[nfbmi-talk] Final approved Minutes, May 22, 2010.

joe harcz Comcast joeharcz at comcast.net
Mon Aug 30 00:17:26 UTC 2010

Great work as usual. I sure wish MCB gave out its financials...grin...
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "trising" <trising at sbcglobal.net>
To: "NFBofMichigan List" <nfbmi-talk at nfbnet.org>
Sent: Sunday, August 29, 2010 8:11 PM
Subject: [nfbmi-talk] Final approved Minutes, May 22, 2010.

> Final approved Minutes, May 22, 2010. 11 A.m. to 5 P.m.
> 315 S. Rose Street
> Kalamazoo, MI
> Call to Order
> Quorum yes
> Introduction of participating members.
> Secretary's Report. Terri Wilcox. Dave Robinson moved to adoption and the 
> report was passed. The Minutes were sent out
> electronically.
> Treasurer's Report. Peter Zaremba. The ending balance is $1901. Total 
> revenue is $779. Total expenses is $1989. $20,000 was donated
> for Camp Tuhsmeheta.
> Newsline $1287. Dave Robinson moved and Mike Powell seconded and the 
> motion was approved.
> All members are allowed to vote and make motions at this quarterly board 
> meeting.
> Appointment to the Commission Board. Congratulations John Scott! John 
> Scott will undergo training on June 9 to be a part of the
> Commission Board.
> President's Report. Larry Posont. Larry urges us to take part in the work 
> of the affiliate by doing what we are good at. Fifteen
> scholarship letters were written for individuals from Michigan. However, 
> no one from Michigan received a scholarship. Pat Cannon was
> laying low at Visions 2010. We ordered free white canes for 25 people. We 
> need someone to help with a list of media contacts. There
> was a discussion about hiring a lawyer on the May 3 Commission Meeting. 
> The Ann Arbor lawyer is examining our documents in order to
> determine whether to take our case. Contact Larry Posont to help sort out 
> lists. People are requesting membership applications
> online. The National Office has been supportive.
> Youth Outreach. Melinda Latham. The Michael See Memorial Bridge Walk will 
> be held September 3-6. We want to stay below the bridge
> because of the distance on Monday morning. We intend to hold break out 
> sessions like culinary, mobility, and Braille. The cost is
> $75, which includes everything but three meals. Although this is youth 
> outreach anyone can attend. Melinda's contact information is:
> melinda.latham at lansingschools.net
> NFB camps at Camp Tuhsmeheta Braille will be held from June 23-27. We will 
> focus on Braille reading and building reading speeds. We
> will hold Science Camp July 19-23. There is a public school teacher who 
> wants to learn to teach blind kids science. Kids will be
> introduced to methods for calculating and summarizing data. Rain is not an 
> issue in our quest for field work adventures. Culinary
> Camp is August 15-19 and will involve crock pot cooking. Kids will take 
> the crock pot home. They will also cook hot dogs and Sam
> ores outside. Recipes will be prepared in Braille. Mary Wurtzel points out 
> that kids are not allowed to cook at home by parents.
> However, crock pots are a start. A parent's day is suggested. Each camp is 
> $350. Scholarships are available.
> Correspondence to Governor, Attorney General, state senator and Civil 
> Service Commission. We must keep following up with
> correspondence even if no one responds to us. Our correspondence is being 
> read even if it is not liked.
> Update on Freedom of Information Request state and Federal. The RSA 
> commissioner responded and indicated a willingness to follow up
> with Larry Posont. She was in the building in Lansing where we were 
> protesting. We got complaints of being loud at our last protest.
> Pat Cannon claims the final report will be out in May or June. RSA issues 
> forthright reports but may allow the agency to clean them.
> Fred Wurtzel asks if there is a lawful reason to shield the preliminary 
> report. There is no reason why a sanctity of draft report
> should defeat FOIA. Even the Commissioners do not have the report. Public 
> hearings should be held on the state plan at least every
> other year. There must be involvement of all stake holders. Ideally, all 
> rehabilitation must be consumer driven. Michigan is only 1
> out of 17 states whose report has not been released.
