[nfbmi-talk] working together for common agendas

joe harcz Comcast joeharcz at comcast.net
Wed May 5 22:38:32 UTC 2010

This is from ADAPT another organization I'm a member of but I wish to note that both NFB and ACB have signed on to this worthy agenda and it is worthy, in my opinion to work for full scale implementation of the ADA here in Michigan for that matter is it is about to turn 20 years old.

Peace with Justice for All

ADAPT is a member of the steering committee for the Justice for All
Action Network which developed a shared policy agenda that includes
ending the institutional bias by passing the Community Choice Act and
enforcing the Olmstead decision.  This was our first effort to develop a
cross-disability agenda established by national, disability-led
organizations, and the network is now working to get organizations and
individuals to sign on as supporters of this Campaign.  Please consider
having the organizations you are a part of sign on to this agenda and
get involved with this campaign.  To sign on as an organization, email
the network at:
jfaan at aapd.com.
Individuals can sign on at:
http://www.jfaan.aapd.com/spirit-of-the-ada> .
Thank you.


Spirit of the ADA Campaign Agenda

In recognition of the upcoming 20th anniversary of the signing of the
landmark Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), the cross-disability
community is working together to realize the promise of the ADA by
advancing a policy agenda that will safeguard human rights and respect
human dignity, enhance self-determination, and make technology work for
everyone.  This agenda was developed by the Justice for All Action
Network (JFAAN), a coalition led by 13 national organizations run by
people with disabilities with identifiable grassroots constituencies
around the country.  The steering committee of JFAAN includes ADAPT, the
American Association of People with Disabilities, the American Council
of the Blind, the Autistic Self Advocacy Network, the Hearing Loss
Association of America, Little People of America, the National
Association of the Deaf, the National Coalition of Mental Health
Consumer Survivor Organizations, the National Council on Independent
Living, the National Federation of the Blind, Not Dead Yet, Self
Advocates Becoming Empowered, and the United Spinal Association.

I.  Safeguard Human Rights and Respect Human Dignity

A.  Pass a national health care reform bill that eliminates preexisting
condition exclusions, addresses the institutional bias in the Medicaid
program by passing the Community First Choice Option, does not limit or
deny services based on disability or "quality of life" judgments, and
includes a benefits package that contains coverage for habilitative and
rehabilitative services, durable medical equipment and assistive
technology devices and services so that people with disabilities can
participate fully in the lives of their communities.

B.  Pass the Hearing Aid Tax Credit Bill (HR 1646/S 1019) and ensure
that any health care reform bill includes a benefits package that
contains coverage for hearing aids and related services for children and
adults, and pass the Early Hearing Detection and Intervention Act (HR
1246) to amend the Public Health Service Act regarding early detection,
diagnosis, and treatment of hearing loss.

C. End the institutional bias in Medicaid by passing the Community
Choice Act (S 683/HR 1670) and working with the Obama Administration to
enforce the Olmstead v. L.C. Supreme Court decision by directing the
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services and the U.S. Department of
Justice to use monitoring, administrative sanctions and litigation, as
needed, to hold States accountable for ensuring people can choose to
receive services in the most integrated setting.

D.  Pass the Preventing Harmful Restraint and Seclusion in Schools Act
(H.R. 4247/S. 2860) aimed at eliminating the use of aversives, seclusion
and restraints in schools, including strong, comprehensive national
standards, an effective enforcement mechanism and the involvement of the
self-advocacy community in technical assistance.

E.  Phase out (and ultimately eliminate) Section 14(c) of the Fair Labor
Standards Act, which permits the payment of subminimum wage to workers
with disabilities, and implement a multifaceted approach to achieve the
goal of creating new competitive employment opportunities for workers
earning subminimum wage.  The phase out should prioritize creating new
competitive employment opportunities for youth transitioning from
school, and should include incentives for employers and community
rehabilitation programs; expanding customized, supported, and
self-employment, paid community service, job restructuring and other
flex arrangements.  Implementation of this policy shift must occur over
time, with the shortest timeframe possible without diminishing
employment opportunities for the 424,000 workers currently earning
subminimum wage and those waiting for employment services.

F.  Create a bipartisan Congressional Task Force on Human Genetic
Technologies and Disability Rights.

II.  Enhance Self-Determination

A. Amend the Developmental Disabilities Assistance and Bill of Rights
Act to establish and fund self advocate-led peer support and advocacy
organizations in every state.

B. Engage with the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services
Administration (SAMHSA) to ensure that at least 20% of a state's Mental
Health Block Grant money will be devoted to the developing and
sustaining of consumer-run statewide organizations which ensure the
voice of consumers in state mental health planning and policy

C.  Engage with Secretaries Sebelius, Shinseki, and Duncan, and
Commissioner Astrue to ensure that advisory groups to the following
agencies be required to include at least two persons with disabilities
from each of the major disability areas as the authentic, national voice
of people with disabilities: SAMHSA, Social Security Administration,
Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, National Institute of Mental
Health, U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, U.S. Department of Health
and Human Services, and the National Institute on Disability and
Rehabilitation Research at the U.S. Department of Education.

D.  Reauthorize the Workforce Investment Act with changes including
provisions improving employment services for underserved populations,
such as adults on the autism spectrum and people with chemical and
electrical sensitivities, and that further embraces consumer control
over our lives and consumer control over our programs and services.

III.  Make Technology Work for Everyone

A. Pass the Pedestrian Safety Enhancement Act of 2009 (HR 734/S. 841).

B.  Pass the 21st Century Communications and Video Accessibility Act (HR

C.  Protect and enforce accessibility requirements in the Help America
Vote Act so that every American can vote privately and independently and
so that poll workers have the training they need to implement this
important law.

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