[nfbmi-talk] The Last Minute Late Night College Policy

joe harcz Comcast joeharcz at comcast.net
Fri Jun 25 04:13:52 UTC 2010

In fact all are correct even Taekins in her own strange way. This is all a 
function of the IPE and always has been so.

Moreover, the MCB policy cannot be in conflict with 504 or the ADA in 
regards to the college.

Thus one must look at the mmu and the content of it.

It also must be individualized and not proscribed per se as one size never 
fits all and that is what the law, Rehab Act says.

Listen, I say kindly. The laws have been in effect for years on this and 
other issues. MCB, and Cannon has us all chasing tails.

Not that you, or Elizabeth, or those on the BEP abuse issues, or the 
marksmanship issues or others are wrong.

I'm tired too friends, but these issues while all very important in their 
discrete elements are not the thing in and of themselves.

The point is one I made to Joe Sibley at the last meeting of the MCB Board.

He talked about philosophies and opposing philosophies.

I said forthright, "I don't give a rat's posterior about this or that 
philosophy per se. What I do care about is abidance with the existing laws 
of the land. Moreover, I care and will fight to the death, in figurative 
terms for the notion and application and the implementation of effective, 
open transparent, accessible, and competent government and that certainly 
includes the activities of MCB.

We the taxpayers of the United States of America owe our selves nothing less 
than the best of our govern resources for our collective futures and that 
includes those of us who are blind.

We owe ourselves collectively and in law and social contract a future that 
is second to none.

For those who think this is an extravagance let them look in the mirror of 
history for what that will yield us all, let alone those of us who are 

We must not make a singular mistake in this regard though, in my mind, and, 
again in historical context. We must not think that solely because a token 
is blind and in a capacity of power, like Patrick Cannon that we've 
accomplished our collective mission of accomplishment. In fact that is a 
denigration of values and competency alike. For tokens appreciate the 
minority nothing in and of themselves.

No competency is critical even in an affirmative action environment like 
that under Section 503.

Let me elaborate a bit.

Christine Boone is not a person before known to me that Would have preferred 
to head an agency for the blind. I in other words would have been 
pre-deposed against Christine in running MCB TC givne my background and 
knoledge about rehab, politics and advocacy generally and, especially seeing 
tthe falout of the misplaced and dubious "Ombig Report" on MCB TC in the 
early 200's.

Look everyone knows by now my conflicts with some NFB policies and positions 
to this date. I'm not exactly a shrinking violet on the matter and everyone 
from President Mark Maurer to ACB President Mithc Pomerantz to all sorts of 
public and private figures n the organized and not so organized blind 
movement can attest to that fact.

The point is not contention, or division in this or that regard but the 
point, once again of law, equity, and agreement.

Heresy you might say, but that is true and I've talked with Chris about this 

Well, that said on its face how must we judge things?

On performance I say and so does the law!

That is those darned things in the RSA monitoring year in and year out are 
supposed to be about. The are called performance standards and indicators. 
They are a sort of baseline of performance of rehab agencies like a report 
The totally unqualified fat Pat Cannon by any measure wishes to spin events 
like a magician to fit his notions of realities against those expressed in 
the real world by other measures but nonetheless realities persist against 
false claims, or more significantly, MCB's public relations spin on events, 
facts, actions and evenlawfully derived conditions.

Performance is not measured in these scenarios, but, rather only "blame" is 
proscribed in rather clinically, psypopathic terms. No, in the strange world 
of Patrick Cannon in his collapsing ego, under the weight of fact and 
disputation of his actions over years one sees a clinical model of a 
psychopathic, narcissicisic mentality..

But, what is important for us and for all of those who love the law there is 
redemption. For the RSA and the law values fact over fiction: performance 
over public relations "spin"; and truth over fiction as designed by law, 
performance by pre-determined measures; and by all sorts of actually 
scientifically fact based research that political hacks like Pat Cannon 
don't have a clue about.

Now, let us measure this Cannon's qualifications here for a moment.

He at once holds all college students accountable to ever increasing 
measures of intense scrutiny and performance and dances around and plays 
with positions and policies. He is often quoted in these regard and more 
with talking about the soft bigotry of low expectations when talking about 
responsibilities of MCB consumers including college students. His minions 
talk about uniform timelines in gross violation of the Rehabilitation Act 
while he, Patrick Cannon is now approaching retirement on the state 
taxpayer's role and, he has not achieved a Bachelor's Degree of even the 
most basic or "easy" manner in spite of all his political resources and 

no this political hack not only is not credentialed he is not qualified by 
any measure to run an agency like MCB by any objective or even, civil 
service measure.

He has no administrative background other than the political crap given him. 
He has no advanced or college level training. He has nothing to my knowledge 
even in the basic skill of blindness, I.e. Braille, orientation and 
mobility, and so on and so forth.

In full circle he has nothing to compare to Christine Boone in any category.