> Discussion.--Positions we gave the Commission Board during the March 19 
> meeting. During the Commission Board meeting, consumer
> groups had 45 minutes. We put our positions in writing. The Commission 
> doesn't like it. The meeting minutes were edited and did not
> accurately reflect our position papers. Our papers should be included or 
> excluded, not edited.
> Discussion of the May 3 Special Commission Board Meeting. Fred Wurtzel was 
> at the meeting. The Commission Board used the Freedom of
> Information Act to have a closed meeting. They also used Attorney Client 
> Privilege. Barbra Schmidt combined two laws to justify this
> closed meeting. A closed meeting is permissible if personnel who are being 
> considered want it closed. None of the issues warranted a
> closed meeting. There must be a 2/3 vote in order to go into closed 
> session. She had no document in any accessible format. Terry
> Eagle, Mark Eagle, Jessica Madden, Fred Wurtzel, attended the meeting. 
> Grace the
> Facilitator was educated by NFB members. Mike Gino asked the attorney 
> General if the board could write policy. The Attorney General
> confirmed that they could write policy. This victory enhances our 
> credibility. The second issue then dealt with in closed session
> was whether they could rescind an agency decision. The attorney general 
> confirmed this privilege. All agency hearings from the Bep
> need review. The board should not just use the Alj decisions without 
> thoroughly reviewing them. The Commissioners hear from
> Constance Zanger and the Alj, but not from the vendors themselves. All Alj 
> decisions were in favor of the agency. Constance Zanger
> got to talk to the board and not the operator. This is not proper. If the 
> agency gets to present information, so does the operator.
> This is another big victory for us. The board has to review the whole 
> transcript. Christine Boone's case was not directly brought
> up. They must deal with personnel issues. Christine Boone appealed to the 
> board but no one would respond to her. If a director
> claims to have a consumer driven agency, it would seem that he/she would 
> want feedback. He might even want protection by discussing
> discipline with consumer groups. Our points are being proved correct.
> Discussion.--Future protest plans. We need to protest 12 P.M. to 1 P.M. 
> each week on Thursday in front of the Commission building
> and Governor's building. A protest is proposed in front of the Governor's 
> building next Thursday. Seven people were interviewed for
> the Director's position out of 200 applicants. There are instructions from 
> Lansing to destroy all personnel information as soon as
> the position is filled. We need to guarantee news coverage, possibly by 
> locking ourselves together in traffic.
> Discussion.--New task force for BEP operators with Consumer organization 
> input. A committee of blind vendors is being created. This
> committee includes: three blind vendors, Bill Lojer, Joe Sontag, James 
> Chaney, who are part of the Elected Operators Committee.
> Staff include, Constance Zanger and James Hull. The presidents of the ACB 
> and NFB, plus two individuals from the Commission Board
> are also included. Pat Cannon is not included. Larry Posont recommended 
> two favorable people, Terry Eagle and Christine Boone. Joe
> Ann Pilarski will be included from the Commission Board. However, she 
> cannot vote. Dave Robinson stated that Bill said Dave could
> not be on the committee because of his civil action.
> Update on College policy. Elizabeth Mohnke, Fred Wurtzel. Elizabeth Mohnke 
> sent out college surveys and a rewrite of the college
> policy. Surveys must be sent to students.nfbmi at gmail.com. They need to be 
> turned in by Monday June 7 in order to get information
> from them to Jerry Taeckens by June 14. Jerry Taeckens wants comments by 
> Monday June 14. Elizabeth Mohnke obtained favorable
> feedback on her version of the college policy which was then accepted by 
> the Federation. Marcus Simmons motioned and Mike Powell
> seconded the motion to accept the college policy as amended. The text 
> appears below.
> Michigan Commission for the Blind (MCB) is to provide
> opportunities to individuals who are blind and visually impaired to 
> achieve competitive employment and function independently. We
> believe that all blind and visually impaired individuals have the capacity 
> to live up to their fullest potential and be active
> members of society.  The Michigan Commission for the blind believes 
> rehabilitation is a cooperative venture between the agency and
> the individual, with the individual having primary responsibility for 
> personal successes and failures, and that each individual is
> different with different strengths, weaknesses, interests and aptitudes 
> which require vocational rehabilitation counseling, planning
> and training specific to their individual needs.  It is recommended that 
> students keep an on-going dialog with their counselor to
> ensure that their individual needs are met throughout the rehabilitation 
> process. Students are also encouraged to advocate for
> themselves through due process if they are not satisfied with any decision 
> that is made by any member of the Michigan Commission for
> the Blind. B. Provision for Services  A student shall demonstrate his or 
> her ability to participate in a college or other
> postsecondary training program that will result in competitive employment. 
