Donna Posont donnabutterfly50 at gmail.com
Thu Jul 15 18:29:18 UTC 2010

I just want to give all the opportunity to participate in the Bridge walk with friends and fun. Please contact Melinda if you want to get on that list to go. Be blessed, Donna
----- Original Message ----- 
From: melinda latham 
To: Donna Posont 
Sent: Thursday, July 15, 2010 1:59 PM

      Thank you as well.  I probably wouldn't have started if you didn't help me.   Now, i ahve to go make a suhirt about Michael Seay memorial bridge walk, i am sad.  Why cann't people be alive and have a memorial?  I already had you r shirt size down.

      Youth Outreach Coordinator, NFB of MI 

      --- On Thu, 7/15/10, Donna Posont <donnabutterfly50 at gmail.com> wrote:

        From: Donna Posont <donnabutterfly50 at gmail.com>
        To: "melinda latham" <youthslammi at yahoo.com>
        Date: Thursday, July 15, 2010, 1:43 PM

        Hey Melinda, Nice job on explanation. Count me in and I want a larg size shirt. Thanks for all your hard work, Donna
          ----- Original Message ----- 
          From: melinda latham 
          To: .petrous at gmail.com ; A1lb3ouncer at cs.com ; alewis at nfbga.org ; cherreelle allen ; allred at wisc.edu ; angelnursetonya at yahoo.com ; ANNALIZEME at GMAIL.COM ; audio at arenet.net ; aznor99 at aol.com ; BALDWIN at CRIS.COM ; bbatron at cocenter.org ; bcf at blindchildrensfund.org ; ben.kanga111 at gmail.com ; Diana Bitely ; bkmabma at yahoo.com ; blindjedi at clearwire.net ; bnipashley at att.net ; boonec at michigan.gov ; bossclaw at aol.com ; brileyp at gmail.com ; Brownk3 at state.mi.us ; carmen47 at charter.net ; carpenterant45 at att.net ; chrbrown at umich.edu ; cindie5656 at yahoo.com ; coacashu16 at msn.com ; CRAFTISUE at HOTMAIL.COM ; d_mohnke18 at yahoo.com ; DAVID.GUTH at WMICH.EDU ; dawnpobc at hotmail.com ; debbiewunder at mchsi.com ; Elizabeth DeBoer ; densel ; DJAMESON at CAROLINA.RR.COM ; dlposont at yahoo.com ; dweubanks at comcast.net ; ever.hairston at sbcgloal.net ; ewoods at cocenter.org ; eyes38383 at hotmail.com ; fjw at attbi.com ; gary ; george.wurtzel at spcglobal.net ; geri.taeckens at isahealthfund.org ; ggwilcox at comcast.net ; givernybridge at hotmail.com ; GKITCHEN at GFN.ORG ; gnat1 at home.com ; goharriet00 at hotmail.com ; Chelesea Henrizi ; Georgia Kitchen ; Ann Kostin-McGill ; chelesea parker ; Ann Petrous ; Donna Posont ; david Robinson ; Carranza Rosy ; Church Ruth ; Cynthia Woiderski ; Fred Wurtzel ; george wurtzel 
          Cc: melinda.latham at lansingschools.net 
          Sent: Thursday, July 15, 2010 10:02 AM

                Greetings, It's that time of year again. Time for the largest Michigan Youth outreach event of the year. On Labor Day weekend , Sept. 3 thru the 6th. This is our 3rd annual event and every year gets bigger and better. Last year at our state convention the event got renamed the Michael Seay Memorial Bridge Walk after a good Friend of our affiliate as well as he was the Tennessee affiliate president. 

                So, if your are interested in having the most fun you've had all summer, come join the youth outreach program  on our annual trip. What do we do you might be asking yourself. We meet in two cities. Lansing and Dearborn, and then make our way up to Sault Sainte Marie. There will be an activity midway Through the drive, to give everyone an opportunity to stretch their legs. We also will stop to get lunch. Friday night will be filled with food and fun. Saturday will be spent exploring the city and getting to know each other. On Sunday we will have a nature adventure with a possible second option. We will have dinner together at a local restaurant. And of course on Monday ,we will walk in the Annual Mackinaw Bridge Walk , which is about 5.2 miles long. 

