[nfbmi-talk] Fw: [NFBAffiliatePresidents] Ray McGeorge Being Transfered to HospisCare

Larry Posont president.nfb.mi at gmail.com
Fri Jun 11 13:14:13 UTC 2010

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Scott C. LaBarre" <slabarre at labarrelaw.com>
To: "NFB of Colorado Discussion List" <colorado-talk at nfbnet.org>; "National Association of Blind Students mailing list" 
<nabs-l at nfbnet.org>; "NFB Affiliate Presidents List" <nfbaffiliatepresidents at nfbnet.org>
Sent: Friday, June 11, 2010 6:08 AM
Subject: [NFBAffiliatePresidents] Ray McGeorge Being Transfered to HospisCare

Greetings Friends, as many of you know, Ray McGeorge came down with meningitis and was rushed to the hospital on May 9th.  He has 
been unconscious ever since.  Unfortunately, the meningitis caused several complications including seizures and a massive stroke. 
Ray has been relatively stable the last couple of weeks but has shown no signs of improvement.

Ray is a very strong person and very clear about his wishes.  He has an advanced directive, also known as a living will.  He has 
explicitly expressed the desire that his life not be extended artificially.  Diane has honored Ray's wishes and asked that he be 
taken off the respirator.  He has been off the respirator for limited periods but has always been placed back on.  Additionally, 
this morning Ray is being transfered from Kendrid Hospital, which is a long term acute care facility, to St. John's Hospis.

Quite frankly, we do not know specifically what the future holds.  Ray has faught this battle as hard as he knows how.  Without the 
respirator, we do not know exactly how Ray will do.  We do know, however, that we are carrying out his wishes.  During this very 
difficult time, we request your continued thoughts and prayers.
Scott C. LaBarre, Esq.

LaBarre Law Offices P.C.
1660 South Albion Street, Ste. 918
Denver, Colorado 80222
303 504-5979 (voice)
303 757-3640 (fax)
slabarre at labarrelaw.com (e-mail)
www.labarrelaw.com (website)

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NFBAffiliatePresidents at nfbnet.org

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