> Procedure: 1. Students shall participate in a college
> assessment to ensure that they have the skills necessary for college 
> participation. Students must demonstrate competent skill levels
> in the areas of technology, communication, note taking, traveling, and 
> independent living. If students cannot successfully
> demonstrate competent skill levels in these areas, they shall work with 
> their counselor to receive additional training at the
> Michigan Commission for the Blind Training center or another qualified 
> vocational training center consistent with the individuals
> informed choice. 2. Students shall demonstrate their knowledge of their 
> chosen vocational goal by writing a job analysis report with
> the help and guidance of their vocational counselor. Items in this report 
> should include a description of the vocational goal,
> qualifications necessary to obtain the vocational goal, and reasons for 
> choosing the vocational goal. Examples of research for this
> report include job shadowing, mentoring, labor market analysis, and 
> volunteer or paid work experience. 3. Students shall present
> their counselor with a letter of acceptance to an accredited institution 
> recognized by the United States Department of Education
> along with a curriculum outlining their program of study. Students shall 
> consider the advantages and disadvantages of attending a
> four-year university, a community college, and a vocational training 
> program or trade school when deciding on an institution of
> higher learning. However, the student's final decision shall be honored by 
> the Michigan Commission for the Blind. 4. The Michigan
> Commission for the Blind and each state-sponsored university or college in 
> Michigan have a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU), which
> defines the responsibilities of the university or college and the Michigan 
> Commission for the Blind. Prior to the student's
> participation in any college program or Post-secondary training, the 
> Michigan Commission for the Blind shall explain the contents of
> the Memorandum of Understanding to determine which entity should provide 
> the student with specific accommodations. When there is a
> dispute over which entity will provide the necessary accommodations, the 
> Michigan Commission for the Blind shall be responsible for
> providing the accommodation until the dispute is resolved. The student 
> shall not be held responsible for failing or incomplete
> grades if either the Michigan Commission for the Blind or the educational 
> institution fails to provide the accommodations necessary
> for the student to succeed.  C. Duration of Training Students are 
> encouraged to complete their college program or post-secondary
> training as a full time student as defined by the educational institution. 
> However, individual time frames shall be determined on a
> case-by-case basis between the student and his or her counselor. 
> Procedure: 1. Michigan Commission for the Blind financial
> participation shall be limited to one associate's degree, one bachelor's 
> degree, and one advanced degree. Students who complete an
> associate's degree may continue to pursue a bachelor's degree after 
> completing their associate's degree. Students who complete a
> bachelor's degree may continue to pursue an advanced degree if their 
> vocational goal commonly requires an advanced degree to secure
> competitive employment. 2. The Michigan Commission for the Blind 
> understands that in some cases it may not be possible for a student
> to take a full load of classes. Special consideration shall be given to 
> students who work part-time, have a secondary disability, or
> have some other special circumstance that prevents them from taking a full 
> load of classes. However, it is important to ensure that
> time extensions do not interfere with the requirements of the student's 
> educational program. D. Financial Aid The Michigan
> Commission for the Blind shall provide financial assistance for college 
> and other post-secondary training after all other financial
> resources and comparable benefits have been exhausted. Procedure: 1. 
> Comparable services and benefits refer to any appropriate
> service, financial benefit, or assistance available to a consumer to meet, 
> in whole or in part, the cost of vocational
> rehabilitation services. Under this definition, comparable benefits do not 
> include Social Security benefits, such as Social Security
> Disability Insurance (SSDI) and Supplemental Security Income (SSI); and 
> unrestricted scholarships and awards based on merit.
> However, merit scholarships designated for a particular college cost shall 
> be used according to the guidelines of the scholarship.