                This trip is always a blast for both the youth and mentors. People have in the past, swam in Lake Superior with street clothes on, buried people alive in sand, jumped off cliffs, and so much more. Each year is filled with its amazing moments. Well. you might be thinking this is a trip for the young but i submit to you its a trip for anyone willing to stretch themselves and learn more. Last year, a couple who would tell you they were affaird of walking the Bridge out of fear of getting lost. walked it completely by themselves. Also, an adult was a bit nervous about walking trails in a nature center by herself, after coaching she ended up leading the group. My point is adults can and will learn a lot on this trip. Plus, we need you as mentors. 

                The cost of the event is $75 per person. This includes your transportation for Lansing or Dearborn. It also includes six meals( you will be responsible for paying for lunch on Friday and Monday, traveling to and from Sault Sainte Marie, you will also be responsible for your own lunch on Sunday and dinner on Sunday.) I would say depending on how cheaply you eat that might be an extra $30 . The cost will also include a t shirt. And of course, the cost includes your lodging for the weekend. 
                  Also, if you do not want share a room with the group you will be responsible the additional cost of your room.  For example, you and your spouse want to share a room by yourselves.  The cost of the rooms are 50 dollars a night. which is $12.5 a night per person.  Therefore , you will be asked to cover the extra $25 a night.   It is our aim to put four people in a room.  Obviously, have women stay with women and men with men.  However, i thought we'd offer this option, just in case.  That way, there are no surprises and the affiliate can cover the cost of the space. 
                This year each mentor will be assigned a child or group of children for the weekend.  This child or group is yours for the weekend.  You are responsible for them at all times.  The activities you choose to do on Saturday will be with them.  If you have a preference of age let me know(9-18).   Be prepared to spend lots of time getting to know the child and having tons of fun.  On top of that, Many of you will have additional assignments for the weekend.  Some might be as simple as keeping all the receipts, a very important job that i can never manage to do in a timely manner, or some people might be planning the adult mixer for the night.  Also, you will be in the room with a group of young people at night, they are your responsibility for the evening unless otherwise told.  We are, however, going to try something new this year.  Two nights, Friday and Saturday there will be "adult time".  The specifes aren't planned yet.  However,  you will have at least on evening where you are "off duty".  There will be mentors who are on duty that will check in with your group during your off time.   All youth will know who is on duty and who to contact them.   It is also an option to participate in "adult time:.  The day will be full and some might rather go to sleep.
                  Please, come with a servant attitude.  it will take the work of all adults to make this event a success.   Also, just another note, flexibility is key when going on this trip because things change last minute.  I wanted to be upfront about the responsibilities of the mentor and try to avoid any misunderstanding on the trip.  I apologize for the lenght of the email but i think people need to know, fully, what the weekend entails. 

                I am also looking for sponsors for different events. I will list what we need. IF you are interested in helping with any of these costs in full or in part. please in box me. 

                Transportation for the weekend $2000
                Hotel $1500
                Gas $500
                Food $500
                Pizza party Friday night $100
                Sugar land Fairy to Sugar land Island $200 ($5 x40) This is the nature adventure. 
                Midway trip on Friday $ 200
                Boat ride on Saturday $800 ( this is a tour of Lake Superior and the Locks)
                Sponsoring a child to attend $75 per child 
                Shirts $400

                Any an all donations are welcome

                If you are planning on attending please RSVP by email. Also, email me with your shirt size and which location you will be leaving from. ONCE YOU HAVE RSVP"D, YOUR SPOT IS SAVED. PLEASE x100 let me know ASAP if you are unable to attend. There are only 40 spots available, so you letting me know will give the chance to someone else. THIS is VERY IMPORTANT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
                The schedule for the weekend is very much a work in progress.  Therefore, if you have ideas on activities please let me know.   
                Pleases. let every blind child you know about this.  THey will have tons of fun.
                If you have questions please email or call me . Parent permission and more detailed information will follow.
                PS.  even if you have told me you wanted to come, email so i can be sure i have you on the list.
                Thanks again,

                MELINDA LATHAM 
                Youth Outreach Coordinator, NFB of MI 


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