No she has her J.D. which, I admit I dojn't think qualifies one 
foradministering an agency for the blind in and of itself, but it sure in 
the heck shows us all that she is more competent by any measure and by 
qualification as a blind person to run not only MCB TC but also MCB over a 
Goebells like spin master who wouldn't know a dot 1 from a dot two.

Man, and let us look at tokens and affirmative action a minute here for MCB 
is required to have affirmative hiring practices in place under the Rehab 
Act, Section 5003.

That does go to qualified personnell by the way and not the affirmative 
action of hiring tokens like Cannon with no performance records and no 
credentials to slight the blind at every front in order to get a personal 
gain ... (Think here of the hypocrasy of the Mark Eagle affair, who in spite 
of his perported conflicts of intersts without any allegetatin let alone 
remittance of pecuniary gain and his open recusals when any conflict of 
interest in this close commuity was approached recused himself.

Yet, others with pecuniary stakes at the crap table of federally funded 
programs including salary and benefits including Cannon himself with a 
salary exceeding $118,000 and Constance Zanger not blind with a high sallary 
and so on and so forth acted to conflict the public inters to a point wher 
democracy in this program cannot be recognized and where it looks like a 
poorly Brailled image of those bad old "Tammany Hall" days to me.

Yet, this benighted hypocritite has never achieved a four year dcollege 
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Fred Wurtzel" <f.wurtzel at comcast.net>
To: "'NFB of Michigan Internet Mailing List'" <nfbmi-talk at nfbnet.org>
Sent: Thursday, June 24, 2010 5:48 PM
Subject: Re: [nfbmi-talk] The Last Minute Late Night College Policy

> Hi Elizabeth,
> As I understand, the dates are july 1 for Geri to post the revised policy.
> July 15 is the deadline for comments.  July 18 is the date for posting the
> revised revision.
> Now, regarding our response.  We adopted your draft with a few adjustments
> as NFBM policyl.  That stands.  We should discuss this at the board 
> meeting,
> tonight.I think most of our ideas were included in the meeting on Monday
> with the major exception of the time limit.  I was, at the time, and 
> remain
> opposed to the time limit, based primarily on Lydia's comments.  She is
> right on about how that limit excludes people with issues that limit or
> prevent them from completing college in a set length  of time.  Added to
> that, the colleges have limits as described by Virginia Marx on Monday.
> This should be left between the college, the student and their counselor 
> to
> work out.
> I have to go catch a ride, but call in tonight for a more detailed
> conversation.
> Warmest Regards,
> Fred
> -----Original Message-----
> From: nfbmi-talk-bounces at nfbnet.org [mailto:nfbmi-talk-bounces at nfbnet.org]
> On Behalf Of Elizabeth
> Sent: Thursday, June 24, 2010 1:12 PM
> To: nfbmi-talk at nfbnet.org
> Subject: [nfbmi-talk] The Last Minute Late Night College Policy
> Hello List,
> I know you may be getting tired of receiving all of my messages about the
> college policy, but with knowledge comes power, and with power, we can 
> stop
> the Michigan Commission for the Blind from adopting bad policies. In an
> email dated Thursday, June 10, 2010, Geri Taeckens said, "it will be
> important that we consider all input at the work group meeting," and "no 
> one
> document that is offered prior to the meeting will be taken in full."
> However, this is not what happened at the meeting.
> When we arrived to the meeting, we were asked if we wanted print, large
> print, or Braille documents. There was also a thumb drive available for
> those who wanted the documents in electronic format as well. I thought 
> these
> documents were either a copy of what was put up on the website or a copy 
> of
> the policy that was voted down at the March Michigan Commission for the
> Blind Board meeting. However, to everyone's surprise, it was neither one 
> of
> these documents, but rather a copy of a totally new policy that was 
> written
> by Geri Taeckens at the last minute the night before the meeting.
> Attached to this message, you will find a copy of the policy that was
> presented to us at the meeting on Monday. I know there are a few things 
> that
> were either changed or deleted, but I do not remember what they were 
> without
> referring to my notes. Geri Taeckens is going to polish up what was
> presented to us by incorporating all of our feedback and suggestions, and
> will be posting a copy of it on the Michigan Commission for the Blind
> website on July 1, 2010. People will then have until July 15, 2010 to
> provide feedback on the policy before a final draft is written and 
> presented
> to the Commission Board. She gave a date by which all of this needed to be
> completed by, but I cannot remember it at the moment. However, it was
> emphasized that the Commission Board "absolutely has to pass" this policy 
> at
> the next Commission Board meeting.
> I am honestly not quite sure what to do next as this issue has become a 
> lot
> more complicated than I ever imagined, and it appears as though most of 
> what
> I have to say or anything I write is automatically discounted without much
> consideration. I have already revised one of their poorly written 
> policies,
> and I would rather not do it again. If any ideas on what we should do next
> would greatly be appreciated.
> Elizabeth
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