

     trained in the use of the TDD apparatus.


10.  The College will ensure that all services provided by the

     office of security to students are provided to disabled

     students as well, including but not limited to the

     transportation of students at night to the College parking



11.  The College will ensure that parking spaces which are

     designated for individuals with disabilities are not used by

     other vehicles, and will develop a written policy regarding

     enforcement of this requirement.  The policy will designate

     the individual(s) responsible for enforcement of the

     requirement and sanctions for owner or operators of non-

     complying vehicles.


12.  The College will revise its policy regarding the provision of

     copying services to students with disabilities.  The revised

     policy will ensure that a case-by-case determination is made

     regarding the provision of copying services based on a

     student's disability-related needs.


13.  With respect to the complainants in this case, the College

     assures OCR that it will:


     a.   Offer Julio Perez the opportunity to re-enroll during the

          1996 to 1997 academic year at no cost in each of the four

          courses from which he withdrew during the Fall 1994

          semester, provided that such courses are offered.


     b.   Ensure that any grade of "WF" (withdrawal with failure)

          received by Julio Perez during the Fall 1994 semester is

          changed to a grade of "W" (withdrawal).


     c.   Provide the complainants with appropriate forms and

          assistance, in order to petition to remove any failed or

          other grades or withdrawals received by them from the

          Fall 1994 semester through the Fall 1995 semester which

          resulted from the unavailability of adaptive equipment or

          other auxiliary aids, or from the failure to provide

          appropriate academic adjustments and/or auxiliary aids.


     d.   Provide the complainants with appropriate forms and

          assistance, in order to petition for monetary

          reimbursement for expense directly incurred to provide

          reader services from the Fall 1994 semester through the

          Spring 1996 semester.  Upon an adequate showing by a

          complainant of specific monetary expense due to the

          College's failure to provide/pay for requested and

          necessary reader services, the College will ensure that

          the complainant is fully reimbursed for an amount not to

          exceed five hundred dollars ($500).


     e.   Provide Welinel Saintilaire with appropriate forms and

          assistance, in order to petition for monetary

          reimbursement for expense directly incurred to pay for

          courses or materials for Core 3 - Political Science

          (taken in Summer 1995), and for Statistics (taken in Fall

          1994).  Upon an adequate showing by Mr. Saintilaire of

          specific monetary expense due to the College's failure to

          provide requested and necessary academic adjustments

          and/or auxiliary aids, the College will ensure that Mr.

          Saintilaire is fully reimbursed for an amount not to

          exceed five hundred dollars ($500).




OCR will monitor the College's compliance with the terms of this

resolution agreement.  Specifically, the College will provide OCR

with the following items:


By May 31, 1996, a copy of the draft policy regarding provision of

reader services.  After OCR's review of the policy, proof of

dissemination of the policy to all students with disabilities,

instructional staff, and relevant administrative personnel.


By August 20, 1996, a copy of the directive sent to College

departments regarding accessibility of computer services to

students with disabilities.


By December 30, 1996, a copy of the multi-year plan to ensure that

each computer laboratory or center designated for student use

contains adequate adaptive hardware and software.


By April 30, 1996, a copy of an announcement to students with

disabilities regarding the hours of operation and availability of

services at the SFSWD office.


By September 1, 1996, a copy of the draft policy regarding the

provision of written materials, including course materials, in

alternate formats.  After OCR's review of the policy, proof of

dissemination of the policy to all known students with

disabilities, instructional staff, and relevant administrative



By March 30, 1996, the list of individuals appointed to be members

of the "library team."


By June 30, 1996, a copy of the library team's accessibility

report., with interim steps taken/to be taken to make its research

resources accessible to students with visual impairments.


By September 20, 1996, a copy of the notice to faculty and

administrative staff regarding the policy for provision by

instructional staff of auxiliary aids and academic adjustments.  By

August 20, 1996, proof of dissemination of the policy to all known

students with disabilities.


By April 15, 1996, a copy of the draft policy regarding elevator

breakdowns.  By September 15, 1996, proof of dissemination of the

policy to all known students with disabilities, instructional

staff, and relevant administrative personnel.


By September 1, 1996, a copy of the College's self-evaluation plan

under the Americans with Disabilities Act.


By April 30, 1996, information regarding the College's TDD

telephone line, and the titles of those persons trained in its use.


By April 30, 1996, a draft copy of the revised SFSWD Handbook.


By September 1, 1996, information regarding steps taken to ensure

that services provided by the department of security are available

to individuals with disabilities.


By June 15, 1996 and December 15, 1996, information pertaining to

item "13" in the resolution agreement, including but not limited to

documentation of petitions filed by the complainants and decisions

made with regard to those petitions.


By December 15, 1996, all information regarding instances of

enforcement of the policies regarding elevator breakdowns, parking,

provision of auxiliary aids and academic adjustments by

instructional staff.


By June 15, 1997, updates on implementation of both the multi-year

plan for provision of computer services and the library plan.


OCR will request additional information and/or conduct site visits

as necessary to monitor the terms of this agreement.


___________________                     _________________

Robert E. Diaz                          Date

Attorney for Brooklyn College 

  and CUNY

General Counsel and Vice Chancellor 

  for Legal Affairs

The City University of New York

535 East 80th Street

New York, New York  10021


By:  Esdras Tulier

     Assistant Counsel



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