> 2. Students requesting college sponsorship must apply for federal 
> financial aid by completing the Free Application for Federal
> Student Aid (FAFSA), and submit a copy of their financial award letter to 
> their counselor no later than one month before the
> beginning of the semester. Students who fail to meet this deadline will be 
> considered for sponsorship the following semester. 3. If
> a consumer is in default of a student loan, no financial aid, including 
> Pell Grants, will be available to the consumer. The Michigan
> Commission for the Blind is prohibited from paying for any training or 
> related services at an institution of higher education for an
> individual who owes a refund on a grant or is in default of a student loan 
> unless the individual makes maximum effort to resolve the
> default as defined under the guidelines of the Free Application for 
> Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). 4. The Michigan Commission for the
> Blind shall sponsor students at out-of-state and private institutions at 
> the same rate of a comparable program in an amount no
> greater than the highest tuition rate for Michigan residents attending a 
> state-supported college or university in Michigan. Training
> at an institution outside the United States (study abroad) shall be 
> sponsored as a part of an approved course of study by an
> accredited educational institution. The rates for a study abroad program 
> shall not exceed the highest tuition rate for a comparable
> program sponsored by a state-supported college or university in Michigan. 
> 5. Students shall be encouraged to pay the cost of
> application fees and entrance exams. However, the Michigan Commission for 
> the Blind shall provide assistance for seeking alternative
> financial resources to help cover the cost of application fees and 
> entrance exams. When appropriate, the Michigan Commission for the
> Blind shall pay for the cost of preparation classes or materials for 
> entrance exams. The Michigan Commission for the Blind shall
> assist with the cost of professional certification exams and fees. 6. The 
> Michigan Commission for the Blind shall provide
> rehabilitation technology and reader services as a part of a student's 
> Individualized Plan for Employment. The Michigan Commission
> for the Blind shall be responsible for providing these services when they 
> cannot be provided by the educational institution Or when
> they do not meet the individualized needs of the student.  7. The Michigan 
> Commission for the Blind shall sponsor the costs
> associated with living on campus including meal plans and room and board 
> based on double occupancy.  Students who do not choose to
> live in the housing provided by the college or university may receive 
> assistance from the Michigan Commission for the Blind. This
> assistance shall not exceed the rate of the housing provided by the 
> college or university, or the amount of the highest housing rate
> for Michigan residents attending a state-supported college or university 
> in Michigan. 8. Students who require additional financial
> assistance shall be encouraged to apply for Social Security benefits 
> including Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) and
> Supplemental Security Income (SSI. Students may also be eligible to 
> receive maintenance from the Michigan Commission for the Blind
> to help cover the costs of participating in specific rehabilitation 
> services. Students who wish to receive maintenance shall be
> required to create a budget outlining the need for additional financial 
> assistance.  E. Academic Progress All students shall
> maintain a minimum cumulative grade point average of 2.0 on a 4.0 scale, 
> or "C" average. In some cases, students may be required to
> maintain a higher grade point average depending on the academic program. 
> In all cases, students must report their final grades to
> their counselor within two weeks after the end of each semester. 
> Procedures: 1. Students shall follow the requirements of an
> academic curriculum approved by their educational institution. Any 
> exceptions to a student's curriculum that is approved by the
> academic program shall be honored by the Michigan Commission for the 
> Blind. 2. Students will be placed on probationary status if
> their grade point average falls below the 2.0 or "C" average, receive a 
> failing or incomplete grade, or if they drop a class after
> the Michigan Commission for the Blind has already paid for the class. In 
> the case of an incomplete grade, students shall resolve the
> incomplete grade during the next semester. Following the semester when any 
> of these situations occur, students shall be given a
> grace period of one semester to correct these deficiencies. While students 
> are on academic probation, the Michigan Commission for
> the Blind shall assist students by exploring resources to help them retain 
> or reestablish their sponsorship.  3. When a student has
> failed or dropped a class after the Michigan Commission for the Blind has 
> paid for the class, the student shall be required to
> contribute the amount paid by the Michigan Commission for the Blind. 
