[nfbmi-talk] Fw: [Blindattic] Rigel Technology July/Aug. On-Line training!

Fred Olver goodfolks at charter.net
Mon Jun 28 16:56:27 UTC 2010

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Connie Leblond" <cleblond at cwnet.com>
To: "blind attic" <blindattic at blindtreasures.com>
Sent: Monday, June 28, 2010 12:50 PM
Subject: [Blindattic] Rigel Technology July/Aug. On-Line training!

Hi, Everyone,

Rigel Technology has planned some interesting on-line seminars to keep you 
learning through the summer.  We hope that you enjoy attending as much as we 
enjoy presenting them.

1.      Windows Live.  Outlook Express is long gone.  After Windows XP, it 

Windows Mail.  Now, Windows Mail has been replaced with Windows Live.  This 
is a

suite of applications that includes Windows Live Mail, Windows Live Writer, 

Live Family Safety, Windows Live Toolbar, and much more.  Attend this 
seminar to

find out how to use these great tools.

DATE:  Tuesday, July 13, 2010

TIME:  2 to 4 PM PST

2.      Accessible PDF creation.  Just when you thought you knew how to 
conquer the

PDF format, Adobe changed the rules.  In one of the most ironic twists of 
fate, Adobe

recently released documentation on creating accessible PDF files.  The 

This document was inaccessible.  Our class will review the several new PDF 

tools available, and how to create accessible PDF files with them.  Also, 
how to

set up Acrobat reader for maximum screen reader friendliness, and what to do 

you get a PDF file you cannot read.

DATE:  Tues. July 27, 2010

TIME:  2 to 4 PM PST

3.      IE 8.  Surf the web more effectively and use more of the powerful 

of the latest Microsoft Browser.  Learn about accelerators, advanced 
security features,

tabbed browsing, and customizing Internet Explorer for the way you surf.

DATE:  Thurs. August 12, 2010

TIME:  2 to 4 PM

4.      NVDA free screen reader.  Free screen readers have generally been 

Ineffective and rarely lived up to expectation.  Not so with NVDA.  This 
little gem features support for nearly all

Windows applications, including Adobe Acrobat, Mozilla Firefox, Thunderbird, 

many more.  It can be installed directly to a PC, or run from a USB drive. 

and configuration can be a bit of a problem, but that is what this seminar 
is all

about.  Learn how to use and install NVDA, and this may be the last effort 
you ever

have to expend for screen reader accessibility.

DATE:  Tues. Aug. 23, 2010

2 to 4 PM PST.

Please Note:  all Rigel seminars are available as downloads from our 
website.  Check

out previous titles at


.  Also note, time is nearly at an end to register for the summer Microsoft 

Advanced Skills class.  Fall classes begin September 13

th.  Phone 888-723-5011, ext 1 to register.

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