[nfbmi-talk] open memo

joe harcz Comcast joeharcz at comcast.net
Fri May 7 14:12:37 UTC 2010

Yes, thank you and we all need facts about activities of MCB including 
financial and procedural issues which are required by various laws.

The utter stonewalling about this is a violation of several laws in and of 
itself, but more importantly indicates that they (MCB) have a whole lot to 
hide about their actions over the years. And those actions are on there face 
clearly discriminatory and again violate several laws. They were directed by 
the Director of MCB too.

The head of the entity is responsible and in fact the Eagle v. Cannon, et al 
case alone points to that issue alone.

Now MCB wishes to not have the public domain notice of this suit on its list 
serve? That is more than goofy. It is a violation of the First Amendment by 
a state actor.

I'm certain that Cannon and Pilarski and other in MCB know about this case 
as they have been served.
They just don't want anyone else to know about it, including MMCB employees 
and interested third parties on that list.

Regardless, any one who can do a simple google search can get the filing of 
this case with the Western District Court of the Michigan.

Of course, they, or rather Cannon doesn't wish for blind folks to read or 
distribute news stories if they are critical of MCB, or anything else.

And MCB's idea of annual reports which are on its own web site are simply an 
elaborate press release with a few blind folks trotted out like the 
exploited "Jerry's Kids" as examples of success stories. We all know that 
any grievances on the other hand or even inquires are slapped down in a 
variety of manners. After all they wouldn't look good.

This also goes to ADA compliance. I know it is bloody embarrassing to point 
out that Michigan's ADA Coordinator, the Director of MCB, and the former 
Chair of the United States Access Board which actually developed 
specifications for things like raised character and Braille signage, etc. 
has over time routinely violated the ADA in documented fashion. Yet, those 
are the facts, documented facts. The approach at first is denial. Then it 
goes to retaliation. Then Cannon goes to mass cover up.

And all the while again they using the purse of the state and federal monies 
spin, or try to spin events and actions with bogus press releases and annual 

Anyway Dave I'm delighted that you are online now and that you've got your 
e-mail issues taken care of.

Keep the faith my brother.


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "David Robinson" <drob1946 at gmail.com>
To: "'NFB of Michigan Internet Mailing List'" <nfbmi-talk at nfbnet.org>
Sent: Friday, May 07, 2010 9:51 AM
Subject: Re: [nfbmi-talk] open memo

> Joe,
>   I applaud your comments and agree totally.  Many  of us are out there 
> and
> working to achieve a better life for blind persons and I, as many, believe
> tht Pat Cannon is the greatest barrier for blind people to achieve this
> success. No major changes will be made unless names are named and public
> officials are held accountable for the damage they have done to all of us.
>  We need to information you send out and we all need the motivation which
> comes with that information.  Keep us informed and lets all push each 
> other
> to reach our goals for blind people in Michigan.
> David Robinson
> -----Original Message-----
> From: nfbmi-talk-bounces at nfbnet.org [mailto:nfbmi-talk-bounces at nfbnet.org]
> On Behalf Of joe harcz Comcast
> Sent: Friday, May 07, 2010 8:37 AM
> To: nfbmi-talk at nfbnet.org
> Subject: [nfbmi-talk] open memo
> Speaking only for myself I wish for no one to leave this list. Nor, do I
> wish for any communication to be squelched whatsoever. Nor, do I now or
> ever, have denigrated anyone working on the college policy issue, except
> perhaps those staff of MCB who wish to ram illegal policies down our
> collective throats.
> In fact I wish for the contrary. I wish for more information, from a 
> variety
> of members on a variety of issues. I wish for more voices of activism and
> involvement.
> These are very troubled and troubling times facing Michiganders who are
> blind, and indeed all with disabilities.
> Frankly, from my investigations and those of others MCB is not the only
> agency purportedly serving people with disabilities out of control in this
> state. It just appears to be the most out of control.
> My efforts and those of others are not to destroy it. That, sadly is 
> already
> being done. Rather we are trying individually and collectively to reform 
> and
> rebuild this truly valuable agency with the services that could result in
> freedom for people who are blind as the outcome.
> Now, on the issue of an unnamed person per her request I have always and I
> repeat always respected the earnest involvement in the college policy 
> arena.
> I've state as much on this very list.
> Again, I am the last person to wish for the freedoms of expression to be
> squelched. That goes for people with whom I disagree.
> Let me tell one and all though that MCB itself as a state agency has and
> still does trample upon First Amendment rights. I will send a couple of
> notices to this list from the MCB 2020 list to illustrate that fact. As a
> state actor this is both inexcusable and legally actionable.
> Moreover, this is not the first time. At the very last meeting Chair
> Pilarski tried to select the content, or rather, dictate the content by
> topic of the public speaking sessions. This is a violation of the "prior
> restraint doctrine" in many U.S. Supreme Court cases and implicit in the
> Open Meetings Act. Moreover, contrary to the draft meeting minutes she
> gaveled down a speaker for mentioning Director Cannon by name. How utterly
> ludicrous is that? I mean that is his name and he is after all a highly 
> paid
> public official.
> My sighted brother came to that meeting as he was picking me up after his
> work. He said, "I've seen better run and more open bowling team meetings.
> And we're usually pretty drunk at those."
> All of this goes to the issues of control, paternalism and what NFB has
> defined rightfully as "custodialism". In other words this agency seems to
> think that rather than being partners, collaborators, and just plain 
> people
> with common purpose and goals, that rather they own us.
> It is true that organizationally and by law MCB would not exist without 
> us.
> This is something frankly that they collectively have lost sight of. But,
> they don't own us.
> Now, this all said there are many competent and good professionals in MCB. 
> I
> have come to respect and even love many of them, especially those directly
> engage in rehabilitation at the Training Center, but not exclusive of 
> them.
> Now, I fight, and I do use the word "fight" here not only for stakeholders
> and consumers, but also these goodly professionals. In fact I wish for 
> them
> to not be intimidated and otherwise kept from doing their valuable jobs.
> Finally, I sure in the heck do not wish for qualified personnel like
> Christine boone to be fired for doing their jobs and as a cover up by the
> powers that be for gross malfeasance.
> Again, let your voices be heard. All of your voices!
> Sincerely,
> Joe Harcz
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