> However, the student shall not be responsible for submitting
> this contribution if either the Michigan Commission for the Blind or the 
> educational institution has failed to provide a necessary
> accommodation for the successful completion of the class. In the event 
> that a student is required to pay this contribution, they
> shall make arrangements to pay this contribution before the beginning of 
> the next semester. F. Advanced Degrees  The sponsorship of
> an advanced degree by the Michigan Commission for the Blind shall be 
> limited to students who cannot obtain competitive employment
> with a bachelor's degree, or when they are included as a part of a 
> student's Individualized Plan for Employment.   Procedure: 1. In
> addition to the procedures listed under the undergraduate degree 
> sponsorship, students seeking an advanced degree shall maintain an
> acceptable grade point average as defined under the standards for their 
> academic program. If the student's grade point average falls
> below this level, their sponsorship by the Michigan Commission for the 
> Blind shall be suspended until they are able to bring their
> cumulative grade point average back up to the standards set forth by the 
> academic program.National Convention Transportation? There
> were not twenty individuals who were willing to take the train.
> Volunteers in Independence Market at National Convention Needed. 
> Individuals are needed to report at interest groups. Volunteers are
> also needed for Independence Market and for the Michigan affiliate table. 
> The opportunities to work the Michigan table include:
> Sunday 9 to 5, and Monday 8-30-5, Tuesday 12 to 1-45. Wednesday is 12-1-45 
> and 7-10. If you get assistance for attending Convention,
> you must help. Prices just need to be referenced in print and Braille.
> State caucus at National Convention? Mrs. Jernigan was sent a message 
> concerning the Michigan caucus for July 2 9 to 11 p.m. We have
> not received a response yet.
> New Business:
> Newsline Funding. We have not received our status for billing from the 
> national office for Newsline.
> Discussion--Technology Sizzler, June 23. Georgia Kitchen will help with 
> Newsline. Mike Powell is working on getting volunteers
> there.
> There is no update on progress of the new website.
> Update on the solicitation license. Our national license is sought after 
> from the National office. The National office put us in for
> a fall fund raiser. Our state President said we are held up because one 
> person is not cooperative. Fred Wurtzel recommends that
> Larry Posont speak with Charlie Brown at the National Office. Dave 
> Robinson says the board has been waiting quite a while. The 990's
> for 2009 are finished and current.
> Volunteers are needed to work the Michigan table in the exhibit hall at 
> National Convention. Contact Dave Robinson to volunteer.
> We are working on the Complaint on the signage of the Victor Building? The 
> Commission building third floor is starting to get
> accessible signage.
> August Board Meeting, Doubletree Hotel Potential State Board Meeting 
> August 14 or 28? August 28 was selected for the Board meeting.
> There will be a picnic at Larry's home after the board meeting.
> Chapter Updates. The Lansing chapter had a successful theater project. 
> They allocated the money to help members go to National
> Convention. There will be a pancake breakfast on June 5, 8-10 A.M. for $7. 
> There is a Parade of homes on June 3-6 and June 10-13.
> Cindy Holmstead and Tyler Colter joined the Lansing chapter. They are a 
> part of the Michigan Braille Transcribing Fund which donated
> last year's grand prize at National Convention. Lansing is trying to 
> recruit new members. Lansing is giving $25 to each of the 4
> major funds at Convention. They challenge other chapters to give to the 4 
> funds as well.  Christine Boone will explain donating to
> the four funds to the Kalamazoo Chapter. John Scott says Detroit gave $250 
> last year as a chapter. Detroit accepts the challenge to
> donate to all 4 funds. The Detroit Chapter has five new members. The 
> Detroit Chapter wants to fund raise with a talent show. Carrie
> Bradley's brother will give his free time for the talent show in October 
> for Meet the Blind month. The Western Wayne Chapter is
> planning three fund raisers. These include, selling perfume and chocolate 
> covered cherries, as well as running concessions at
> Comerica Park in 2011. The Kalamazoo Chapter has many people off keeping 
> busy.
> Jackie Paulding wants a volunteer orientation day before camp.
> Sharon Kingsbury suggests break out sessions for the seniors at the State 
> Convention. She wants to start work on the senior seminar.
> Fred Wurtzel intends to meet with the Tri-County Agency on Aging to try 
> and obtain support for the senior seminar. It may be
> possible to sign up for the hotel room on the website by next week. We can 
> register online. Dave Robinson says sign up for the race
> for independence.
> Adjourn at 4-43.
> Email address: president.nfb.mi at agmail.com
> Thank you for being a part of the NFB of Michigan. Together, we are 
> changing what it means to be blind in Michigan.
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